
  • 【机】[measuring] potentiometer 将被测电压与相同波形、频率的可调已知电压对接的电压测量仪器。
  1. 用DVM检定便携式直流电位差计示值误差

    The indication error of verifying portable DC potentiometer by DVM

  2. 以US2型交流电位差计工作原理为例,通过公式推导并附以实验数据给出了频率的修正公式。

    With the example of working principle of US2 type AC potential difference accounts , the frequency formula was given by formula deducing and attaching with experiment data .

  3. 利用电位差计的高精度,设计出合理的实验电路对C31型电表进行校准,使得电表的准确度等级得以提高。

    This article puts forward the design of an experimental circuit based on the high precision of the potential difference for calibrating electric meter Series C13 as a reasonable solution for increased accuracy .

  4. 电位差计灵敏度和标准电池内阻的测量

    On measuring sensitivity of potentiometers and internal resistance of standard cells

  5. 数字电位差计的设计与研制

    Design and research of the digital display electric potential difference meter

  6. 如何选用数字电压表检定直流电位差计

    The Selection of DC Digital Voltmeter for Verification of DC Potentiometer

  7. 电子电位差计在检测缩合液反应终点过程中的运用

    Application of Electronic Potentiometer in Detecting End Reaction of Concentrated Solution

  8. 直流电位差计恒流供电问题的研究

    A Study of Supplying Electricity using permanent current for DC Potentiometer

  9. 直流电位差计测量热电偶电动势的不确定度分析

    Am analysis of uncertainty in measuring EMF of thermocouple with DC potentiometer

  10. 内、外置平衡容器式差压水位计的比较(电位差计的)辅助设备

    Comparison between Build-in and External Balance Vessel Differential Pressure Fluviometer

  11. 对十一线电位差计工作电流选择问题的讨论

    Discussion on the selection of action current of 11-cord potential difference meter

  12. 采用热电偶和电位差计测定了气体火焰的温度;

    Fused temperature field was measured with thermocouple and potentiometer .

  13. 详细介绍了直流电位差计测量结果不确定度的分析过程。

    Evaluation methods of uncertain degree of measure result of D.

  14. 电子电位差计自动检定系统设计

    An Auto-calibrating System Design for Electronic Potential Difference Meter

  15. 电位差计的早期发展史

    The Earlier Developmental History of Potential Difference Measuring Device

  16. 直流电位差计在化工计量中的应用

    Application of DC Potentiometers in Measurement of Chemical Production

  17. 电位差计实验仪器匹配与控制电路的设计思考

    The Design of the Experiment Instrument Matching of Potentiometer and its Control Circuit

  18. 判断电位差计示值误差是否合格的初探

    Judges the Potentiometer to Show the Value Error is Whether Qualified Initially Searches

  19. 一种小型高稳定电位差计专用电源

    A special power supply for a small , highly stable potential difference meter

  20. UJ27/b型携带式直流电位差计的检修方法

    Repairing Methods for UJ27 / b Mode Portable Potentiometer

  21. 无独立线路标准化电位差计的自检

    Self-test of DC Potentiometer with No Independent Standard Circuit

  22. 电子电位差计的干扰来源及抗干扰措施

    Interference Source and Interference Rejection Measure of Electronic Potentiometer

  23. 扩大箱式电位差计量程及范围的方法

    Method of Extending Case-Electric Potential Different Meter 's Range

  24. 用板式电位差计测量电池内阻的误差分析

    The tolerance measuring a battery internal resistance with plate-tpye potential difference meter is analysed

  25. 学生型电位差计实验的系统分析智能型直流电位差计的研制

    The Systematic Analysis of Experiments with Student - Type Gauges of Electric Potential Difference

  26. 直流电流比较仪式电位差计一种新型的无位置传感器无刷直流电机转子位置检测方法

    A Novel Method of Detecting for Rotor Position of a Sensorless Brushless DC Motor

  27. 电位差计测量温差电动势的回归分析

    Regression analysis of measuring the electromotive force of temperature differences using potential difference meters

  28. 电位差计灵敏度与工作电源电压关系的探讨

    About the Relation between Sensitivity of Electric Potentiometer and Working Voltage of Power Supply

  29. 低电势直流电位差计的误差分析

    The error analysis of low voltage potentiometer

  30. 本文介绍一种用微机对电子电位差计进行自动检定的系统。

    An auto-calibrating system design for electronic potential Difference Meter is proposed in this paper .