
  • 网络restriction
  1. 农民增收与制度性瓶颈制约分析

    Analysis of increasing farmers ' income and institutional bottleneck restriction

  2. 物质资源的瓶颈制约也日益突出。

    Restriction of the material resources is increasingly outstanding .

  3. 我国DSD酸溶剂法氧化合成工艺工业化解脱瓶颈制约的建议

    Some advice about breaking bottleneck in industrialization of oxidization technique for producing DSD acid in solvent

  4. 网络最大流的瓶颈制约整个网络的最大流。

    Network bottleneck restricts the maximal flow of the entire network .

  5. 我国电子商务发展受四大瓶颈制约。

    Electronic business in our country is restricted by the four bottlenecks .

  6. 加剧了产业结构中的瓶颈制约;

    It narrows the bottlenecks in the industrial structure ;

  7. 中部地区产业技术升级缓慢,面临技术瓶颈制约;

    Industrial technologies upgrade slowly , and there exist impediment of technologic bottleneck .

  8. 西部地区少数民族女性发展的瓶颈制约及路径依赖

    The Bottle-neck and Outlet for the Development of Femininity of the Minority Women in Western Areas

  9. 钢结构企业生产效率主要是受排料优化与物料管理的瓶颈制约。

    The produce efficiency of the steel structure enterprises is enslaved to cutting-stock optimization and stock management .

  10. 其中,动态能力如何产生和演化的核心问题一真是个瓶颈制约,没有得到系统的分析。

    Within it , how dynamic capabilities emerge and evolve is a bottleneck and lacks systematic analysis .

  11. 政策环境欠缺是中小企业发展的瓶颈制约

    Lack of Favourable Policies : A Bottleneck in the Development of Small and Medium - Sized Enterprises

  12. 在创业初期促进家族企业发展的家族管理制对家族企业的瓶颈制约日益严重。

    At the beginning of business , family management mode severely limits the development of family enterprises .

  13. 影响物价走低是低端商品供过于求,有效消费主体的瓶颈制约;

    Prices'drop is due to supply over demand for the low-end goods ," bottleneck " effect of effective consumption ;

  14. 营销瓶颈制约了企业的发展。营销瓶颈是决定企业营销竞争力的关键因素。

    Bottlenecks in marketing , which restrains enterprises from developing , is the decisive factor of corporate marketing competence .

  15. 经济欠发达国家在经济增长过程中必然受到基础设施短缺的瓶颈制约,政府为了加快打开瓶颈,往往通过财政集中一部分财力投入其中。

    Economic growth must be restricted by bottleneck of shortage of foundation facilities in the less developed country in economy .

  16. 基础设施、基础工业对经济社会发展的瓶颈制约基本解除。

    The bottlenecks of infrastructure facilities and basic industries that restrained the country 's socioeconomic development have been basically removed .

  17. 中国的民营企业普遍存在着其技术创新活动受到企业资源瓶颈制约的难题。

    A problem is widespread that technological innovation activities of Chinese private enterprises are limited by the enterprise resource bottleneck constraints .

  18. 随着电视购物、网络购物的快速发展,快递物流的瓶颈制约效应日益突出。

    With the rapid development of TV shopping , online shopping , bottleneck effect of express delivery logistics become increasingly prominent .

  19. 而在我国,第三产业发展的滞后,已成为经济增长的瓶颈制约。

    In our country , the lagging of the third industry development , has already become ' bottleneck ' restrictions of economic growth .

  20. 在农机产品调整中解决技术瓶颈制约,提高农机有效供给能力已成为当务之急。

    Resolving technology bottleneck restrict and improving farm machinery efficient supply capability has become the urgent affairs in the adjustment of farm products .

  21. 我国城市在新形势下普遍面临着资源匮乏、环境污染及空间承载力下降的多重压力和瓶颈制约。

    Chinese cities face with the multiple pressures and bottleneck restrictions which included resource scarcity , environmental pollution and declining spatial supporting capacity .

  22. 水资源已成为山东半岛经济社会可持续发展以及山东半岛城市群建设的瓶颈制约问题之一。

    The deficit of water resources have become the " bottlenecks " restricting problem of the sustainable economic and social development of Shandong Peninsula .

  23. 推进资源节约工作,加快建设资源节约型社会,是缓解资源瓶颈制约,实现国民经济持续快速协调健康发展的有效途径;

    To economize resources and build a resource-economical society is an effective way to push forward the steady , sustained and sound development of national economy .

  24. 劳动力要素迁移、产业区位分工是突破瓶颈制约,推动长三角协调发展的重要途径。

    Labor migration and industrial division are an important way to break through the bottleneck and to promote the coordinated development of the Yangtze River Delta .

  25. 其次从实证入手,分析了企业在何时以及为什么会遇到制度的瓶颈制约。

    Then , to begin with a empirical study , this paper analyzes when and why an enterprise will come across the bottleneck restrict of institution .

  26. 更容易吸引外来投资,有助于解决中小企业出口发展过程中资金短缺的瓶颈制约;

    It is helpful to solve the bottleneck restricts of small and medium-sized enterprises in fund short because it is easier to attract the external investment ;

  27. 介绍了茂名乙烯装置第二个生产周期依靠科技进步,消除瓶颈制约,实现长周期生产的措施。

    The paper introduces the ways of how to realize the second long run-length period operation of the ethylene plant in Maoming , including removing bottlenecks .

  28. 加强地质工作是缓解资源瓶颈制约,促进国民经济持续、健康、协调发展的重要举措。

    Strengthening geological work is significant to alleviate the bottleneck restriction of mineral resources in China and promote sustainable , healthy and harmonious development of national economy .

  29. 能源资源的短缺对交通运输的发展造成了瓶颈制约,这就决定了交通运输业的发展必须高效、节能、可持续。

    Shortage of energy has resulted bottlenecks in the development of transport , which determines the development of transport must be efficient , energy saving and sustainable .

  30. 实行资源节约型发展是解决社会经济发展资源瓶颈制约的必然选择。

    So , the selection of the resource-saving development model is the only way for Hangzhou to resolve the resource bottle-neck problem of the social and economic development .