
  • 网络suzerain-vassal relations
  1. 中国和越南之间的宗藩关系得到了重新确立并发展下去,直到十九世纪晚期。

    The Suzerain-vassal relations of Sung dynasty and Le dynasty have been reestablished and maintained until late 19th century .

  2. 在另外一千余年里,越南是独立的封建国家,但也一直和中国保持宗藩关系,并向中国纳贡称臣。

    Then Vietnam became a independent feudal country , but it had been maintained and the suzerain-vassal relations between the Chinese and Chinese tribute to concede defeat .

  3. 略论古代中国和越南之间的宗藩关系

    On the Relationship of Suzerainty and Vassal Between China and Viet Nam

  4. 第三章:中朝宗藩关系的强化。略论一边倒外交政策下的中朝关系

    Preliminary Discussion on the Sino-Korean Relationship under the Context of Predominating Foreign Policy

  5. 日本吞并琉球与清代中琉宗藩关系的终结

    Japan Swallowing up Ryukyu and the Ending of Ryukyu Paying Tribute to China

  6. 中国与亚洲诸国宗藩关系的历史渊源探析

    On the Historical Origins of Suzerain-Vassal Relationship Between China and Other Asian Countries

  7. 明王朝与王氏高丽及李氏朝鲜一直保持着密切的宗藩关系。

    The Ming Dynasty , Korea Wang and Korea Li kept the compact connection at all times .

  8. 清代中朝宗藩关系嬗变研究

    The Study on the Relationship between China and Korea as Suzerain and Vassal State during Qing Dynasty

  9. 当所有的准备工作完成以后,立即以战争的方式消除了中朝之间的宗藩关系。

    Finally , when everything was ready , japan eliminated The Sino-Korean suzerain-vassal state relationship by war .

  10. 两国宗藩关系恢复后,在经济,文化等方面都有了较大的发展,但在两国关系发展的背后,存在着一些问题。

    After the relation between the two countrys recovered , the communication in economy and culture was made great progress .

  11. 在明代,中朝两国的宗藩关系是东北亚地区最牢固的国际关系。

    The suzerain relation between China and Korea was a most solid international relation in Northeast Asia in Ming dynasty .

  12. 中朝宗藩关系的崩溃,是内因与外因共同作用的结果。

    The collapse of the Sino-Korean suzerain-vassal state relationship was the result of the effects of both intrinsic factor and extrinsic factor .

  13. 为了使中朝宗藩关系取得国际合法性,清廷主动让朝鲜与西方国家建立外交关系,其后,又与朝鲜订立双边条约,从而使宗藩关系被纳入条约体系当中。

    China made Korea made diplomatic relations with the Western countries initiatively and got the international legitimacy for the traditional Sino-Korea tributary relation .

  14. 19世纪中后期,中朝宗藩关系受到西方列强和日本的冲击。

    In the late 19th century , the relationship of tribute system between China and Korea was impacted by the Western powers and Japan .

  15. 中法战争爆发后,日本迅速调整了对朝政策,尝试着对中朝宗藩关系的进一步破坏。

    However , the japanese attitude to korea changed quickly after the erupt of Sino-France War with trying to ruin The Sino-Korean suzerain-vassal state relationship further .

  16. 统一后的后黎朝时期,经济逐步恢复,文化日益发展,社会稳定,与中国保持密切的宗藩关系。

    At that time , in the context of the gradual economic recovery , cultural development and social stability , Vietnam maintained close ties with China .

  17. 宗藩关系是中国和朝鲜(韩国)历史关系的一个最大特点,这种特殊的关系深深影响着两国和两国人民的关系。

    The most characteristic of historical relationship between China and Korea was suzerain-tributary relation , which deeply impacted the connection of two countries and their people .

  18. 一些地方官员从明朝的国力和宗藩关系的角度考虑,实际采取了扶黎讨莫政策。

    And considering the force of Ming and suzerain-feudatory system some officials in the frontier are actually adopt the policy of supporting Li 's to oppose Mo 's.

  19. 元代是中越宗藩关系深入发展的时期,汉文化在越南得到进一步传播,中越文化交流的硕果累累。

    The development between China and Vietnam was during The Yuan Dynasty . Chinese culture spread further in Vietnam and Sino-Vietnamese cultural exchange had achieved great achievements .

  20. 中国朝廷通常没有也不打算利用这种表面上的、自我安慰式的朝贡宗藩关系来干预东南亚地区事务。

    Chinese imperial courts did not usually use or intend to use this ostensible and self-comforting tributary and suzerain-vassal relations to interfere the internal affairs in Southeast Asia .

  21. 连年的战争使高句丽国力大为消耗,因此对新建的唐朝采取亲唐政策,唐丽恢复了传统的宗藩关系。

    Years of war greatly consumption of Koguryo national strength , Koguryo take " pro-Tang policy " and therefore the new Tang and Koguryo restore the traditional vassal relations .

  22. 中越宗藩关系形成于北宋早期,它是随着安南地方独立政权的出现、形成和巩固。

    Suzerain-vassal relations of Sino-Vietnamese had come into being in early north Sung dynasty , and along with the independent regime of Vietnam appearance , form , and consolidation .

  23. 作为东方文化圈联系纽带的中朝宗藩关系,正是在这样的大背景下危机日益加剧,直至最终全面崩溃。

    It was under these circumstances that the crisis of the Sino-Korean suzerain-vassal state relationship , as the tie of the Eastern cultural circle , pricked up increasingly , and finally collapsed .

  24. 面对当时的国际形势和朝鲜与中国的传统关系,不得不对中朝宗藩关系作出调整和变通。

    Confronting with the international situation at that time and the traditional link between China and Korea , Japan had to adjust and adapt to the subordinate relations between China and Korea .

  25. 实质上,就是以传统儒家思想为基础的中越宗藩关系和西方近代外交原则下的法越殖民关系之间的冲突。

    In fact , it is the contradiction between two relations , they are Sino-Vietnam relations on the basis of traditional Confucian Thoughts and French-Vietnam colonies relations under the principals western diplomatic thoughts .

  26. 中越宗藩关系解体后,中越两国政局更加动荡,同时中越宗藩体制的解体也一定程度上削弱了以中国为中心的亚洲宗藩体制,西方殖民者对亚洲各地区的侵略更加的肆无忌惮。

    After the disintegration of Sino-Vietnam Partriarchal-Vassal relationship , the more turbulent political situation in China and Vietnam appeared ; meanwhile , it also somehow enervated the East Asia Partriarchal-Vassal System centering on China .

  27. 清军进入广西、云南后,虽然南明仍有永历政权,安南各政权已开始建立了与清朝的宗藩关系。

    After the Qing troops marched into Guangxi and Yunnan , the Annan regimes began to establish suzerain-vassal relations with the Qing Dynasty , despite there remained Yongli 's reins in the Southern Ming Dynasty .

  28. 因此,考证清代中越使节交往情况,能够更好地把握清代中越关系发展的脉博,对理解中越宗藩关系的真实情形具有重要意义。

    Therefore , research exchanges between diplomats of the Qing Dynasty and Vietnam , better able to grasp the development of relations between the Qing Dynasty and Vietnam . The pulse of the suzerain-vassal relations in the understanding of the true situation is of great significance .

  29. 至少在入关以后,清朝方面也从未追求在与朝鲜的宗藩朝贡关系中获得直接的经济利益。

    After entering the Shanhaiguan Pass , Qing dynasty never pursued direct economic benefits from the tributary relationship with Korea .