
  1. 激励理论是组织管理理论的重要组成部分,激励理论在高等学校教育管理中广为应用。

    Theory of stimulation is an important part of the organization management theory .

  2. 西方非营利组织管理理论及其借鉴意义

    The Management Theory of the Western Non-Profit Organizations and its Significance for Reference

  3. 谈施工现场组织管理理论在实践中的应用

    The Application of Theory about Organization and Management of Construction Site in Practice

  4. 基于人性假设视角的组织管理理论梳理研究

    Carding Research on Organizational Management Theory Based on the Perspective of Human Nature Assumption

  5. 接着,根据组织管理理论,探讨了进行整合的四种方法;

    Secondly , discussed four methods of integration .

  6. 企业组织管理理论系统分析

    Systematic Analysis of Organizational Theory

  7. 该部分从组织管理理论的基本框架入手,探寻了组织管理理论在人类发展中的推进与深化。

    Starting from the basic theories of organization management , this part approaches the development of organization management theory .

  8. 组织管理理论的路径走向与管理文化的确立。

    Part I , the direction of the development of organization management theory and the building up of management culture .

  9. 风险投资企业战略联盟是本文研究的核心内容,其理论基础是交易成本经济学和组织管理理论以及竞争战略理论。

    The theoretic fundament of strategy alliance is the transaction cost economics and the organization management theory and competition strategy theory .

  10. 学习型组织管理理论应用范围非常之广泛,也可引用于学报编辑出版活动之中。

    Learning type organization has a large scope about management theoretical application , and also can be quoted in journal editor publication campaign .

  11. 现代组织管理理论和实践证明,组织文化可以通过影响组织成员的行为促进组织绩效的提高。

    Modern management theory and practice showed the behavior of organizational members can be affected by organizational culture , which can promote organizational performance .

  12. 这种组织管理理论在当今的企业管理实践中得到了广泛的运用,一时间,学习型组织成为一个时髦的词语。

    The organization and management theory in the enterprise management practice has been widely used , for a time , learning organization has become a buzzword .

  13. 国外组织管理理论的梳理历来是众多学者争相探讨的一个问题,时至今日学者们对该问题的探讨仍然莫衷一是。

    Carding of foreign organizational management theory is an issue which has been explored eagerly by many scholars , and till now it couldn 't get a identical opinion .

  14. 文中通过对项目组织管理理论的分析,对公路建设项目组织管理机制进行研究,探讨了当前公路建设项目业主组织管理的主要问题。

    By analyzing the organizational management for projects , this paper studies the organizational management mechanism of highway construction , and discusses the main problems in the course of construction for the owners .

  15. 中国的组织管理理论研究起步较晚,大致经历了苏区根据地管理模式、苏联模式及受西方管理哲学影响的现代管理模式三个阶段。

    Roughly It underwent three periods : the management mode of the red socialist area , the Soviet management mode and the modern management mode , which is affected by the western management philosophy .

  16. 从现代组织管理理论以及实践经验来看,实现战略学术人力资源管理是提高高校组织绩效的重要手段和必然趋势。

    According to the modern organization management theory and practical experience , it is the important step and the inevitable trend to realize the strategic management of academic human resource for improving the organizational performance .

  17. 文章探讨了美国动机理论、领导力理论及组织管理理论所体现出的中美文化价值观的差异与整合,目的在于促进美国管理理论在中国的正确运用,以充分发挥其巨大的效用。

    The analysis of the differences and synergy of motivation , leadership and organization theories between the American cultural values and the Chinese cultural values , in order to bring the American management theories into effect satisfactorily in the Chinese enterprises .

  18. 随着人力资源管理在中国企业界的推广和新经济时代的到来,员工满意度、工作动机激励逐渐成为组织管理理论与实践所探讨的重要问题。

    With the popularization and arrival of new economic era in the Chinese business circles of human resource management , staffs job satisfaction and work motivation are becoming the important problem of organizing the management theory to discuss with practice institute gradually .

  19. 本部分主要探究了旅游房地产的基本概念和研究的理论依据,论述了旅游地生命周期理论,生态旅游理论、市场营销理论,组织管理理论,工程管理理论和战略管理理论等理论。

    This part mainly explores the theoretical basis of the concept and research of the tourism real estate , discusses the life cycle of destination theory , ecological tourism theory , marketing theory , organization and management theory , project management theory and strategic management theory .

  20. 从古典管理到学习型组织:管理理论的新建构

    From Classic Administration to Learning Organization : Administration Theory New Construction

  21. 同时,以宁波市某医院后勤动力中心项目为例验证了改进措施的有效性,为以后工程施工组织管理提供理论基础和实践经验。

    At same time , the effectiveness of optimal measure was tested by a case of hospital logistics power center project in Ningbo which can provide a theoretical basis and practical experience for further engineering construction management .

  22. 学习型组织理论是管理理论的一次重大创新。

    The Theory of Learning Organization is a radical innovation of organization theory .

  23. 关于非政府组织知识管理的理论思考

    The Theoretical Reflection on Non-Governmental Organizations Knowledge Management

  24. 此外,为了更好的理解产品开发项目中的管理方式和技巧,也对项目组织管理的相关理论进行了简单的描述。

    In order to comprehend the management skill and method during product development , project organization management theory is described also .

  25. 根据组织职业生涯管理理论,很多学者提出组织的晋升和薪酬等与员工职业发展有关的因素影响员工的离职倾向,建议利用组织职业成长资源进行员工保持。

    According to Organizational Career Management Theory , many scholars suggest manager using promotion or high payment to maintain excellent staff .

  26. 国外战场抢修研究的现状从战场抢修的组织管理、抢修理论及抢修技术三方面阐述。

    The overseas research status of BDAR was summarized from three aspects such as organization management , BDAR theory and technologies .

  27. 本文运用现代企业理论、企业组织和战略管理理论,博弈论、信息经济学、契约经济学与产权经济学等理论知识,采用理论推理和实证检验等多种研究方法,对内部资本市场有效性进行研究。

    The paper make use of theoretical knowledge of firm theory , firm organization economics , tactic management theory , contractual economics and theory of ownership , etc.

  28. 主要是通过对管理组织、管理组织理论基本内涵的揭示以及对管理组织理论谱系的传承与创新的研究,搭建进一步分析的理论平台;

    This part is composed of Chapter One and Chapter Two , which paves the way for further theoretical analysis by presenting the basic connotation of the management and organization and its theory and researching the carrying-forward and innovation of management and organization theory .

  29. 因为本体论的研究核心是提出知识组织和管理的理论、技术和方法,本研究所涉及到的技术也都是国际上最新的主流技术,本研究具有前沿性和新颖性。

    Because the core of Ontology is to put forward the theories , technologies and methods of knowledge organization and management , the technologies involved in the research are all the latest technologies in the world , so the research is advanced and novelty .

  30. 一个分析网络组织人力资源管理的理论框架

    A Theoretical Framework to Analyze Human Resource Management in Network Organization