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zōng cí
  • ancestral hall;ancestral temple;clan temple;clan hall
宗祠 [zōng cí]
  • [clan hall;clan temple;ancestral hall] 存放家族亡故先辈牌位、举行家族内各种仪式或处理家族事务的地方;祠堂

宗祠[zōng cí]
  1. 每个大家庭都有自己的宗祠,在那里供奉着这个家庭的祖先。

    Each big families all have own ancestral hall , is consecrating this family ancestor in there .

  2. 本文试图从其独具特色的建筑文化、浓郁的宗祠文化及传承不断的人文文化三方面来阐述其文化特色。

    This article tries to research its cultural features from the architecture culture , ancestral hall culture and human culture .

  3. 哇,没想到这座宗祠里面还这么大!

    Wow ! I didn 't expect it to be this large inside .

  4. 同姓团体其大宗祠的建设标志着泰国华人社会的文化复兴运动的兴起。

    These halls marked the rise of culture renaissance of overseas Chinese in Thailand .

  5. 大牛,这里就是孙氏宗祠的正厅了。

    Daniel , this is the central hall of he Sun family ancestral temple .

  6. 大牛,这镇上有两座孙氏宗祠。

    Daniel , there are two ancestral temples of the Sun family clan here .

  7. 民俗变迁与族群发展&广州世居满族的宗祠祭祀

    Folklore Variance and Ethnic Group Development & Guangzhou Manchu 's Sacrifice in Ancestral Hall

  8. 四川省宗祠旅游资源分析及其开发利用研究潜山杨氏宗祠的传统建筑理念

    Research on Evaluation and Exploitation of Tourism Resources of Ancestral Halls in Sichuan Province

  9. 权力空间的象征&徽州的宗族、宗祠与牌坊

    Symbol of the Power Space ── Clan Settlement , Ancestral Hall Memorial Gateway in Huizhou

  10. 族权影响下的宗祠建设&以静升村为例

    Construction of Clan Temples under Clan Power & Based on the Example of Jingsheng Village

  11. 专祠与宗祠&明中期前后徽州宗祠的发展

    Special Hall and Ancestral Hall : Development of Ancestral Hall in Huizhou in the Mid-Ming Dynasty

  12. 古城文化底蕴深厚,具体表现在城市布局、寺庙和宗祠、传统民居四合院、寺庙民居的楹联,包含了丰富的文化内涵。

    Its rich cultural connotations are embodied in its layout , temples , residential houses , courtyards and couplets .

  13. 泰国华人社会的文化复兴运动&同姓团体的大宗祠建设

    The Cultural Renaissance of Overseas Chinese Society in Thailand ── Ancestral Halls Construction of Societies of the Same Surname

  14. 但是中华民族依然屹立于世界民族之林民俗变迁与族群发展广州世居满族的宗祠祭祀

    There still stands our nation China , Folklore Variance and Ethnic Group Development Guangzhou Manchu 's Sacrifice in Ancestral Hall

  15. 嘉靖年间以后的宗祠仍然沿续了专祠的祭祀崇拜传统。

    The worship tradition in the special hall was continued in the ancestral hall after the reign of Emperor Jiajing .

  16. 童氏是这里的最大宗族,童氏宗祠第一大厅的柱子要两个成年人才能环抱,雕梁画栋,极尽辉煌。

    Who is the most families , ancestral hall 's first pillars shall be two adults to encircle , smallest , a brilliant .

  17. 辛亥革命后,满族民众利用宗祠祭祀建构关于落广祖的历史记忆、增强族群的认同和凝聚力,宗祠祭祀成为他们在广州社会进行文化重构的重要手段。

    After 1911 , Guangzhou Manchu utilized ancestral hall to construct history memory about their ancestors , strengthen ethnic group self-identity and cohesion .

  18. 总结了自贡宗祠建筑所具有的历史文化价值,并对其保护与再利用提出思考。

    Conclude the historical and cultural value of ancestral temples in Zigong . Thinking about how to protect and reconstruct these traditional architectures .

  19. 研究员们造访刘先生老家位于江西省的宗祠后发现,刘氏家族的谱系可追溯至3000年前。

    When the team visited Mr Liu 's ancestral temple in inland Jiangxi province , they discovered a lineage that stretched back 3000 years .

  20. 四川省宗祠旅游资源类型丰富,拥有以文庙、三国蜀汉文臣武将专祠、文化名人专祠、祭祀同族祖先的祠堂等为代表的资源体系。

    There were plenty of ancestral halls in Sichuan Province , which of them form a system of the tourism resources of ancestral halls .

  21. (二)由宗祠、支祠以至家长的家族系统(族权);

    The clan system ( clan authority ), ranging from the central ancestral temple and its branch temples down to the head of the household ;

  22. 从陈氏宗祠到赖氏宗祠,再到紫云宗祠,从门牌到屋里,每一处的雕刻都是那么引人入胜。

    Lai Chen Ancestral Hall from the Ancestral Hall , and then to lodge hall , from building the house , the carving is so fascinating installation .

  23. 家谱大多由古老村庄中的宗祠祖庙、而不是公共机关管理,因此很难编制数字化数据库。

    Most are maintained by the clan or temple in the ancestral village , not by any public authority , which makes it hard to compile digital databases .

  24. 上松裕没有考虑他父亲的宗祠,因为他听说其价格贵的离谱。

    Uematsu didn 't consider asking his father 's family temple as he had heard the prices charged for a family member 's funeral were " outrageous . "

  25. 此时的宗庙也可以说是宗祠,其目的是为了祭祀,但同时也是等级和身份的象征。

    At this time of the ancestral temple has been ancestral hall can also be said , its purpose is to worship , but also the level and status symbol .

  26. 就乡村文化生活而言,则以乡村中的中小学或宗祠、社庙、寺院、教堂等宗教和文化活动场所为载体。

    And religionary and cultural stages including junior high school or grade school , ancestral hall , temple , or church , are the location of the culture life in countryside .

  27. 该文以静升村各宗祠的发展与演化为线索,探讨了族权在宗祠建设中的重要意义。

    Keeping track with the development and evolution of different clan temples in Jingsheng village , the present paper discusses the function of clan power in the building of clan temples .

  28. 宗族因士人而逐渐发展成熟,士人因宗族而为基层社会士绅阶层。民俗变迁与族群发展&广州世居满族的宗祠祭祀

    The Gentleman becomes a class in local society for the Patriarchal Clan at the same time . Folklore Variance and Ethnic Group Development & Guangzhou Manchu 's Sacrifice in Ancestral Hall

  29. 对宗祠场景模型的绘制对象做时间估计和重要性分析,选择在限定时间内可达到最佳图像效果的模型来进行绘制。

    The largest ancestral halls scene to render objects of a model for the time and importance , in the minimum time to get best effect can be image of the model to draw .

  30. 虽然宗祠建筑的社会功能与宗族组织密切相关,但宗祠建筑的价值不会随宗族组织和宗族文化的消亡而消亡,依旧作为物质文化遗存具有重要价值。

    Though the social function of ancestral halls is closely related to lineage organizations , their values are still important as cultural heritage , instead of vanishing with the extinction of lineage organizations and clan culture .