
  • 网络manipulated variable;MVs
  1. 本文提出基于系统稳态模型的模型自适应MPC策略,利用稳态模型在不同操作点上被控变量对操纵变量及扰动变量的相对变化率的变化,来刷新RMPCT控制器中各通道的模型增益。

    The Model Adaptive Strategy for Multivariable Model Predictive Control based on system steady model is proposed , by the relative gain variation of controlled variables to manipulated variables and disturbance variables based on the system steady model , the channel 's gain of transfer functions are modified .

  2. 因此,如何衡量变量之间的耦合作用强弱,并依据耦合作用分析对操纵变量和被控变量进行配对,是多变量系统控制器设计的重要步骤。

    Therefore , how to measure the interactions among variables and pair the manipulated variables with output variables based on the interaction analysis has become an important task in designing controllers for multivariable systems .

  3. 鲁棒多变量预估控制器操纵变量有一定的限制,不能超出范围。

    The operating variables have certain limitations and should not exceed these limits .

  4. 本研究涉及三个变量:依恋(原因变量)、情绪(可操纵变量)、人际信任(结果变量)。

    This research involves three variables : the attachment ( causal variable ), the emotion ( handled variable ), the interpersonal trust ( outcomevariable ) .

  5. 该广义最小方差控制器可考虑过程变量的硬约束,同时相对于最小方差控制器又可以对操纵变量进行软约束。

    The generalized minimum variance controller can account for hard constraint on process variables , and it can account for soft constraint compared with minimum variance controller .

  6. 增加测点等,为实施先进控制打好基础。设计反应再生部分鲁棒多变量预估控制器,首先确定控制目标,再确定操纵变量、被控变量和干扰变量。

    As for the design of robust multivariable predicting controller for reaction regeneration system , the control targets must be determined prior to operating variables , controlled variables and disturbance variables .

  7. 这样,把受控变量、操纵变量在同一个矩阵中描述出来,利于应用最优控制原理求解出优化的操作路径。

    In this way , the controlled variables and operating variables can be described in the same matrix , using the optimal operating path solved by the principle of optimal control .

  8. 从控制角度分析过程系统控制方块图,得出摆脱以往开车过程的手动操作的局限性,必须确定控制器预先设定的控制规律,即操纵变量变化轨迹,以及过程受控变量的轨迹。

    From the view of analyzing process system control block diagram , in order to escape from the limitation of previous manual operation of start-up process , the controlling regulation of the controller previous made is fixed , consisting of the tract of the operating variables and process controlled variables .

  9. 该标签允许模板声明和使用一个全局变量,使用XPath的全部能力来在任何时候操纵该变量。

    This tag lets a template declare and use a global variable , using the full power of XPath to manipulate that variable at any point .

  10. 通过操纵哑变量的引入,进一步证明了这些股票表现出来的较高收益率是操纵而非基本面改善的结果。

    This is further proved that the more return is apparently generated by price manipulation rather than the corporation real value through the dumb variable analysis .

  11. 操纵视听通道变量对幼儿内隐和外显两种记忆任务的成绩进行研究,可以为探求内隐记忆理论解释提供实证依据。

    The implicit and explicit memory tasks were investigated by manipulating the modality variable to supply the empirical support for the implicit memory theory .

  12. 为了探讨内隐记忆的特点和规律,研究者通过操纵各种实验变量,并考察这些变量在内隐和外显记忆之间是否出现实验性分离。

    In order to explore the law of implicit memory , research workers manipulate all kinds of experimental variables and observe whether experimental dissociation between implicit and explicit memory appears under the influence of these variables .

  13. 所以,教师在教学中要始终保持良好的主导情绪,操纵好各种教学变量。如教师的情绪、语言、教学手段、师生情感的沟通等等。

    Henceforth , the teacher shall remain in high spirit and keep every teaching variables under control , such as emotion , language , teaching approach and affective communicating with students , etc.