
huì yì zì
  • associative compound characters;ideogram;ideographic character
  1. 会意字组合方式及其生成机制分析

    Mode of Combination of the Understanding Word and Producing Mechanism Analysis

  2. 同符会意字初探

    The Elementary Research on the Meaning - joint Character of Same Symbols

  3. 会意字的结构体现出具象性、整体性、平衡性的文化特点。

    The structures of characters with associate compounds mirror the cultural characteristics of graphic quality , wholeness , and equilibrium .

  4. 但对此种类型汉字的研究,特别是隶楷阶段新造的会意字,还没有引起足够的重视。

    But the study on this type characters especially about Li-Kai associative compounds characters can 't arouse our adequate appreciate .

  5. 汉民族文化在会意字中的衍射论会意字的结构及文化内涵

    The Diffraction of National Culture through Associative Compounds On Structures of Chinese Characters with Associative Compounds and their Cultural Connotations

  6. 会意字在构形过程中都有其一定的字素选取原则。

    All there are its certain words to usually choose the principle in the course of topography in the understanding word .

  7. 教学设计主要运用了汉字部件教学法,讲授了汉字的结构、汉字部件、独体字与合体字,其中重点介绍了表义部件、形声字与会意字。

    This design mainly uses the didactics of Chinese character parts to introduce the structures and parts of Chinese character , single characters and compound characters .

  8. 前代学者,特别是清代学者,对《说文》会意字中的亦声字已有认识,但未能予以全面揭示。

    Scholars of previous dynasties , especially the Qing Dynasty , failed to reveal all the Yi-sheng characters of associative compound in spite of acquiring some knowledge about them .

  9. 第三章是会意字理据变化,本章就会意字理据变化情况及发展趋势、历史地位作了分析。

    Thirdly , Chapter Associative compounds rational changes in this chapter , the rationale would be the word meaning and rationale for changes in trends , historical position is analyzed .

  10. 汉民族的意象性维方式、体验性思维方式、整体性思维方式和传统文化观念对会意字构形在深层次的生成机制方面都产生了一定的作用。

    The national image of Chinese links the way , person who experience mode of thinking , globality mode of thinking and traditional culture idea produce certain function to understanding word topography in profound formulation mechanism .

  11. 第五章是结论和启示,在概括前文内容的基础上初步总结出早期文字中会意字产生发展的一些共同规律和不同特点,并分享在论文写作过程中所得到的一些启示。

    The fifth chapter is the conclusion and enlightenment . This chapter summarizes some common laws and different characters of the early stage associative compounds on its origination and development based on generalizing the content of the whole paper .

  12. 会意字的组合理据主要分析在两个方面,一是构件空间位置关系的组合,二是语言词法关系的逻辑组合,主要有动宾关系、主谓关系、偏正关系等。

    Associative compounds group analysis and reasonable according to the main two aspects of the combination of component spatial relations , the second side is the logical relationship between language lexical combination main verb-object , subject-predicate relations , subordinate relationships .

  13. 本文否定六书是六种造字法和四种造字法与两种用字法的观点,认为六书的本义是指六种汉字:象形字、指事字、会意字、形声字、转注字和假借字。

    Instead of deeming that they were six or four kinds of word formation and two word using ways , the paper indicates that the six scripts refer to six categories of Chinese Characters : pictograph , self explanatory , associative compounds , phonogram , mutually explanatory and phonetic characters .