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píng jǐng
  • bottleneck;bottle neck
瓶颈 [píng jǐng]
  • [bottle neck] 比喻易生阻碍的部分

  • 交通瓶颈

瓶颈[píng jǐng]
  1. 他催促所有人拼命干活,直到生产遭遇瓶颈。

    He pushed everyone full speed ahead until production hit a bottleneck .

  2. 中国紧张的铁路运输已经成为经济增长的瓶颈。

    China 's strained railroads already become a bottleneck for the economy .

  3. 她正握着瓶颈摇晃一瓶葡萄酒。

    She was swinging a bottle of wine by its neck

  4. 凯瑟琳紧握着破裂的瓶颈。

    Catherine gripped the broken neck of the bottle .

  5. 没有人能确保它是否处在突破瓶颈、步入实践的阶段,但可以确信,总有一天它能成为现实。

    One can never be sure that it is not on the point of breaking out into action only sure that it will do so sometime .

  6. 如何在后国际金融危机时期谋求新的增长动力?如何解决互联互通建设面临的融资瓶颈?我们应该深入推进区域经济一体化,打造有利于长远发展的开放格局。

    We should strive for deeper regional economic integration , and create an open structure that is beneficial for long-term development .

  7. 基于多Agent的生产调度系统瓶颈分析研究

    Research on Production Scheduling System with Bottleneck Based on Multi-agent

  8. Web代理缓存技术是改善网络性能,缓解网络瓶颈最有效的方法。

    Proxy Cache is the most important technique to solve the Web traffic and relax net bottleneck .

  9. Web服务的性能瓶颈

    Web service performance bottlenecks

  10. Intranet中访问瓶颈问题的建模与仿真

    Modeling and Simulation of Access Bottleneck Problem on Intranet

  11. 部署在Linux系统下的B/S系统在高并发的应用环境中往往会产生2种类型的服务瓶颈问题。

    A high load B / S application running in Linux environment will bring two kinds of performance issues .

  12. 高品质无源器件的缺乏已经成为CMOS射频集成电路的设计瓶颈之一。

    The lack of high quality passive devices has become the bottleneck in CMOS RFICs .

  13. 而其中射线的能谱硬化和散射问题,又是制约工业CT各项性能指标提高的重要瓶颈之一。

    Moreover the question of the energy spectrum hardening and the photon scattering is one of important bottleneck to restrict the improvement of ICT .

  14. P2P模式是解决服务器链路瓶颈问题的理想模式。

    A peer-to-peer ( P2P ) model is ideal as a model to solve the server link bottleneck problem .

  15. 大多数管理员不经常使用ps命令对可能存在的内存瓶颈进行故障排除。

    Most administrators tend to shy away from ever using the ps command to troubleshoot a possible memory bottleneck .

  16. 瓶颈TSP的蚂蚁系统优化

    Ant Colony Optimization for Bottleneck TSP

  17. 现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)是电子领域内极为关键的技术,而大容量、高频FPGA设计则是FPGA的设计瓶颈。

    FPGA is the key technology in the electronic field . Design of high - capacity , high - frequency FPGA is more difficult .

  18. 低速性能是直接转矩控制(DTC)方法的瓶颈。

    Low-speed performance is a bottleneck of direct torque control ( DTC ) method .

  19. 针对当前网络存储技术存在的存储服务瓶颈问题,介绍了一个高可靠可扩展PC集群存储系统的容错设计方案。

    Aiming at the bottle problem of storage service in current network storage technology , a fault tolerance scheme of high reliability scalable cluster-based storage system is proposed .

  20. 在研究CPU和内存瓶颈的时候,从硬件和软件的角度来看,您需要研究的领域要少得多。

    When examining the CPU and memory bottlenecks , there are far fewer areas that you need to examine from a hardware and software aspect .

  21. DBR理论中瓶颈资源生产优化研究

    Production Optimization of Capacity Constraints Resource in DBR Theory

  22. RMS的作业计划以瓶颈工序为目标,前、后工序的作业根据瓶颈工序分别按拉动、推动的方式排定。

    Bottlenecks are the objective of programming by which the former and the latter processes can be pulled or pushed .

  23. TCP端到端的拥塞控制机制使得TCP连接获得的瓶颈带宽反比于RTT(数据包往返时间)。

    The end-to-end TCP congestion controls cause the throughput of TCP connection inversely proportional to the connection round trip time ( RTT ) .

  24. LTCC技术展望及瓶颈

    Prospects and Limits of LTCC Technology

  25. 本文通过分析级进模CAD/CAM系统的研究现状,指出级进模结构设计已成为级进模CAD技术发展的瓶颈。

    Based on the review on the research of the CAD / CAM systems , it can be concluded that die structure design is the bottle neck of developing CAD system for progressive die .

  26. 用户接入网已成为了B-ISDN和信息高速的瓶颈问题。

    The access networks have become the bottleneck of B-ISDN and Information Superhighway in their development .

  27. 所以,SAT问题是计算机科学发展中的瓶颈问题,计算机科学家们一直都在寻求各种快速策略和方法试图改进SAT问题的求解。

    Therefore , SAT problem is the choke point in the development of computer science , computer scientists are trying to find various kinds of strategies and approaches to solve it all the while .

  28. 根据制造行业CAX技术发展的趋势以及现代集成制造系统CIMS发展中的瓶颈,提出了数字化敏捷工艺准备的概念。

    After analyzing the trend of CAX technology and the bottleneck problem of CIMS , a concept of digitization agile process preparation was proposed .

  29. 印刷体数学公式识别是OCR技术的重要组成部分,也是识别技术发展的瓶颈所在。

    Mathematical expressions recognition is an important part of OCR technology . It is also a bottleneck in the development of recognition technology .

  30. 首先,基于流体流理论建立了单瓶颈节点的二进制ABR流的网络模型。

    The main contributions of this paper are as follows : Firstly , the binary ABR congestion control model is deduced based on the flow theory .