
zǔ hé quán
  • combination;combination blow
  1. 看那!肖杀回来打出一套组合拳!

    Look at that ! Shaw comes back and lands a combination !

  2. 马丁打出一个刺拳和一个组合拳。

    Martin uses a jab and a combination .

  3. 三星打出强有力的组合拳,推出GalaxySIII和GalaxyNoteII手机。

    Samsung delivered a powerful one-two punch with the Galaxy S III and Galaxy Note II .

  4. iPad和iPhone打出的令人赞叹的组合拳(iPhone本身明年也将成为一项价值600亿美元的业务),就是对这一商业模式的奖励。

    The impressive one-two punch of the iPad and iPhone ( which should itself become a $ 60bn business next year ) has been the reward .

  5. 外界还预期安倍会对他的经济计划加倍下注:这是一套财政和货币刺激、加上供应面改革的组合拳政策,有安倍经济学(Abenomics)之称。

    Mr Abe is also expected to double down on his economic programme & a mix of fiscal and monetary stimulus as well as supply-side reforms , which has been dubbed Abenomics .

  6. 想想吧,你在用诚实和恭维组合拳。

    Think of it . you 're combining honesty and flattery .

  7. 在拳击比赛中组合拳是一种常用的拳法。

    Combined boxing is a common boxing in the boxing match .

  8. 组合拳还需要加紧一点就好了。

    Combinations need tightening . they 're all over .

  9. 组合拳在拳击比赛中的运用

    Functions of the combined boxing in the boxing match

  10. 挑战者快步移动用组合拳向头部和躯干攻击

    Challenger darts in , Iands a combination to the head and the body .

  11. 阐述了在拳击比赛中运用组合拳的具体方法。

    This paper puts forward the way of using combined boxing in the boxing match .

  12. 宽松货币政策与紧缩财政政策的组合拳行之有效。

    The mix of a loose monetary policy and a tight fiscal policy has worked .

  13. 对付嫉恨你的人的最好办法就是下面这套组合拳。

    The best way to deal with haters is what I call the one-two punch .

  14. 积极财政政策组合拳应对全球金融危机

    " Combined Fist " of Active Fiscal Policy to Deal with the Global Financial Crisis

  15. 巴尔博一记右重拳、左右组合拳!

    And there 's a hard right hand and a left and a right by balboa !

  16. 用凶猛的组合拳惩罚他!

    Punishing him with wicked combinations !

  17. 真是漂亮的组合拳。

    That 's a beautiful combination .

  18. 在这种情况下,它的“组合拳”,为组合日志格式的默认定义。

    In this case it 's " combined ", a definition for the default combined log format .

  19. 他整个开场程序中他都用了快速组合拳,特别是对克里琴科的身体。

    Solis connected with quick shots throughout the opening stanza , especially to the body of Klitschko .

  20. 针对于这一严峻的社会课题,2011年国务院已经连续出台了一套组合拳来遏制房价的上涨。

    According to the severe social issue , the government set a series of policy about containing the house price .

  21. 也许其中的某一招或者其中某几项的组合拳,就可以让你成功实现转行。

    One of them , or some combination , might get you where you want to go . Try temping .

  22. 如果这套组合拳未能导致经济放缓,人们理应将中国的政策评判为失败。

    Had this cocktail of moves not resulted in a slowdown , Chinese policy would deserve to be judged a failure .

  23. 苹果现在面临的问题是,发布新软件和硬件的组合拳是否能够帮助其收复市场份额。

    The question for Apple now is whether a one-two punch of the new software and hardware can help it regain market share .

  24. 对付嫉恨你的人的最好办法就是下面这套“组合拳”。第一,别让他们影响到你。

    The best way to deal with haters is what I call the " one-twopunch . " First , don 't let them phase you .

  25. 最近打出的政策组合拳提高存款准备金率,接着恢复部分银行的贷款额度就是个经典的例子。

    The recent one-two punch of a rise in the reserve requirement ratio , then a reinstallation of loan quotas for certain lenders , was a classic .

  26. 击打的技术动作不规范合理,多余的动作较多。(2)与国外中级别拳击运动员相比,国内运动员拳数较多的组合拳在比赛中应用较少,且成功率偏低。

    The combination blow of China light and middle grade excellent boxers is fewer than Aboard excellent boxers in the match , and the efficiency of success is very lower .

  27. 面对这种不利的局面,新兴国家开始采取行动包括打出一套本币升值、增加储备和资本管制的“组合拳”也不足为怪。

    Faced with this unpleasant situation it should not be surprising that emerging markets have begun to take action , including a combination of appreciation , reserve accumulation and capital controls .

  28. 在这方面,采取将商业银行业务与投资银行业务完全隔离的分业模式,同时制定债权人纾困规则和透明度规定,将形成一套有用、但可能还不够完善的组合拳。

    A combination of full separation of investment and commercial banking , bail-in rules , and transparency requirements would be a useful , yet possibly still incomplete , series of steps .

  29. 这两项改革合起来如同打出组合拳,效果类似于上世纪90年代后期的国有企业改革以及加入世界贸易组织。那两项举措推动了本世纪头十年的经济增长。

    Done together , these reforms could provide another one-two punch analogous to state enterprise reform in the late 1990s and joining the World Trade Organization , which propelled growth in the 2000s .

  30. 他们打出一套“组合拳”,包括近零利率、美联储为抵押贷款提供巨额融资,以及向新购房者提供补贴和“旧车换现金”计划等各种消费激励措施。

    They have gone about this with a combination of near-zero interest rates , massive fed financing of mortgages and various consumption incentives , such as rebates for new homebuyers and cash for clunkers .