
cì jī
  • stimulate;irritate;excite;inducement;incentive;encourage;fuel;impulse;provoke;provocation;impetus
刺激 [cì jī]
  • (1) [stimulate;excite]∶外界事物作用于生物体,使事物起积极变化

  • 刺激生产

  • 刺激神经

  • (2) [provoke;irritate]∶使精神受到某种影响

刺激[cì jī]
  1. 以微弱负电流刺激疼得最厉害的部位。

    Stimulate the site of greatest pain with a small negative current .

  2. 她对在这些地区刺激投资是否可行表示怀疑。

    She questioned whether it was feasible to stimulate investment in these regions

  3. 他们偷这辆汽车只是为了寻求刺激。

    They stole the car just for the hell of it .

  4. 用音乐和灯光刺激购物者买更多的东西。

    Music and lighting are used to encourage shoppers to buy more .

  5. 有些药物会刺激胃内壁。

    Some drugs can irritate the lining of the stomach .

  6. 这部影片的汽车追逐场面非常刺激。

    The movie has a car chase to end all car chases .

  7. 跳伞给你一生难求的刺激感觉。

    Parachuting will give you the rush of a lifetime .

  8. 使用对皮肤刺激性不强的肥皂。

    Use a soap that is mild on the skin .

  9. 色情照片对男女都有刺激作用。

    Both men and women are stimulated by erotic photos .

  10. 这些广告把吸烟描绘得充满刺激和富有吸引力。

    The advertisements depict smoking as glamorous and attractive .

  11. 那可望是兴奋刺激的几天。

    It promises to be an exciting few days .

  12. 降低利率给房屋市场带来利好刺激。

    A drop in interest rates gave a welcome fillip to the housing market .

  13. 工资提高刺激通货膨胀。

    Higher salaries helped to fuel inflation .

  14. 你以什么来寻求刺激呢?

    What do you do for kicks ?

  15. 泪水刺激了她的双眼。

    Tears pricked her eyes .

  16. 熊非常好奇,必须不断地给予其智力上的刺激。

    Bears are very inquisitive and must be kept mentally stimulated .

  17. 政府明年可能会采取通货复胀来刺激经济。

    The administration may try to reflate the economy next year .

  18. 冷水澡可以刺激身体,促进血液循环。

    A cool shower wakes up the body and boosts circulation .

  19. 这个故事就像一辆失控的高速列车,读起来惊险刺激。

    The narrative pulls you along like a runaway train .

  20. 皮肤很容易受到刺激、发生皴裂、擦得红肿和出现过敏。

    Skin is easily irritated , chapped , chafed , and sensitized .

  21. 这次旅行是他们人生中最刺激的冒险经历。

    This voyage was the most exciting adventure of their lives

  22. 用刺激性不强的肥皂和热水把脸彻底洗干净。

    Wash your face thoroughly with a mild soap and warm water .

  23. 这款游戏有各种挑战、刺激和奖赏。

    This game had its challenges , excitements and rewards .

  24. 但旅游业具有两面性,既刺激经济增长但又会破坏环境。

    But tourism is double-edged , boosting the economy but damaging the environment

  25. 圣彼得堡的夜生活比首都的更刺激。

    St Peters-burg 's night life ranks as more exciting than the capital 's

  26. 美国的首要任务自然是刺激经济。

    America 's priority is rightly to stimulate its economy

  27. 切辣椒时要戴橡胶手套,因为辣椒会刺激皮肤。

    Wear rubber gloves while chopping chillies as they can irritate the skin .

  28. 燃烧的金属的味道刺激着他的嗅觉。

    The scent of burning metal assailed his nostrils .

  29. 我们将通过刺激经济让人们实现就业。

    By stimulating the economy , we 're going to put people to work

  30. 首相发表了一些刺激本地区贸易的想法。

    The prime minister aired some ideas about pepping up trade in the region