- 名liturgical language

Describing legalese as " a form of religious language ", he argued that convoluted language has an undesirable effect .
The problem of religious language in contemporary philosophy can be traced back to David Hume , so we will begin our investigation from Hume .
This dissertation is an attempt to provide a tentative study on the problem of religious language in the history of contemporary western philosophy of Christianity .
Thus , the change is the key to understand his views on religious language , and also shows that affection-endowed meaning should replace empirical reference in understanding the language .
In this course , strong national ideology , need of a common language for communication , Hebrew as a scared language , the revival of written Hebrew in literature together with language planning activities of enthusiasts and revivalists are all factors contributing to its success .
The thesis has summed up to summarize the characteristics of several languages of official policy , minority , religion and foreign teaching in modern Iran , finally draw conclusion which could be credible after the analysis and summary during the procedure of language policy forming in Iran .
Persons belonging to national , ethnic , religious and linguistic minority
He Zhi-li makes mistakes in the problems of religion and language .
Impact of Religion on Verbal Communication
Russian futurism is banded with national characteristics by the factors such as Russian religion , language and literature .
They have a right to their own culture , their own religion , their own language , and so on .
" Multicultural music education " as a social product it contains a literature , religion , language and other aspects .
The paper elaborates on Sino-western differences from numerical idioms from the perspective of psychology , theology , religion and aesthetics of language .
The Maldivian ethnic identity is a blend of the cultures of peoples who settled on the islands , reinforced by religion and language .
This paper focuses on the influence on English by way of the interactive relationship between religion and language and discusses the religious color of the English language .
The first chapter introduces the cultural background of Daur fantastic tales , including the ethnic origin , ethnic name , history , religion , language , culture and so on .
By means of symbol aesthetics , the author analyzes the achievement of the human being 's symbolic activities , like myth , religion , language , art , history and science , etc.
Chapter Two discuss how the progeny of the South Asian immigrants & young Asians develop between two cultures from the aspects of religion , language , family , marriage , education and employment .
After all , would a Speakers'Corner modelled after the prototype in Hyde Park in Britain fit into the climate of our city-state , given its pluralism in race , religion , language , and culture ?
Britain 's colonial dominion ( 1819-1959 ) gave Singapore an enduring legacy , including high control in politics , intrepid trade in economy and pluralism of race , religion , language and culture in society .
With Bulgaria government census and related study conclusion as the foundation , This part analyzes of the current survey , historical origin and some controversial national problems from the race , religion , language of Bulgaria nationality composition .
To create positive change , we must constantly ask ourselves the following questions . How are the rights of persons belonging to social , national , ethnic , religious , linguistic or other minorities guaranteed in our community , State and region ?
The vertical human zones in the mountain regions is a kind of the human phenomenon which is on the basis of the vertical natural zones , including culture , nationality , religion , language , population and settlement as well as all human activities .
In recent years , the research about Lisu in their home country and abroad is versatile , concerning the origin , community , religion , speaking and writing , literature , culture , folk-custom , music to the nation education etc. which helps to make netter research results .
The Influence of Religion on Chinese and English Languages
Hieroglyphic was the language the people used to write important or religious documents .
Sanskrit is mostly used as a ceremonial language in Hindu religious rituals in the forms of hymns and mantras .
We may have different religions , different languages , different colored skin , but we all belong to one human race .
The article discusses the influence of Christianism culture on the English language and the influence of Buddhism culture on the Chinese language .
Three types of cultural conflicts have occurred in the history of American education , they are religious conflict , linguistic conflict and Americanization .