
  • 网络Bottleneck Resource;capacity constraints resources
  1. 基于约束理论,对订货型企业的客户订单优势因素与瓶颈资源确定准则进行了分析,并引入了虚拟订单的概念;

    The advantaged factors of the order and the confirm rules of bottleneck resource were firstly analyzed in make-to-order enterprises based on Theory of Constrains .

  2. 面向订单的瓶颈资源识别与单机成组作业调度这又是中国资产阶级同历史上欧美各国的资产阶级特别是法国的资产阶级的不同之点。

    The Order-oriented Bottleneck Resource Identification and a Single Machine Scheduling with Job Class Setups Based on an Improved Tabu Algorithm In this respect , then , the bourgeoisie in China differs from the earlier bourgeoisie of the European and American countries , and especially of France .

  3. 在基于transcoding代理的流媒体服务系统中,CPU和网络是两种潜在的瓶颈资源。

    In the transcoding proxy based streaming media systems , CPU and network are potential bottleneck resources .

  4. DBR理论中瓶颈资源生产优化研究

    Production Optimization of Capacity Constraints Resource in DBR Theory

  5. 一类柔性制造系统建模与瓶颈资源问题的研究

    On Study of Modelling a Class of Flexible Manufacturing System and Its Bottle-Neck Source

  6. 然后,对施工项目工期延期因素进行分析和总结,在此基础上进行瓶颈资源识别。

    Then , the construction project duration extension factor analysis and summary , on the basis of the resources to identify bottlenecks .

  7. 瓶颈资源决定着系统的产出,对瓶颈资源进行有效地管理对于资金密集的半导体晶圆生产系统具有重要的意义。

    The system throughput depends on its bottleneck resources , so effective management of bottleneck resources has great significance in the capital-concentrated re-entrant wafer fabrication .

  8. 当多个连接共享同一瓶颈资源时,各数据流量之间必然会因为有限的网络资源而发生竞争,导致数据流之间带宽利用的不公平性。

    When many flows share the same bottleneck link , it can compete for limited network resources and result in extreme unfairness among data flows .

  9. 从而显示出瓶颈资源的问题,可以在能力方面评估主生产计划的可行性进行相应的调整。

    To show that bottleneck resources in the main production capacity so as to assess the viability of the scheme and make the appropriate adjustments .

  10. 在优化过程中,先使排产满足瓶颈资源利用率最高的规则,然后在这个条件下,进行二次排产优化。

    In the process of optimization , the rule of best efficiency of bottleneck was prior satisfied , then , the second time optimization was conducted and then .

  11. 算法中的瓶颈资源就是指关键线路上等待时间/购买价格之和最大的作业所缺的资源。

    The bottleneck resources are referred to the lack resources used by the item in critical path that has the maximum ratio of wait time to their lack resources prices .

  12. 通过计算实时资源能力,识别出瓶颈资源,设置了基于任务优先级的瓶颈资源任务优先级排序算法。

    The bottleneck resources are identified by the calculation of the real-time capacities of resources . A task priority algorithm is proposed to make the sequence of tasks in the bottleneck resources .

  13. 通过瓶颈资源的识别,确定出现延期的工序,然后将关键链引入到施工项目工期优化中,建立了关键链优化模型。

    Through bottlenecks of resources , establish a process , and then put the key link will be introduced into the construction project , the duration of the key link . the model .

  14. 追求瓶颈资源的最大限度利用,同时维持企业的供货信用,权衡瓶颈资源上的产品加工顺序和批量规模,建立平衡瓶颈资源效用与交货期满意度的生产调度模型。

    To pursue the maximal efficiency of bottleneck resources and ensure the due data dependability synchronously , the thesis establishes the production scheduling model of balancing the bottleneck avail and the due date satisfaction .

  15. 本文依据约束管理的理论,构建以瓶颈资源为基础的生产与库存控制系统,使得在有效利用生产资源的同时,提高物流的效率。

    In order to both raise efficiency of material flow and improve utilizing of production capability , this paper probes into construction of production and inventory control system on bottleneck resources according to theory of constrains management .

  16. 而占极少数的瓶颈资源是控制生产物流的关键,决定了占大多数的非瓶颈资源的利用程度,只有管理好企业的瓶颈资源才可以优化生产系统的物流和有效产出。

    And the bottleneck of rare resources is the key to control the production logistics , decided the vast majority of resource utilization degree , as long as the bottleneck of good management of enterprise resources can optimize the systematic logistics and effective output .

