
  • 网络message in a bottle;The Message in the Bottle;Message In Bottle
  1. 结果,哥伦布活了下来,但直到今天,都没有人知道他那封瓶中信的下落。

    Columbus survived , but to this day , no one knows what came of his message in a bottle .

  2. 美国宇航局地面指挥中心播放由英国摇滚乐团通过瓶中信传递的歌曲。两位很像美国人的警察没有捕获到样品。

    Nasa 's mission control played the song Message in a Bottle by the British rock group The Police as the two Americans captured their sample of nothing .

  3. 她做梦都没有想过这封瓶中信会漂到岸上,更没想过会有人读到这封信。

    She never dreamed the letter would reach shore , let alone that someone would read it .

  4. 显然,在那封瓶中信被人发现以前,他们早就全都饿死了。

    They obviously all starved to death long before the message in the bottle was ever found .

  5. 船只上的无线电通讯设备已被拆除,他们采取了投出瓶中信这一古老的策略。

    When they were abandoned and their vessel stripped of radio and communication equipment , they resorted to the age-old message-in-a-bottle ploy .

  6. 我还捕获了好多鱼和其它秘密物品例如瓶中信,遇到麻烦的人们的记述!

    Oh , I 've caught many a fish too and other secret items like messages in bottles , tales of folk in trouble !

  7. 2009年,《瓶中信》一书在英国出版的三年后,那个无名的“她”联系了里布瑞奇,称其感到隐私受到了侵犯。

    In2009 , three years after The Letter in the Bottle came out in Britain , the nameless " she " got in touch to say she felt violated .

  8. 在求职最好的日子里,对招聘广告做出回应就好像是把你的简历做成瓶中信扔进大海里,但最后你也会收到一封感谢的邮件或接到一通感谢的电话。

    In the best of times responding to a job listing can feel like sending your resume out to sea in a bottle . But at least you received a call or an email acknowledgement .

  9. 尽管我们会觉得发现瓶中信是一种令人兴奋的经历,然而在16世纪,人们则可能会因发现并打开瓶中信而被判以死刑。

    Although we think of discovering a message in a bottle as an exciting experience , in the16th century , discovering a message in a bottle and opening it could result in the death penalty .

  10. 目前,该探测器已经几乎要飞离太阳系,瓶中信(其实是太空飞行器内的一张金质唱片)正轻快的飞向星际空间。

    That craft has now almost certainly left our solar system , and the message in a bottle ( or rather a golden record in a space craft ) is heading merrily on its way through interstellar space .