
shōu yì biǎo
  • income statement;earnings statement
  1. 通过创建社会收益表来反映企业的社会收益状况,以提高企业的社会收益。

    This paper try to establish the social earnings statement to reflect the enterprises ' social earnings for the purpose of increasing the enterprises ' social earnings .

  2. 从Twitter的收益表中可以看到,它过去一年在研发方面的总投入将近2.5亿美元。

    In all , twitter says on its income statement it has spent close to a quarter of a billion dollars on R & D in the past year .

  3. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)就银行资产收支平衡表和收益表,征收新税的提议,旨在避免未来再出现大规模政府援助。

    The IMF proposed a scheme for co-ordinated global taxes on banks'balance-sheets and profits to help pay for the cost of bail-outs .

  4. 现行利润表随着社会经济的发展越来越不适应经济发展的需要,但冒然采纳FASB的全面收益表又困难重重,改革陷入两难境地。

    With the development of society and economics , the present profit statement does not meet the need for usage increasingly , but taking abruptly the composite income of FASB encounters difficulties .

  5. 我是说会在收益表的右边吗?

    I mean on the right-hand side of the income statement ?

  6. 收益表能反映企业的获利能力。

    An income statement can indicate the profitability of the business .

  7. 在收益表中确认汇兑损益;

    Recognition of exchange gains and losses in the income statement ;

  8. 此外,他还起草了一份产品成本及收益表。

    He 's also drawn up cost and profit charts .

  9. 多步式收益表的编制涉及到一系列的步骤。

    The preparation of a multi-step income statement involves a series of steps .

  10. 收益表趋向反映全面收益;

    Reflecting the overall earning by income statement ;

  11. 收益表表示的是企业在某一会计期间的经营成果。

    An income statement shows the results of business operations over an accounting period .

  12. 资产负债表和收益表都受成本原则的影响。

    Both the balance sheet and the income statement are affected by cost principle .

  13. 随着经济发展,收益表在企业报表中占据的地位越来越重要。

    With the development of economy , income statement is becoming more and more important .

  14. 根据账户余额编制收益表和资产负债表。

    Preparing income statement and balance sheet based on the balance in the ledger account .

  15. 投资者,管理者以及主要的债权人都渴望看到可能获得的最新收益表。

    Investors , managers and major creditors are anxious to see the latest available income statement .

  16. 独资企业和合伙企业编制业主权益表,而不是留存收益表。

    Single proprietorships and partnerships prepare the statement of owners'equity rather than the statement of retained earnings .

  17. 财务报告体系的完善主要包括自愿披露系统性分析报告、全面收益表和增值表。

    Perfection of financial report system incorporates voluntary disclosure report , overall income statement and added-value report .

  18. 我国的收益表在时代的潮流中经历了几番考验,但是,在进入新经济时代后也面临着改革。

    The Income Statement hi our country has been existed for decades , now is also facing changes .

  19. 你还负责整理收益表、亏损表、每个月结算以及成本计算报告。

    You 're also responsible for preparing profit and loss statements and monthly closing and cost accounting reports .

  20. 留存收益表解释企业的所有者权益在某些方面的变化。

    A statement of retained earnings explains certain changes in the amount of the owners'equity in the business .

  21. 留存收益表(会计学)留存收益:收益和利润产生的所有者权益的增长。

    Retained income ( retained earnings , reinvested earnings ): Additional owners ' equity generated by income or profits .

  22. 服务性公司的收益表主要由服务收入和经营费用构成。

    The major categories of an income statement for a service company are the service revenue and the operating expenses .

  23. 基于此理论而编制的全面收益表,被西方发达国家作为第四张报表展现在人们面前。

    The comprehensive income statement based on this theory is accepted as the fourth financial statement in the western countries .

  24. 任何已从收益表减去的非流动项目的注销或摊销,都必须加净收益。

    Any write-offs or amortization of noncurrent items deducted on the income statement must be added back to net income .

  25. 在顾客提供的无形产品(如为准备税款申报书所需的收益表)上所完成的活动;

    An activity performed on a customer-supplied intangible product ( e.g. the income statement needed to prepare a tax return );

  26. 二是增设了全面收益表、社会责任报表、物价变动报表和预测性报表等相关补充报表。

    Adding the relevant supplementary statement such as the overall income statement , social responsibility statement , price changeable statement and prediction statement .

  27. 此外,针对扩展的收益表提出了自己的看法,并举例进行了说明。

    In addition , proposed in view of the expansion income table own view , and gave an example to carry on showing .

  28. 从目前世界各国的财务报告改进趋势来看,各国会计准则制定机构主要着手进行以收益表为代表的传统业绩报告的改革。

    From the improvement trend of financial report in the world , standard - setting boards began to improve the traditional financial performance report .

  29. 在总分类账中,账户的排序最好与资产负债表和收益表的排序一样。

    In the general ledger , it is desirable to have the accounts in the same sequence as in the balance sheet and income statement .

  30. 这些修改使得银行在使用模型评估非流动资方面用有更大的自由,同时使得它们确认收益表中长期资产损失时更为灵活。

    These gave banks more freedom to use models to value illiquid assets and more flexibility in recognizing losses on long-term assets in their income statements .