
  • 网络Bethesda;Bethesda, MD;Bethesda, Maryland;Bethesda Softworks
  1. 马里兰州贝塞斯达全国睡眠紊乱研究中心主任卡尔·E·亨特说,大多数人都没有给自己充分的舒缓时间。

    According to Carl E.Hunt , director of the National Center on Sleep Disorders Research in Bethesda , Maryland , most people do not allow themselves sufficient deceleration .

  2. JimmyWagner工作在马里兰贝塞斯达美国种植园中心。

    Jimmy Wagner works at the American Plant garden center in Bethesda , Maryland .

  3. 但HonestTea的共同创始人、目前仍在马里兰州贝塞斯达总部负责公司运营的戈曼说,这是一个有益但也需要努力的过程。

    But it has been a beneficial , if not always easy , process , says Goldman , who co-founded the company and still runs it out of its Bethesda , Maryland headquarters .

  4. 位于马里兰州贝塞斯达的美国国家卫生研究院(NationalInstitutesofHealth,简称NIH)表示,那名美国人是在一家治疗中心工作期间被感染的,而且已有一架包机奉命将该人接回美国进行隔离。

    The National Institutes of Health in Bethesda , Md. , said the American , who was not identified , became infected while working at a treatment center and had been ordered flown back to the United States in isolation in a chartered plane .

  5. 一位名叫ThomasA.Wehr的精神病专家在位于马里兰州贝塞斯达的国家心理卫生研究所工作,他做了个实验,实验中处在没有人工照明环境中。

    In a fluke of history , Thomas A. Wehr , a psychiatrist then working at the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda , Md. , was conducting an experiment in which subjects were deprived of artificial light .

  6. 就职于美国马里兰州贝塞斯达国立卫生研究所的DavidMorens补充道:流感不是由一个病毒构成,而是由大量的病毒构成。作为一名流行病学家,他对疾病的起因,发展模式以及所产生的后果进行了研究。

    What 's more , notes David Morens , " Flu is not one virus . It 's many , many viruses . " Morens works at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda , Md. As an epidemiologist , he studies the causes , patterns and effects of disease .

  7. 这种情感联系促使马里兰州贝塞斯达健康科学统一服务大学(UniformedServicesUniversityofHealthSciences)等机构的一群科学家、兽医和医生们开始考虑人们是否愿意采取针对小狗的健康健身生活方式——尽管他们对针对自己的这种项目没什么兴趣。

    That bond prompted a group of scientists , veterinarians and physicians at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences , in Bethesda , Md. , and other institutions to consider whether people might be willing to undertake ahealth-and-fitness regimen targeted at their dog , even if they had little enthusiasm for such a program for themselves .

  8. 在第二项研究中,由马里兰州贝塞斯达国家眼科协会的分子基因学家阿南德斯瓦鲁普领衔的研究小组确信在黄斑变性与LIPC之间的确存在与此前相同的关联。

    In the second study , a team led by Anand Swaroop , a molecular geneticist at the National Eye Institute in Bethesda , Maryland , confirmed the same link between macular degeneration and LIPC .

  9. 他的遗体正运往贝塞斯达。

    Said that his body was being shipped to bethesda .

  10. 贝塞斯达已使我成为一个怪物。

    Bethesda has made me into a monster .

  11. 我们在马里兰贝塞斯达有一个大办事处

    We have a big office in Bethesda Maryland

  12. 本研究得到马里兰州贝塞斯达国立卫生研究院的资金支持。

    The study was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda , Maryland .

  13. 中情局的思想控制计划在贝塞斯达海军医院开始于1947年,使用从德国党卫军情报部门的数据。

    CIA mind control projects began at Bethesda Naval Hospital in1947 , with data gained from German SS intelligence .

  14. 上周二,数百名研究人员和活动家参加了人类免疫缺陷病毒疫苗研发峰会,会议在马里兰州的贝塞斯达举行。

    Last Tuesday , several hundred researchers and activists met in Bethesda , Maryland , for a Summit on H.I.V.Vaccine Research and Development .

  15. 国家卫生研究院在一份声明中表示,这名工作人员将于周五入住该院位于贝塞斯达的医院。

    The worker will be admitted Friday to the hospital at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda , the institute said in a statement .

  16. 从12岁时起,每年我生日那天,都会有一朵白色的栀子花送到我在马里兰州·贝塞斯达的家里。

    EVERY YEAR on my birthday , from the time I turned 12 , a white gardenia was delivered to my house in Bethesda , Md.

  17. 来自马里兰州贝塞斯达的咨询师考特尼o约翰斯顿,曾经的雇主是自己很长时间的导师,结果两人的关系突然之间便陷入困境。

    Courtney Johnston , a consultant based in Bethesda , Md. , went to work for a long-time mentor but almost immediately ran into trouble .

  18. 在高尔夫方面,美国高尔夫公开赛这一周在华盛顿附近的马里兰州贝塞斯达国会乡村俱乐部举行。

    In golf , the US Open championship is being played this week at the Congressional Country Club in Bethesda , Maryland , near Washington .

  19. 当时我用法国安逸的生活换来了一个全新的生活,寄宿在一个美国家庭、在马里兰州贝塞斯达的学校学习。

    when I traded my cozy world in France for a new life with my American host family , my American school in Bethesda , Maryland .

  20. 治疗也可能为时过早,马里兰州贝塞斯达国家儿童与人类发展研究院的流行病学家与先兆子痫专家里查德·利文说。

    Treatments may be also premature , says Richard Levine , an epidemiologist and pre-eclampsia expert at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development in Bethesda , Maryland .

  21. 位于美国贝塞斯达的国家糖尿病、消化和肾脏疾病研究所的凯斯·霍尔在杂志评论中指出,人们没能减掉更多体重的主要原因是他们总是不到一年就放弃了。

    In a commentary in the journal , Keith Hall , of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases in Bethesda , US , said a key reason why people failed to lose more weight was that they had often given up before the year was over .