
cì zì
  • tattoo
  • tattoo, brand a convict on the face or arm
刺字 [cì zì]
  • [tattoo characters on the skin] 用针在皮肤上刻文字,并涂上颜色,使字迹明显,古时是一种肉刑

  1. 文身,指在人体上刻画刺字。

    Tattoo refers to carving designs and words on the body .

  2. 其次,美元的下跌如今也对非石油因素的贸易刺字产生了影响,这就有力的说明长期衰落的言论是错的。

    A second is that the dollar 's decline is now having an effect on the non-oil element of the trade deficit , and thus is steadily weakening one of the long-term bearish arguments .

  3. 用不用我在胸口刺上字?

    Do I need to stitch a letter on my tops ?