
qiān xù diàn chí
  • lead acid battery;lead storage battery;lead accumulator
铅蓄电池[qiān xù diàn chí]
  1. 无机添加剂对铅蓄电池负极板稳态过程的影响

    Effects of Inorganic Additive to Steady State Process of Lead Accumulator Cathode

  2. 铅蓄电池极板化成的模糊控制

    Fuzzy Control in Plate Formation of Lead Accumulator

  3. 铅蓄电池正极材料的X射线衍射分析

    Study on Anode Material PbO_2 of Secondary Lead Battery with X-ray Diffraction Method

  4. 废铅蓄电池湿法再生过程PbO2的还原研究

    Reduction of PbO_2 Covered in Lead Paste of Waste Lead-acid Batteries

  5. 铅蓄电池正极铅膏加PbO2的实施

    Application of PbO_2 addition to the positive paste of lead acid battery

  6. LAB增强剂采用在带有硫酸钠,硫酸钴,重铬酸铵和磷酸的多种添加剂的硫酸溶液中,对铅蓄电池电极的特性进行研究。

    The polarization behaviour of lead has been studied in sulphuric acid solutions with various additions of sodium sulphate , cobalt sulphate , ammonium dichromate and phosphoric acid .

  7. 阀控式密封铅蓄电池(VRLA)电流放电初期出现的电压降主要是由电池欧姆内阻引起的。

    The voltage drop occurring at the beginning of discharging for VRLA batteries is mainly caused by ohmic internal resistance of the batteries .

  8. 电力助动车用阀控铅蓄电池&霍克(Hawker)电池及试验情况介绍

    VRLA batteries for electric moped ── An introduction to Hawker VRLA batteries and their testing case

  9. 铅蓄电池中Pb-Sb合金的正极腐蚀特性

    New Phenomenon in the Anodic Corrosion of Lead Antimony Alloy in Lead Acid Batteries

  10. UPS用密封铅蓄电池现状(12V65Ah和12V100Ah)

    Present Situation of Sealed Lead-Acid Batteries Used in UPS ( 12V65Ah & 12V100Ah )

  11. 铅蓄电池Pb-Sr合金板栅材料电化学性能

    Study of Electrochemical Properties of Pb-Sr Alloys for Lead-acid Batteries

  12. 新型铅蓄电池用Pb-RE合金系

    Development of a novel Pb-RE alloy system for lead-acid batteries

  13. 锂离子电池、锌镍电池和锌空气电池的综合指标不如阀控式铅蓄电池和MH-Ni电池优良。

    The comprehensive performances of lithium ion battery , nickel zinc battery and zinc-air battery were not good as that of VRLA battery and Ni-MH battery .

  14. 采用干荷铅蓄电池作为焊接电源,构建了贮能式半自动CO2电弧焊系统,分析了铅蓄电池作为平特性电源配合等速送丝机构焊接电弧变化时的自动调节过程;

    The energy-storage type CO2 semiautomatic welding system is set up by adopting lead-acid battery as welding power supply . The self-regulation process of welding arc is analyzed when lead-acid battery is used as level characteristics power supply in cooperation with uniform wire-feed .

  15. 介绍了PbCaSnAl、PbCaSnAlCd和PbCaSbZn3种合金用于铅蓄电池中的试验结果。

    In order to find an appropriate lead based alloy for plate grids used for electric bike batteries , three alloy systems ( Pb Ca Sn Al , Pb Ca Sn Al Cd and Pb Ca Sb Zn ) were tested and compared .

  16. 微机控制循环伏安法评价铅蓄电池添加剂VX-6

    Microcomputer-controlling Cyclic Voltametry to Evaluate Effets of Additive VX-6 on Lead Storage Battery

  17. 电动自行车用6-DZM-10阀控铅蓄电池的研制

    Developement of 6-DZM-10 VRLA battery used for EBs

  18. 在上述3种试验合金中,Pb-Ca-Sn-Ag的腐蚀速度较缓慢,因此,它较适合作阀控铅蓄电池的负极汇流排。

    Therefore , the Pb-Ca-Sn-Ag alloy was more suitable for negative bus-bar of VRLA battery .

  19. 试验结果以及对试验后电池的解剖分析均表明:阀控铅蓄电池的失效主要是正极板铅膏的软化和脱落(PCL-2)引起的。

    The experimental results showed that , at present , the failure modes of VRLA battery were mainly of PCL-2 .

  20. MH-Ni电池的质量比能量优于阀控式铅蓄电池,但它的价格高于后者,而低于锂离子电池。

    The specific energy of Ni-MH battery was superior to that of VRLA battery , but the price of Ni-MH was higher than that of VRLA battery and lower than that of lithium ion battery .

  21. 有机膨胀剂对铅蓄电池充电接受率影响最大,其他有影响的因素为抗氧化剂、碳黑和SiO2,工艺参数为加酸量、化成温度和铅膏密度等,也予以评价。

    Organic expanders were the most influential factors for charge acceptance of lead acid battery , other influential factors ( such as antioxidants , carbon black and SiO_2 ), technical parameters ( such as acid content in paste , formation temperature and paste density ) were also evaluated .

  22. 胶体密封铅蓄电池的密封工作原理跟AGM式密封电池是相同的,但给正极析出的氧到达负极提供的通道是不同的,因而结构和工艺也就不同。

    The sealed operational principle of gelled eletrolyte VRLA battery is identical with VRLA battery with AGM , but the pathes for oxygen evolved from anodes to cathodes are different , so the battery construction and technology are also different .

  23. 阐述了独立的光伏发电及风力发电系统中常用的铅蓄电池模型,特别提出了谢菲尔德模型、费西纳里模型及ITE模型,对各模型进行了比较并指出其尚存在的问题。

    This paper deals with the lead-acid battery models applied in an independent PV and wind power supply systems . The Shepherd model , Facinelli model and ITE model are discussed , compared and the shortcomings of them are also pointed out .

  24. 阐述了阀控铅蓄电池早期容量损失的3种模式,即PCL-1、PCL-2和PCL-3;试验了常温和高温固化VRLA电池在不同循环制度下的循环寿命。

    The three modes of premature capacity loss ( PCL ) for VRLA battery were described in this paper . They were PCL-1 , PCL-2 and PCL-3 . The cycle life of room-temperature solidification VRLA battery and high-temperature solidification VRLA battery at different DOD was tested .

  25. 中国铅蓄电池的市场现状与展望

    Present situation and prospect of the lead-acid battery market in China

  26. 浅谈铅蓄电池生产中材料的理化分析

    Physical and chemical analysis of materials in manufacture of lead-acid batteries

  27. 铅蓄电池的容量测试和寿命预测

    The Capacity Testing and Life Forecasting of Lead - acid Batteries

  28. 铅蓄电池热封串隔的危害及预防

    Study on the electrolyte leakage of lead-acid batteries caused by heat-sealing

  29. 阀控式密封铅蓄电池内阻与低温起动能力

    Internal resistance and starting ability at low temperature of VRLA batteries

  30. 铅蓄电池组的实时动态监控原理及设计

    Principle and design of real time dynamic control for VRLA group