
tóu zī fàn wéi
  • scope of investment
  1. 实行现收现付的统筹基金在信托运营时,应严格控制投资范围;实行积累制的个人账户在信托运营时可以采取多元化的投资方式。

    The scope of investment should be strictly controlled when the pay-as-you-go policy implement in trust management ; multiple investment approaches shall be adopted when individual accounts of accumulation system are used in the trust operation .

  2. 公共财政和政府投资范围有什么关系?

    And what is its relationship with the government investment boundary ?

  3. 进一步扩大外国投资范围。

    Further expanding the scope of foreign investment .

  4. 基金专户目前的投资范围仅限于衍生品领域的股指期货。

    Segregated accounts are currently restricted to stock index futures on the derivatives front .

  5. 公共财政与政府投资范围界定

    Public Finance and Boundary of Government Investment

  6. 第三部分主要论述社会主义市场经济条件下政府投资范围界定。首先从历史演进角度,分为发展早期、中期和成熟期对政府投资范围进行了分析。

    Section three : Discuss the range of government investment under the condition of socialist market economy .

  7. 市场分类有效度对于正确选择投资范围具有重要的参考价值。3.对沪深两市进行了市场有效度分析。

    The market category efficient degree has important reference value for us to choose investment objects correctly . 3 .

  8. 随着中国拓宽金融工具投资范围,它购买的美国国债就会减少。

    As China invests in a broader range of financial instruments , it will buy fewer US Treasury bonds .

  9. 因此,缩小投资范围和优化投资结构是进行政府投资的重要内容。

    Therefore , reduces the investment scope and the optimized investment structure carries on the important content which the government invests .

  10. 推论部分在明确政府投资范围的基础上进一步界定地方政府投资的范围。

    The last part analyzes the local government investment boundary when the boundary of the government as a whole has been decided .

  11. 在早期入股多家金融机构、结果在全球信贷危机中遭到亏损之后,中投公司已把投资范围限定在自然资源和基础设施领域。

    After early investments in financial institutions that suffered during the global credit crisis , CIC has concentrated on natural resources and infrastructure .

  12. 刘汉是四川省最大的民营企业家,投资范围囊括融资、能源、房地产和矿业。

    Liu was the biggest private entrepreneur in his native Sichuan province , with investments spanning financing , energy , real estate and mining .

  13. 第二章以一个新的角度阐述公共财政的职能为基础,从理论上对政府投资范围进行界定。

    Part 2 talk about the decision of government investment boundary on the basis of defining the function of public finance from a new point of view .

  14. 从信托制度的本质看,信托具有受人之托、代人理财的独特功能,只要信托目的合法,则任何形式的理财都可以成立,也就是说信托投资范围十分宽广。

    Seen from essence of the trust system , trust has unique function which is called " trusted by the people , financing for the people " .

  15. 何鸿燊的投资范围包罗万象,从房地产到渡船不一而足,但最重要的资产仍要算他自1961年就开始持有的赌场牌照。

    Mr Ho has investments in everything from properties to ferries , but his most important asset is his gaming licence , which he has held since 1961 .

  16. 公共投资范围不仅关系到政府与市场的边界,而且关系到公共投资的效率与公平。

    The scope of public investment is not only related to the government and the market boundaries , but also to the efficiency and equity of public investment .

  17. 该基金的投资范围很广,主要关注五个领域:发电与储电、交通运输、工业应用、农业生产以及那些能提高能源系统效率的项目。

    The fund says it will invest broadly and focus on five key areas : electricity generation and storage , transportation , industrial uses , agriculture and projects that make energy systems more efficient .

  18. 据此,笔者又提出另一个核心观点:在社会主义市场经济条件下,政府投资范围应限于市场失灵范围内。

    According to it , another key view is put forward again : Under the condition of socialist market economy , government investment should be limited to the fields where the market does not work .

  19. 金融创新也扩大了基金的投资范围。其中,交易所交易证券的推出,大大降低了迅速转手新兴市场股票以及在大宗商品和外汇市场进行交易的难度。

    Financial innovations also widened the scope for the funds , with exchange-traded securities making it far easier to trade swiftly in and out of emerging markets , and in markets for commodities and foreign exchange .

  20. 在立法具体内容中,则从投资范围、优惠待遇、职工权利的保护以及保护性外资措施四个方面,比较了两国外资立法的不同。

    In the legislative detailed contents , from the point of investment scope , preferential treatment , protection of workers'rights and protective measures to foreign enterprises , the differences of two countries'foreign capital legislation are studied .

  21. 作为第三条支柱的结构改革是必要的,因为日本是成熟经济体,要推动这样的经济体发展,就必须放松监管,采取开放市场的措施,以扩大投资范围。

    The third pillar , structural reform , is needed because Japan is a mature economy . For such an economy to grow , deregulation and measures to open up markets are necessary to expand investment frontiers .

  22. 如何营运个人账户资产,到目前为止,政府决策层还没有正式颁布具体规定,但可以肯定的是,逐步扩大个人账户资产的投资范围是主要方向。

    How to operate personal account assets , up till now , the policy-making has not issued and regulated specifically formally yet , but can certainly , expand personal account investment of assets range main direction progressively .

  23. 因此,萨拉米称,他们的投资范围限于很多与该指数成份股一样的股票,原因是这些股票的规模足够大,并具有足够的流动性,其定价与任何发达市场一样有效。

    Their investment universe is therefore confined to many of the same stocks as in the index , says Mr salami , as such shares are sufficiently large and liquid to be as efficiently priced as in any developed market .

  24. 我国对外直接投资范围已涵盖174个国家(地区),其中大多数面向发达国家,在转轨制国家和发展中国家尤其是近年经济恢复增长较快的东欧和拉丁美洲地区也有大量投资。

    Chinese FDI has covered 174 countries and areas . Although most of the investment goes to developed countries , there is still a mount of investment in transitional and developing countries , especially in Eastern Europe and Latin America where economic recovering rapidly .

  25. 在国会,共和党领导层成员、参议员约翰?康宁(JohnCornyn)计划引入立法,将政府审核外国投资的范围扩大到合资企业和其他技术公司收购。

    In Congress , Senator John Cornyn , a member of the Republican leadership , plans to introduce legislation to expand government reviews of foreign investments to include joint ventures and other technology company acquisitions .

  26. 这些投资的范围程度尚且不得而知。

    The full extent of those investments is still unclear .

  27. 所有的级别评审机构仍然将加利福尼亚列入值得投资的范围。

    All of the rating agencies still rate California as of investment .

  28. 投资机会范围更广、更吸引人,并不一定会导致储蓄增多。

    A wider and more attractive range of investment opportunities does not necessarily lead to more saving .

  29. 主要对企业人力资本投资的范围、主体、收益评价三个方面进行说明。企业人力资本投资的范围主要包括:()在职培训;

    This part mainly explains the range , investor and measure of investment in company human capital .

  30. 最后从建立公共财政来看,以往政府投资的范围、结构也要进行调整。

    The scope and structure of government investment need to be adjusted in order to construct public finance .