
  • 网络exhibition marketing;Event Marketing
  1. 其次,分析国内外会展营销实践的现状。

    Secondly , the author analyses present status of Convention & Exhibition marketing practice .

  2. 与第三产业中一般行业的营销活动相比,会展营销的主体和对象更加广泛,内容更加复杂。

    Compared to the marketing activities of general industry of the tertiary industry , the Convention & Exhibition marketing has broader target and more complex content .

  3. 在总结前人分析和研究的基础上。构建出澳门会展营销发展模式,提出澳门会展发展的对策措施。

    Summing up their predecessors and analysis on the basis construction of the Macao MICE industry marketing mode of development , put forward the development of the Macao MICE countermeasures .

  4. 论会展旅游的营销策略

    Marketing Tactics of MICE

  5. 文章中还论述了民营会展公司围绕着营销战略定位如何进行有效的市场细分及定位,品牌建设,渠道建设,以及以客户关系管理为中心确定有效的差异化服务策略。

    This essay also discusses privately managed exhibition companies how to do market location , to set up their own brand and mediums of market and formulate the strategy of different service focusing CRM .

  6. 企业参加会展能促进销售与扩大企业知名度,开展会展营销是企业开拓市场的好方法。

    Exhibition marketing is a good way to develop markets .

  7. 为此,应加速会展业市场化、加速会展业的资本化、加速会展营销的系统化,等等。

    Therefore , measures must be taken to strengthen the market regulation , capital orientation and systematic marketing of exhibition industry in Guangdong .

  8. 为了举办这次车展,科博会展中心被改造成了布置有各种艳丽展品和流行会展营销品的宽敞大厅,这些展品的显著特点是,它们代表了汽车工业的最新趋势。

    For the event , the Center has been transformed into an expanse of flashy displays and trendy marketing displays , featuring the latest in automotive engineering .