
  • 网络electronic science and technology
  1. 雷达是集中了现代电子科学技术各种成就的高科技系统。

    Radar system is a hi-tech system which concentrates many kinds of modern electronic science and technology achievements .

  2. 伴随着电子科学技术的高速发展,我国雷达武器装备系统也迈入了新的台阶:逐步实现了武器装备系统的电子化、自动化以及智能化。

    With the rapid development of electronic science and technology , the technology of our radar weapons systems become more electronic , automatic and intelligent .

  3. 随着电子科学技术的快速发展,模数转换器(ADC)作为连接模拟信号和数字信号之间的桥梁,其作用已经日益显著。

    As the rapid growth of electronics technology , the usage of analog to digital converter which is the bridge of analog signal and the digital signal is significant day by day .

  4. 随着电子科学技术的发展,博客呈现出越来越多的形式和种类,使用也越来越便捷,并日益成为取代QQ等传统交流方式的工具。

    With the rapid development of electronical science and technology , the blog presents more and more forms and types , also more convenient than before . The blog has increasingly become a substitute for many traditional communications ways such as QQ .

  5. 随着电子科学技术的不断发展,锁相环在各种场合中的应用范围越来越广泛。

    With the flying development of science and technology , phase lock loop becomes more and more wide scope of application .

  6. 现代机载雷达系统是一个覆盖电子科学技术、信息与通信工程、控制科学与工程等学科的综合体系。

    The modern airborne radar system is a comprehensive system which covers electronic science and technology , information and communication engineering , control science and engineering .

  7. 随着电子科学技术的迅速发展和电子类产品集成度和性能的不断提高,晶圆的生产规模也在不断地扩大。

    With the rapid development of electronic technology , and the improvement of the products ` performance , the production of semiconductor chips is constantly expanding .

  8. 在互联网以及电子科学技术迅速发展的大环境下,大学生网络阅读成为一种趋势。

    With the development of internet and electronical sciences and technologies , network reading has become a trend for university and college students in their daily life .

  9. 随着电子科学技术的迅猛发展,在电子信息的科学研究和新产品的开发过程中,实验研究技术和手段日新月异。

    With the rapid development of electronic technology , the technology and means of experiment study is changing with each passing day in the course of researching electronic information and exploring new product .

  10. 该报告由工信部电子科学技术情报研究所发布,逾25.4万人参与调查。

    The report was released by the Electronic Technology Information Research Institute , a subsidiary of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China . More than 254,000 people participated in the survey .

  11. 而苹果迷与苹果公司的关系也成为了当代科技社会的一个缩影,迷文化和工业文化交织在一起,合力推动着电子科学技术的浪潮不断向前发展。

    While Apple fans and Apple Corp has become a microcosm of contemporary science and technology society , fan culture and industrial culture interweave together , efforts to promote electronic science and technology development .

  12. 是西方工业革命和科研促进了数字计算机有关的机械化数学思想方法在西方的发展,是社会和军事的迫切需要与电子科学技术的飞速发展,使得数字电子计算机最终于20世纪中叶在西方发明。

    The digital electronic computer was invented on the forties of the 20th century in the West by the promoting of the urgent needs of social and military , and the development of electronics .

  13. 氡气及其子体的测量是一个涉及核科学、电子科学技术、地球科学、环境科学和放射性医学等多学科领域的复杂问题。

    The measurement on radon and its progency are complex problems , they involve in multi-discipline fields , such as nuclear science , technology of electronic science , geoscience , environment science and radioactive science , etc.

  14. 简要介绍了随着电子科学技术的发展电子设备在复杂电磁环境中的电磁兼容问题,给出了电子设备发生电磁干扰的三个因素:电磁干扰源、耦合途径、敏感设备。

    This paper simply introduces the problem of electromagnetic compatibility in modern complicated electromagnetic environment with the development of electron technology , comes up with three factors of electromagnetic interference : source of electromagnetic interference ; coupling approach and sensitivity equipment .

  15. 二十一世纪,随着电子科学技术的快速发展,图像处理技术的研究与应用越来越受到大家的关注,特别是视频图像增强技术的应用领域越来越广。

    In the twenty-first century , with the rapid development of electronic science and technology , the research and application of image processing technology has been got more and more attention . Especially the video image enhancement technique is used more and more widely .

  16. 无线传感器网络(wirelessSensorNetworks,WSN)是一种综合了多种电子信息科学技术的新型无线网络,具有十分广阔的应用前景。

    Wireless sensor networks ( WSN ), with a wide application future , is a new wireless network which compose multiple science and technology of the electronics information .

  17. 电子科学与技术专业实验教学体系建设

    Construction of Experimental Teaching System for Electronics Science and Technology Major

  18. 电子科学与技术专业、微电子学专业必修课。

    Compulsory for electrical science & technology major and microelectronics major .

  19. 影响电子科学与技术专业教育的因素分析

    Factors That Influence the Major Education of Electronic Science and Technology

  20. 电子科学与技术实验教学改革与创新能力的培养

    Experimental Teaching Reform and Innovatory Capability Cultivation of Electronic Science and Technology

  21. 电子科学与技术多样性人才培养

    On the Diversification of Education in Electronic Science and Technology

  22. 电子信息科学技术的新动向与未来新兴产业

    New Tends of Electronics and Information Science and Technology and the Future Industry

  23. 电子科学与技术专业课程设置的探讨

    On Curriculum Plan of Electronics Science and Technology Department

  24. 电子科学与技术专业教学计划的修订

    Establishment of Electronics Science and Technology Specialty Teaching Plan

  25. 电子科学与技术专业人才的实践培养模式探索

    The Cultivation Mode for Professionals in the Domain of Electronic Science and Technology

  26. 香港高校对电子科学与技术专业本科人才培养的启示

    Enlightenments from Undergraduates Talent-training of Electronic Science and Technology Specialty in Hong Kong 's Universities

  27. 电磁干扰已经成为现代电子科学与技术发展道路上必须逾越的巨大障碍。

    The electromagnetic interference has been regarded as a big obstacle for modern electronic technologic development .

  28. 光电子技术是电子科学与技术、信息工程等专业的一门主干专业基础课。

    Optoelectronic technology is a very important basic course of electronic science & techniques and information engineering .

  29. 随着空间、导航、电子等科学技术的迅速发展,卫星摄影测量的理论也在不断发展。

    Along with the quick development of science technology , such as space , navigation and electronics , the theory of satellite photogrammetry is developing too .

  30. 西湖大学将包括12个一级学科,分别是:生物学、生物医学工程、药学、物理学、数学、化学、基础医学、计算机科学与技术、电子科学与技术、光学工程、材料科学和机械工程。

    Westlake University will include 12 disciplines at first-class level -- biology , biomedical engineering , pharmaceutical science , physics , mathematics , chemistry , basic medical sciences , computer science and technology , electronic science , optical engineering , material sciences and mechanical engineering .