  17. 发现流程中的瓶颈、资源问题及其他有待改进和具有延迟价值的潜在区域。

    Expose bottlenecks , resource issues , and other potential areas of improvement and latent value in your processes .

  18. 场地资源在船舶建造中一直是一种重要的瓶颈性资源。

    Venues resource has been an important bottleneck resource in shipbuilding . This type of resource is expensive and limited , but a large number of manufacturing tasks need this resource .

  19. 随着时代的发展,传统的显性广告的发展逐渐遭遇瓶颈,资源的饱和、观众的逃离、新媒体技术的成熟使传统广告市场受到了前所未有的冲击。

    With the development of times , the development of traditional dominance advertisement encounters the bottleneck gradually , saturation of resource , audiences ' escape , maturity of new media technology make the traditional advertising market receive the unprecedented impact .

  20. 目前视频服务器的主要性能瓶颈在于资源磁盘的带宽,尤其是在多线程环境下,使用主流操作系统的磁盘I/O将导致磁盘带宽大大下降,严重制约服务器的性能。

    At present , the bandwidth of resource hard disks is the main bottleneck for video servers , because , especially in a concurrent environment , simultaneous access to a hard disk will lead the disk bandwidth to a serious decline to severely restrict the capacity of video servers .

  21. 依据美国、欧洲发展生物质能源的经验来看,制约生物质能源发展的瓶颈主要是资源的供给。

    According to the experiments of American and European , the bottleneck of biomass energy development is the resources supplies .

  22. 西部大开发的瓶颈不在于资源、资本、人才、技术和政策,关键在于观念。

    The bottleneck of west development is not natural and human resources , capital , technology or policy , bat conceptin ;

  23. 发展循环经济是浙江省缓解资源瓶颈、实现资源环境和经济社会发展之间的平衡和协调的根本途径,构建浙江省循环经济评价体系有着重要的战略和实践意义。

    To develop recycling economy is the fundamental approach to relieve the resources shortage and keep the balance between environment and economic development .

  24. 资源是21世纪制约经济发展的重要瓶颈,而资源安全是资源问题中的重大问题。

    Resource is an important bottleneck restricting the economic development in the 21st century , and resources safety is the important issue in the resource concerns .

  25. 各种终端的接入为人们提供了极大的方便,同时也使得通信的传输出现瓶颈,带宽资源也就愈加宝贵。

    Access of the diversified terminals provides great convenience for us , at the same time , bottle-neck of communications appears and then the bandwidth resource becomes increasingly precious .

  26. 文章以西安城市旅游资源条件和开发现状的对比分析为切入点,认为西安城市旅游开发潜力较大,制约西安城市旅游发展的瓶颈不在于资源匮乏,而在于缺乏对多样化的城市旅游产品进行组合。

    Based on the comparison analysis of tourism resources and present situation , the major problem about urban tourism of Xi'an should be due to the absence of the urban tourism products organization , but its potentials are very high .

  27. 在此阶段,相当多的家族企业的成长瓶颈在于管理资源的缺乏,尤其是缺乏职业经理这种最主要的人力资本管理资源,但是家族企业却又不能有效地吸纳和集成家族外的职业经理。

    At this time , the bottlenecks to the growth of considerable family business is the lack of management resources , especially the human capital management resources of professional manager , but family business can not effectively absorb and master professional manager out of the family .

  28. 种质资源匮乏已经成为玉米高产育种的瓶颈,种质资源的创新迫在眉睫,空间诱变为作物种质资源创新和杂交种选育提供了一条新的途径。

    Germplasm resource scarcity has become a bottleneck for maize breeding . Therefore , the innovation about germplasm resource is extremely urgent and play an important part in maize breeding . Space mutation provides a new approach for the innovation of crop germplasm resources and hybrid breeding .

  29. G公司是成都医药行业一家股份制企业,现阶段在公司内部管理、外部营销都遇到了发展瓶颈,有人力资源方面也有其特殊背景本身所带来的问题。

    G Corporation is a Chengdu pharmaceutical share-owned company , the present stage in the company internal management and exterior marketing had all met the developing the bottleneck , which was brought by both the human resources aspect and its special background .

  30. 制造网络的面向服务架构(SOA)应当满足敏捷制造的需求,在SOA中任何瓶颈,如网络资源的分配策略,会影响到制造网络的服务敏捷性。

    Service oriented architecture ( SOA ) of manufacturing network should meet the requirement of agile manufacture , and any bottleneck in SOA , such as the policy of network resource 's distribution , can influence the agility of manufacturing network .