
  • 网络organizational routine;organization routine
  1. 知识集成强调默会知识,其方法有二:说明书与组织惯例。

    The knowledge integration put emphasis on the tacit knowledge , its method has two kinds : Direction and Organizational routines .

  2. 影响IT能力提升的因素很多,主要包括IT资源、组织惯例、外部环境和组织学习等。

    There are many factors influencing IT capabilities , such as IT resources , organizational routines , outside environments , and organizational learning .

  3. 组织惯例视角下的企业核心能力刚性新解

    On Enterprise 's Core Rigidity from the Perspective of Organization Routines

  4. 组织惯例的一个作用就是遏制那些主张变革的政治观点的表达。

    Organizational norms also operate to stifle the expression of more transformative political views .

  5. 基于前人的研究成果将组织惯例分为交互共识、行为逻辑和隐性规范三个维度。

    Then based on previous research results , Organizational routines will be divided into interactive consensus , the behavior of logic and implicit norms of the three dimensions .

  6. 认为企业的动态能力来源于沿着特定路径确立和发展的组织惯例,这种能力的发展强调的重点是组织的不断学习。

    They argued that the dynamic capabilities came from companies ' organizational routines that developed along with specific path . The focus of this view is on the continuous learning of the organization .

  7. 本文从隐含经验类知识的内涵和特性入手,将隐含经验类知识划分为技巧、心智模式、处理问题的方式以及组织惯例等四种类型。

    This paper , firstly , this paper , deals with the meaning and characteristics of tacit knowledge , divides tacit knowledge into four types , i.e. skills , mental models , ways of approaching problems , and organizational routines .

  8. 本文最后对研究结论进行了总结,并基于组织惯例视角给出了解决中文合资企业管理沟通冲突的建议和本文的研究不足以及对未来研究的进一步展望。

    Finally this article summarizes the research conclusions , and then based on the perspective of organizational routines gives advice to solve the management communication conflict of the Chinese-Foreign joint ventures . Pointed out the lack of this article and further on the future research prospects .

  9. 因为我们了解组织图的惯例,所以该框架告诉我们,例如,JohnMagee向DanielleLee报告。

    Because we understand the conventions of an organization chart , this framework tells us that , for example , John Magee reports to Danielle Lee .

  10. 整个过程会受到冲突焦点的重要性、复杂性、组织的冲突惯例、当事人的彼此依赖程度和非正式交流频率等五个因素的影响。

    The whole process will be affected by the importance and complexity of the conflict , conflict routine , interdependence , and informal communication .

  11. 我国的西部大开发战略是在独特的“语境”下进行的,对外要应对经济全球化的浪潮,遵循世界贸易组织的国际惯例;对内要构建市场经济的新体制,建设现代化的法治社会。

    China 's strategy of Western Great Development is carried out in a special " context ": economic globalization , WTO 's international practice , a new system of market economy and legal system society for modernization in China .

  12. 元数据用来组织分类或按照惯例来表明每一类别的价值。

    Typically metadata is organized into distinct categories and relies on conventions to establish the values for each category .

  13. 它由管理会计系统和实践构成,在交易成本经济学世界里它们是组织的规则和惯例。

    It is composed by the management accounting system and practice , which are rules and practices in transaction cost economics world .

  14. 注意:尽管向导根据此命名惯例生成默认名称,但您可以更改这些值以遵守您的组织采用的命名惯例。

    Note : Though the wizard generates default names based on this naming convention , you can change these values to adhere to the naming conventions that are adopted in your organization .

  15. 过去人们关于企业信息化的研究,仅仅看到了技术推动、需求拉动等因素,但却忽视了组织学习,组织惯例的重要作用。

    Beforetime , for the research to the formation of enterprise information , push by the technique and demand are seen as the main factors , whereas the significance of organizing study is ignored .

  16. 本文从组织学习的理论发展出发,探讨了动态能力、组织惯例、知识资产与组织学习的相互作用机制和基于组织学习的组织知识演化的循环过程。

    We explored the interacting mechanism in dynamic Capabilities , organizational routines , knowledge asset and organizational learning and the evolvement of knowledge development .

  17. 目前我国对于企业组织能力的大部分研究只是局限于企业资源优势、组织惯例、组织结构以及知识对组织能力的影响,这些研究都没有深入地分析组织能力形成的作用机制。

    At present , the study is confined to the enterprise organizational capability influence of enterprise resources advantage , organizational routines , organization structure and enterprise knowledge in our country . The mechanism of the enterprise organizational capability to form is not in depth analysed .

  18. 企业在与制度环境互动的过程中实现了与制度环境的耦合,这一方面体现为组织合法性的获得,另一方面体现为企业组织惯例的形成。

    Enterprises achieve the coupling with the institutional environment in the process of interaction with the system environment , on the one hand , which reflects the acquisition for the organization of legitimacy ; on the other hand , which expresses the formation of the business routines .

  19. 这两点对组织图中的所有读者或用户都是清楚的(假设他们了解组织图的惯例及使用)。

    These two points are clear to any reader or user of this organization chart ( provided they understand the conventions and usages of an organization chart ) .

  20. 企业组织结构演化在本质上是在人类有限理性前提下遵循满意原则对企业这一微观经济系统所进行的组织惯例的搜寻和试错过程。

    In essence , the enterprise 's organizational structure evolution is a search and miss-testing process of organization usual practice to enterprise as a micro-economic system following satisfaction principle at the premise of human 's limit logos .