
  • 网络investment objective;investment purposes
  1. 分析其动因和绩效,可以知道对于产业资本参与创业投资的行为不能一概而论,而应结合其投资目的、新创企业的特点加以分析。

    Through analyzing the reason and performance , it is known that corporate venture capital programs are related to the investment objective and the character of new enterprise .

  2. 其一,证券公司为投资者的投资活动提供营业性服务,是投资者顺利实现投资目的的有效途径。

    Firstly , securities company provide commercial services for investors during their investing activities and an effective way for the smoothly investment objectives .

  3. 巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)提议把美国企业税税率由35%下调为28%,这一举措可能影响跨国公司选择投资目的地的决策。

    Barack Obama has proposed slashing the US corporate tax rate from 35 per cent to 28 per cent in a move that could determine where global companies choose to invest .

  4. 土耳其是近年增长最快的投资目的地国家之一,但出乎意料的是,去年该国FDI资本投资下降了49%,其因此跌出了欧洲以项目数量计十大投资目的地国家排行榜。

    Less predictably , Turkey , among the fastest growing investment destinations in recent years , was hit with a 49 per cent drop in capital investment and it fell out of the top ten list of destination countries in Europe by project numbers .

  5. 汇丰(HSBC)行政总裁欧智华(StuartGulliver)表示:成功的合作有助于英国企业来东方在亚洲寻找机会,也有助于亚洲企业来西方把英国当作一个天然的贸易和投资目的地。

    Stuart Gulliver , HSBC chief executive , said : Successful cooperation will support British businesses as they look east to the opportunities in Asia while supporting Asian businesses looking west to Britain as a natural home for trade and investment .

  6. 西班牙艾赛德商学院(Esade)最近的一份报告称,在该国的投资目的地中,中国排名第26,仅占西班牙外国直接投资总额的0.5%。

    China ranks 26th as a destination for Spanish investment , accounting for just 0.5 percent of Spain 's total foreign direct investment , according to a recent report by Esade , the Spanish business school .

  7. 中国不断上升的劳动力成本也使其它投资目的地更具吸引力。

    Rising labour costs also made other investment destinations more attractive .

  8. 塞浦路斯已经成为一个颇受中国有钱人欢迎的投资目的地。

    Cyprus has become a popular investment destination for wealthy Chinese .

  9. 就投资目的而言,中国在很大程度上仍是一个封闭的经济体。

    China is still largely a closed economy for investment purposes .

  10. 我认为澳大利亚是一个极具吸引力的投资目的地。

    I believe Australia is a very attractive investment destination .

  11. 澳大利亚目前是中国最大的对外直接投资目的地。

    Australia is currently the largest destination for foreign-direct investment from China .

  12. 有些人购买宝物出于投资目的,并非为了爱国。

    Some of these treasures were bought for investment instead of patriotism .

  13. 中国仍是新兴市场中最受青睐的制造业投资目的地。

    China is still the most favoured manufacturing destination in the emerging markets .

  14. 直到最近,伦敦的外国直接投资目的地之一。

    Until recently London was the number one destination for foreign direct investment .

  15. 匈牙利是中国在中东欧最大的投资目的地。

    Hungary is the largest investment destination for China in Central and Eastern Europe .

  16. 另一个借鉴经验是吸引外资直接注入并将印度变为全球投资目的地。

    Another issue was attracting foreign direct investments and making India a destination for global investment .

  17. 宋青拒绝透露该基金的投资目的地,但暗示范围会很广。

    Song declined to specify where the fund will invest , but suggested it would be widespread .

  18. 蒙古股市或许是今天资源性资金和矿业主最好的投资目的地之一。

    Mongolia may be one of the most popular investment destinations for resources funds and miners today .

  19. 2003年,中国取代美国,成为最受欢迎的外国直接投资目的国。

    In 2003 , China overtook the United States as the most popular destination for foreign direct investment .

  20. 新兴市场作为投资目的地所吸引的客户正在发生转变,从投机主义投资者转向长期投资者。

    Emerging markets are in transition as an investment destination , switching from opportunistic investors to long-term investors .

  21. 日本公司正寻求在发展中国家实现业务增长,但它们最大的投资目的地是中国。

    Japanese companies are looking for growth in developing countries , but their biggest target for investment is China .

  22. 它们还可能会在制造商在做出投资目的地决定时,让劳动力成本的因素不那么重要。

    They are also likely to make labour costs a less significant factor for manufacturers making decisions about where to invest .

  23. 但在财富管理的复杂世界里,即便是奇特昂贵的财物也可以是达到投资目的的一种途径。

    But in the complex world of wealth management , even fancy belongings may be a means to an investment end .

  24. 在世界形势开始显得更加险恶之际,即便在标普的声明发布后,能够取代美国的投资目的地仍然寥寥无几。

    Even after this announcement , there are still precious few alternatives to the us when the world starts to look riskier .

  25. 通过证券公司的承销活动,使投资者与发行人建立联系,顺利实现各自的筹资或投资目的。

    Through the underwriting activities , securities company helps investors establish contact with the issuer and achieve their respective financing or investment purposes smoothly .

  26. 中国近年来的快速增长已经使他成为世界第二大经济体和外国投资者的一个重要的投资目的地。

    China 's rapid expansion in recent years has seen it become the world 's second-largest economy and one of the top destinations for foreign investors .

  27. 在中东,以项目数量计算,阿联酋是最大的投资目的地国,2014年项目数量增加11%。

    In the Middle East , the United Arab Emirates was the leading destination by number of projects attracted , with 11 per cent growth in 2014 .

  28. 尽管新兴市场的经济增长使其成为愈加重要的投资目的地,但担心国内财政状况的发达国家投资者依然高度紧张。

    Even though economic growth is making emerging markets ever bigger as investment destinations , developed world investors , worried about financial conditions at home , are nervous .

  29. 上世纪80年代之前,由于廉价的生产成本和对跨国公司的欢迎态度,东南亚成为了外国投资者在亚洲最青睐的投资目的地。

    By the 1980s , south-east Asia had become the favoured destination in Asia for foreign investors because of cheap production costs and a welcoming attitude to multinationals .

  30. 这些事件引发的矛盾,以及政府强制要求的工资上涨,让科蓝煤矿的一些人士怀疑赞比亚是否还是一个理想的投资目的地。

    Tensions arising from these incidents , and government-mandated pay increases , have led some at Collum to question whether Zambia is still a good place to invest .