
qiān yìn
  • letterpress printing;stereotype;relief printing;typographic printing;letterpress
铅印 [qiān yìn]
  • [letterpress] 用铅字排版印刷

铅印[qiān yìn]
  1. 以活版铅印和石印为主要方式的近代化印刷体系已经开始建立。

    The modern printing system has been established with typographic printing and lithographic printing as the main methods .

  2. 请把铅印起出来!

    Please pull out of hole with impression block !

  3. 他也使我对乱七八糟不同的手工制品十分感兴趣,比如,印刷,铅印机,

    but he got me interested in all sorts of different odd crafts , like , you know , printing , like the letter press .

  4. 还要说一下我个人在那时的看法,也许你还能想得起来,当我检查那张上面贴着报纸铅印字的信的时候,我仔细地检查了纸里面的水印。

    It may possibly recur to your memory that when I examined the paper upon which the printed words were fastened I made a close inspection for the water-mark .

  5. 目前拥有适应于平版铅印、平张纸轮转、卷筒纸轮转、烫金打号等多种印刷方式的号码机机型。

    We provided the high quality numbering machines for banknote , grain notes , treasuries , finance , duty , invoices , checks , certificates and all kinds of notes and bills etc in many years .