
  • 网络Income level;Earnings;levels of returns;income gain
  1. 该模型的方程为:dt,在该模型中,提出了预期收入效应和资本成本效应两个概念来解释金融资产在经济周期各阶段的收益水平。

    The model equation : dt , in the model , concepts " expected income effect " and " capital cost-effective " to explain the earnings level of financial assets in various stages of the economic cycle earnings level .

  2. 换言之,目前中国的收益水平很高,可能无法持续。

    In other words , the current level of Chinese earnings is high and probably unsustainable .

  3. 接下来分析了在供应商管理库存(VMI)模式下,装配商如何根据自身利益最大化原则调整利润共享因子和风险共担因子,在提高自身收益水平的同时改进整条供应链的效益。

    Then analyzed in the vendor-managed inventory ( VM1 ) mode , how the assembler adjust the profit-sharing elements and risk-sharing elements according to the principle of profit maximize , raising the level of profit of their own and entire supply chain .

  4. 贵州公司收益水平最高。

    The gains of listed companies in Guizhou are the highest .

  5. 银行赢利减少,收益水平降低。

    ( 3 ) bank profit and income decrease .

  6. 收费决策受收益水平、客户敏感度、自身规模等多种因素影响;

    Decision to charge is influenced by profitability , customer sensitivity and bank size ;

  7. 低收益水平、高潜力型企业:高收益水平、低潜力型企业。

    Low income , high potential enterprise ; high income , low potential enterprise .

  8. 低收益水平、低潜力型企业;

    Low income , low potential enterprise ;

  9. 在此背景下,建筑施工企业深受其害,收益水平持续下滑,资金周转链时时中断,处于非常窘困的境地。

    On this background , construction enterprises suffer a lot during the process of operation .

  10. 企业所得税是国家调节企业收益水平的一个关键性税种。

    The enterprise income tax is a crucial one which country adjusts an enterprise income level .

  11. 上市公司的收益水平和收益质量是其利益相关者十分关注的重要决策有用信息。

    Income level and quality of the listed company are essential factors for decision making to all interest-related parties .

  12. 研究结果表明:(1)控制权收益水平与资本配置规模显著正相关;

    The conclusions are : ( 1 ) Control benefit is significantly positive with the scale of capital allocation ;

  13. 该模型把风险的测度纳入评价指标,通过计算单位风险的收益水平,在兼顾收益和风险的同时,保证了所选项目的正确性。

    In this model , the validity of project decision is largely guaranteed by calculating revenue level of per risk .

  14. 按照不同的收益水平,将先导区闲置土地潜力分为4个等级,可根据不同等级采取相应的管理利用措施。

    According to different income levels , Potential of the pilot area of idle land is divided into four grades .

  15. 按年率计算(仅考虑股价变化),家得宝公司也以9.7%的收益水平远超标准普尔500指数的4.3%。

    On an annualized basis ( share-price change only ) Home Depot stock clocks the SP , 9.7 % to 4.3 % .

  16. 然而,随着经济体制转型进程的深化,养老基金面对的风险也日益凸现,并且投资收益水平低下。

    However , the investment risks of pension fund are also becoming distinct and multiform as the process of economy system reform .

  17. 控制权收益水平越高,则增加等量控制权收益所需的资本配置规模就越大;

    The higher the control benefit is , the more capital it will be used to obtain a same level of benefit ;

  18. 但从总体上来看,股权分置改革还是能够很有效地提高上市公司的资本收益水平。

    But in the general point of view , the reform was able to effectively raise the capital gains of listed companies .

  19. 跨行业、跨地区经营的集团企业在不同行业地区的风险收益水平差异很大,合并报表难以反映。

    Group enterprises have different risks and earnings in different industries and areas , but a consolidated financial statement cannot fairly present them .

  20. 未来寿险业竞争的焦点是偿付能力的强弱,而对寿险公司的偿付能力起决定作用的则是其投资业务的管理能力和收益水平。

    The future competition focus on life insurance industry is solvency , which depends on company 's investment management level and earning ability .

  21. 对样本股票进行相应处理后,计算得到进行研究的指标数据。这些指标可用以衡量上市公司的现金股利支付水平和股票股利支付水平,以及投资者的收益水平。

    These indicators can be used to measure cash dividends , stock dividend payments as well as the level of return of investors .

  22. 债券市场像是通缩性衰退的先兆,若欧洲遭此横祸,无疑收益水平将会承压。

    If Europe suffers from the kind of deflationary slump that bond markets seem to be presaging , then profits would undoubtedly come under pressure .

  23. 在市场分化的条件下,收益水平低的市场会遭受信贷配给;

    If different parts of the whole markets are not integrated , the credit in the part with low capital return ratio will be rationed .

  24. 最后,如果净现值小于零,该项目应放弃,因为其收益水平低于要求的收益率。

    Finally , if NPV is less than zero , the project should be rejected because it earns less than the required rate of return .

  25. 然后,在考虑其交易费用的前提下,利用L-R型模糊数的概念来刻画我国养老保险基金的投资收益水平。

    Hence , the concept of LR-type fuzzy numbers is adopted to characterize the return level of the fund with its transaction cost in consideration .

  26. 而且,10年期美国国债的收益水平已达到日本1996年的水平(日本危机开始后的第6年)。

    Moreover , yields on 10-year US Treasury bonds are already where Japan 's were in 1996 , six years after the latter 's crisis began .

  27. 德意志银行的收益水平基本符合市场预测,令投资者感到宽慰。此前,瑞银集团在周二公布称,由于市场环境严峻,其第三季度利润逊于预期。

    The earnings were in line with forecasts and came as a relief to investors after UBS on Tuesday blamed tough market conditions for weaker-than-expected profits .

  28. 贷款管理作为银行重要的资产管理内容,对于银行的收益水平、资产质量和客户结构都具有重要的意义。

    As one of important fields concerning assets management , credit management has a significant bearing on the profit , assets structure and customer structure of banks .

  29. 与其他投资手段相比,不动产投资信托具有流动性强、稳定性好、收益水平高、风险分散等优点。

    Compared with other investment approaches , REITs possesses of advantages such as strong liquidity , good stability , high level of benefits , and diversified risks , etc.

  30. 在证券结构设计中,首先根据高级/次级结构原理将我国不良资产支持证券分割为期限、风险和收益水平各不同的四类证券;

    In the design of security structure , the NPA-backed security is firstly divided into four securities , which have deferent terms , different risks and deferent returns .