
  • 网络religious wedding;marriage religion
  1. 我们在教堂举行宗教婚礼。

    We had a religious ceremony in the church .

  2. 举个例子,曾被视为非传统的世俗婚礼的数量自1999年起就已赶超宗教婚礼了。

    For instance , civil marriages , once considered unconventional , have overtaken religious ceremonies since 1999 .

  3. 在巴拉圭,99岁的玛蒂娜·洛佩斯和103岁的约瑟·曼纽尔·瑞拉在同居50年后终于在一场宗教婚礼上喜结连理。

    And in Paraguay , Martina Lopez 99 and Jose Manuel Riella 103 sealed their love in a religious wedding after 50 years of living together . She wore a dress .

  4. 来澳大利亚统计局的数据显示,在澳大利亚,有超过50%的婚礼都是由非宗教的婚礼司仪来主持的。

    In Australia , more than half of all marriages are performed by civil celebrants ( Australian Bureau of Statistics ) .

  5. 正是因为诗性智慧的这些特征,形成了人类社会最首要的三大基本原则:宗教、婚礼和葬礼,并且进一步演绎出了人类社会的三个时代:神的时代、英雄时代和人的时代。

    And the foremost three basic criteria-religion , wedding and funeral , which generated from those four main characters , deduced the three eras of human society : the era of Gods , the era of Hero , and the era of People .

  6. 《1953治罪法概要》中写道:“故意阻碍或扰乱宗教仪式、婚礼或葬礼者都是有罪的。”

    In the Summary Offences Act 1953 , it is stated , " A person who intentionally12 obstructs13 or disturbs a religious service or a wedding or funeral [ ... ] is guilty of an offence . "

  7. 例如,特别响的手机铃声经常破坏会议、播放中的电影、宗教仪式、婚礼、葬礼、学术讲座和考试。

    For example , cell phones with loud ringers frequently disrupt meetings , the presentation of movies , religious ceremonies , weddings , funerals , academic lectures , and test-taking environments .