
  • 网络macro-history;big history;history;macro history;micro-history
  1. 如果从文明史或大历史的角度来进行研究,我们会得到一些新的启示。

    Study in the perspectives of either cultural history or macro-history , we may obtain some new opinions .

  2. 我国习惯的法律治理模式之反思&一种大历史的内在视角

    On the Mode of Legal Governance of the Custom in China : From the Macro-history and Inherent aspect

  3. 论解决两大历史课题与弘扬西柏坡精神

    On the Solution to Two Major Historical Issues and Fostering Xibaipo Spirit

  4. 两大历史性转变六十年中国道路

    Two Great Historical Transitions and Chinese Way in 60 Years

  5. 信息技术有三大历史使命。

    The information technology carries three great history missions .

  6. 在中国近现代历史上,他至少有六大历史贡献、两大杰出成就,并为后人作出了一个杰出的表率。

    CHEN had made at least six historical contributions and two outstanding achievements .

  7. 论西方公益伦理思想的两大历史传统

    On the Two Historical Traditions of Public Welfare Ethical Thought in Western Countries

  8. 从技术的角度看历史&黄仁宇大历史观述评

    Technical Interpretation of History & Comment on the Macro-history View of Huang Renyu

  9. 关于三大历史概念的哲学思考

    Philosophical Considerations of the Three Grand Conceptions of History

  10. 中国民营经济的三大历史性变化

    Three big historic changes of Chinese private economy

  11. 黄仁宇的“大历史观”在历史研究方法和历史表述方面具有明显的特点。

    Ray Huang 's macro-history has distinctive features concerning historical method and historical expression .

  12. 试论大历史素质教育观的形成

    On the formation of quality education of history

  13. 商品经济的两大历史阶段;

    Two historical stages of commodity economy ;

  14. 黄仁宇大历史观视角下的中国近现代史

    Modern and Contemporary History of China under the Perspective of " Outlook of Macro-History "

  15. 新世纪教育担负着人才支持和知识贡献两大历史性任务。

    The new century 's education shoulders two historic tasks : making talents and teaching knowledge .

  16. 祖国统一是党在新世纪的三大历史重任之一。

    Unifying country is one of the Party 's three historic tasks in the new century .

  17. 赵世瑜的《小历史与大历史》是区域社会史领域的一部重要著作。

    The'histories'and'History'by Mr Zhao Shiyu is a representative work in the field of regional social history .

  18. 第一大历史使命是普及,掀起一场产业革命;

    Universalization is the first history mission of the information technology that brings an industrial revolution .

  19. 实现这两大历史性课题,开始了一个彻底的反帝,反封建革命。

    The fulfillment of these two historical tasks had to start with a thorough anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism revolution .

  20. 今天,站在新的历史起点上,将这三大历史事件联系起来思考、辨析,能够从中获得许多感悟和启迪。

    Connecting and analyzing the three major historical events together , we can get a lot of inspiration .

  21. 从大历史的角度重读杜威论理解的建构

    The Understanding of Dewey 's Theory from the View of Macro - history On the Construction of Understanding

  22. 时代烙印:大历史背景下新诗的产生与发展(1916~1936)

    The engendering and the development of The New Poetry under the background of history ( 1916 ~ 1936 )

  23. 从城堡到长城,再到金字塔,你会看到人类应该前去参观的十大历史旅游胜地。

    From Castles to Great Walls to Pyramids here you will find 10 Historical destinations that everyone should visit .

  24. 20世纪初期以来的美国德育大体上经历了三大历史阶段:品德教育的复兴是美国德育的第三次浪潮。

    The revival of character education is the third tide since the early 20 th century in the United States .

  25. 近代以来中西政府经济职能理念的演化:大历史角度的比较与启示

    Comparision and Inspiration in Big History for the Theory of Government Economy Function between Chinese and the West since Modern Times

  26. 小乡村大历史&铁凝长篇小说《笨花》解读

    A Small village , A Long history & An Analysis on the Novel of " Ben Hua " by Tie Ning

  27. 晚年徐松石浸淫于基督教中,反映的是大历史背景下,个人的最终归宿。

    In his later years , he steeped in Christianity , which reflects the individual final on the large historical background .

  28. 大历史书说从那以后已经过了四千年了,但是有些学士坚称只有两千年。

    The True History says four thousand years have passed since then , but some maesters claim that it was only two .

  29. 然后中华民族面临着两大历史性课题追求国家独立和人民解放,建立一个强大的国家,小康人。

    Then Chinese people faced two historic tasks of pursuing national independence and liberation and building a strong country with well-off people .

  30. 争取民族独立,加快社会发展,是近代以来中国面临的两大历史课题。

    Since modern times , the two major tasks confronting China are to strive for national independence and to speed up social development .