
  • 网络Great Future;Wee-world
  1. 心有大未来,生活多自在!

    Dream about tomorrow , but live for today .

  2. 准备好进入网路大未来了吗?

    Is it ready to enter networking great future ?

  3. 但依我看,通胀是更大的未来挑战。

    But I see inflation as the greater future challenge .

  4. 这就是大数据未来的用武之地。

    This is the future playground of big data .

  5. 华大基因未来还面临着其他挑战。

    Other challenges lie ahead for BGI .

  6. 他们把韩国当做一种模型,最终想要在更大的未来市场&中国做生意。

    And they see South Korea as a model for eventually doing business in an even bigger future market , China .

  7. 每个人每天都会做出许多决策,它存在于每一件事中,小到买一样东西,大到未来规划。

    Each person makes many decisions every day . It exists in every where , like buy things or future planning .

  8. 他相信科大在未来十年会取得更大的学术成就,因此留在科大继续深造。

    He will stay at HKUST , which he believes will forge ahead as an academic powerhouse in the next decade .

  9. 中国智能手机制造商目前占的全球市场份额并不算大但未来我会考虑怎么说

    Chinese smart phone manufacturer.Not really huge in the global market , but I wouldn 't count ' em out down the road.Why ?

  10. 科学规划,加快基础设施建设,调整经济结构,改善生态环境,科学管理,打造特色是大城市未来发展的战略选择。

    The strategic choices refer to scientific layout , fast infrastructure construction , economic structure adjustment , environment improvement , scientific management and special features .

  11. 在许多方面,他那天的演讲为耶大校园未来几代人的激进主义定下了基调。

    In many ways , his words that day set the tone for the radicalism that would define the Yale campus for generations to come .

  12. 目前,我国已经步入了老龄化的社会,由于人口基数过大,未来老年人口将持续增长。

    At present , China has entered the aging society . The population base is too large , So future elderly population will continue to grow .

  13. 我们秉持着这种精神和价值,来庆祝创校一百周年,展望港大的未来。在此,本人想从三方面加以阐释。

    It is in this spirit that we celebrate our Centenary and look into the future . Let me elaborate this further , in three aspects .

  14. 一个年轻人,如果不把自己想象成一大公司未来的老板或者是合伙人,那我会对他不屑一顾。

    I would not give a fig for the young man who does not already see himself the partner or the head of an important firm .

  15. 在借鉴与吸收的基础上,提出了三大门户未来可发展的商业模式及创新框架,以期对中国传统媒体的发展及互联网未来的发展方向提供一定的借鉴意义。

    From this absorption and reference process , it comes to an evolvable business model and innovation framework for the three web portals in order to provide some kinds of development direction for traditional media and the future online .

  16. 民法典如果成为一个封闭体系就充满着危险,因为社会经济生活是非常活跃的,它不应当受法律的束缚和阻碍,法律应当给它更大的未来空间和余地。

    If a civil code is a close system , it would be full of danger , for the social economic life is active and not bound and hindered by law . Law shall give more spaces to it in future .

  17. 而且公允价值变动损益占净利润的比重越小,未来的投资回报越高;相反,公允价值变动损益占净利润的比重越大,未来的投资回报越低。

    And the smaller proportion of fair value change gains and losses to net profit , the higher the future return on investment ; On the contrary , the greater proportion of fair value changes gains and losses to net profit , the lower the future return on investment .

  18. 近年来,在照明灯具领域应用的LED光源快速发展,大有在未来几年内取代其它光源的趋势。

    In recent years , the rapid development of LED light source in the application field of lighting lamps , will replace the other light sources in the next few years .

  19. 在当下潮流中,一种全新的LED旋转显示器异军突起,大有成为未来主流显示器之一的趋势。

    In the trend of the moment , the sudden emergence of a new LED rotating display , go a long way to become one of the trends of the next mainstream display .

  20. 作为光接入网的一种,Radio-over-Fiber技术提供了可以实现高速率、大容量的未来光接入目标的解决方案。

    Falling into the category of optical access network , Radio-over-Fiber technology offers the future access solutions for high speed , high-capacity wireless communication .

  21. 掘金十一五之宏观目标三大目标贯穿未来五年

    Three Major Targets throughout the Nest Five Years

  22. 让我们今天的大爱保住未来的资源永远存在!

    Let us love today , the future of the resources to keep forever !

  23. 大城市的未来需要什么?

    The Tales of Two Large Cities What is the Need for the Future of Metropolis ?

  24. 大城市之未来&城市结构上的定向扩展与城市建设上的内向扩展

    The Future of Large Cities

  25. 这是假设是非常非常冷本周一大暴风雪未来的方向发展。

    It is suppose to be very very cold this week with a big snow storm coming our way .

  26. 第四部分面对现代契约责任和侵权责任的发展,本文在此展望了两大责任的未来发展趋势,并提出了作者的见解。

    And it provides author 's own ideas while facing the development of modern tort liability and contractual liability .

  27. 我国可再生能源资源潜力大,在未来的能源供应中可以形成举足轻重的地位;

    China has an abundant renewable energy resource , and the renewable energy will play a leading role in future energy supply system .

  28. 上个月息差收紧幅度更大,因此未来数月承销很可能变得更加糟糕。

    There has been more tightening in the last month , so the underwriting is likely to get even worse in the coming months .

  29. 2002年党的十六大提出在未来的20年中还要建设惠及十几亿人的、全面的小康社会。

    Sixteenth meeting of party in 2002 formulated that we would realize overwhelm fairly comfortable society benefit several billions people in twenty years of future .

  30. 为了弥补这种初始借入,政府将不得不大幅度减少未来福利以至于工人将一无所获。

    To compensate for the initial borrowing , the government would have to cut future benefits so much that workers would gain nothing at all .