
  • 网络religious geography;Geography of religion
  1. 在研究方法上,除了运用历史学和地理学的研究方法外,历史宗教地理研究还要积极借鉴民族学、文化学、考古学等学科的研究成果和研究方法。

    In addition to historical and geographical approaches , histo-religious geography will have to utilize results and approaches of ethnics , culture and archeology .

  2. 试论宗教的地理背景

    On geographical background of religion

  3. 宗教与地理形成的特殊的人地关系,使我们有必要创建历史宗教地理学。

    The special relationship between man and land caused by religion and geography makes it necessary to establish the science of histo-religious geography .

  4. 中国的传统建筑文化在其长期的发展过程中,因受到政治、经济、宗教、地理、气候等方方面面因素的影响,形成了不同于世界上其他国家的独一无二的风貌特色。

    Some key factors , such as politics , economy , religion , geography and climate have effect on Chinese traditional culture with its long development period and the culture becomes unmatched beauty in the world .

  5. 其中,文化层面涉及到历史事件,宗教信仰,地理环境。

    The cultural level will refer to historical event , geographic environment and religious belief .

  6. 词汇是语言的一部分,它的构成成份会受到社会状况、宗教信仰、地理环境、风俗习惯等诸多文化因素的影响和制约。

    Vocabulary is part of language and it is influenced and restricted by cultural factors such as social conditions , religious beliefs , geographical locations and customs .

  7. 它在形成上虽然传承、沿袭着丰富的传统文化基因,保留了多元文化的传统个性,但在总体上受历史文化、宗教文化和地理环境三大因素的影响最深刻。

    Although it passes and follows the gene of the rich traditional culture and remains its character , it is deeply influenced by the historic culture , religionary culture and geographical environment .

  8. 中世纪大学为近代大学模式打下了雏形,打破了教会垄断教育的局面,并在一定程度上推动了后来的文艺复兴、宗教改革、地理大发现等,促进了欧洲乃至世界的进步。

    Medieval universities lay a foundation for the university of modern times , broke the monopoly of church on education , give impetus to the development of Europe and even the whole world .

  9. 英语和汉语这两种语言的社会群体在各自漫长的历史进程中,由于风俗习惯、社会历史文化背景、宗教信仰和地理环境等方面因素的影响,形成了自己的民族特点、民族色彩。

    During the prolonged process of development of English and Chinese in history , both languages formed their own national character and color due to different impacts from the aspects such as custom , socio-historical cultural background , religious belief and geographical environment .

  10. 它隐含着一个民族的历史、宗教、自然地理、伦理道德、阶级状况等文化信息,是研究一个民族文化的活化石。

    They contain such cultural messages of a nation as history , religion , physical geography , customs and habits , moral principles , and class status , and therefore , can serve as living fossils for the study of a nation 's culture .

  11. 避免就种族、性别、年龄、宗教、族裔、地理、性取向、残障、体貌或社会地位形成刻板成见。

    Avoid stereotyping by race , gender , age , religion , ethnicity , geography , sexual orientation , disability , physical appearance or social status .

  12. 调查问卷挑选了10个具有代表性的文化幽默,它们大致可分为五类:宗教,历史,地理,民族心理和其它类。

    Ten representative cultural humors , which can be roughly classified into five categories : religion , history , geography , national psychology and others , are selected .

  13. 文章通过对川滇少数民族地区人口、宗教、文化、地理环境等相关资料的分析,认为该地区地理环境的复杂性和封闭性,使得该地区社会经济发展落后,少数民族文盲率普遍较高;

    In this paper through analyzing the population , religion , culture and geography in the Sichuan and Yunnan area , We think that the complex landform and backward transport make the economy leg behind other areas and cause a high ratio of illiteracy .