
shì lín
  • literati;literary circles;scholars as a class;intelligentsia
士林 [shì lín]
  • [intellectual circles] 学术界、知识界

  • 他交游甚广,认识不少士林中的人

  1. 清代教育方针及士林风气对民间教育的影响

    Impact of Qing Dynasty Education Policy and Intelligentsia on Folk Education

  2. PS-1型超滤器回收士林染料

    Recovery of Indanthrene Dye from Printing and Dyeing Wastewaters with PS & 1 Type Ultrafilter

  3. 本文叙述了用自制PS-1型超滤器回收士林染料的方法。

    In this paper the method of recovering indanthrene dye with PS-1 type ultrafilter made by ourselves is described .

  4. 第二代街头小贩HuangYing-tong称,他家在台北士林夜市上经营烧烤大排档已经有30年了,外来小吃的入侵对他而言一点都不构成困扰。

    Second-generation street vendor Huang Ying-tong said the invasion of foreign food in Shilin Night Market , where his family has been selling an array of barbecued grub for 30 years , doesn 't bother him at all .

  5. 本文主要介绍了8754A网络分析仪对西德凯士林公司UHF天线的驻波比经进行测试分析的结果,并根据结果分析了影响天线驻波比的因素。

    With the help of 8754A Network analyser , the author of this paper tests and analyses the UHF Antenna VSWR of KATHREIN of Germany . Based on the result of analysis , the present paper tries to explore some factors which offect the antenna VSWR .

  6. 3月28日当天,戈士林在其网络日志上公布了加盟谷歌的消息。

    The Google hiring announcement was also made today on his blog .

  7. 安全有保障:独家配备士林电机漏电断路器,确保人身100%安全。

    Safeguard : outfit electric leakage circuit breaker for 100 % safeguard .

  8. 任期士林,然后开始用在一个带有贬义色彩的意识。

    The term scholasticism then began to be used in a derogatory sense .

  9. 士林是一个长远的用于指定既是一种方法和制度。

    Scholasticism is a term used to designate both a method and a system .

  10. 分散/士林迷彩布砂眼的分析与防止

    Analysis and Prevention of Sand Hole Defect on Disperse / Indanthrene Prints with Dim Effect

  11. 近五十年来台湾地区士林哲学之研究与前瞻

    Future Perspective of Christian Philosophy in Taiwan

  12. 要是我们早点出发,还能有时间去士林夜市吗?

    If we start early , do we have some time for Shi-Lin night market too ?

  13. 商业文明的发展与晚明士林风气的嬗变

    On the Development of Commercial Civilization and the Transmutation of Intelligentsia in the Late Ming Dynasty

  14. 山野与水域:士林小说与市井小说构建的不同空间

    Hill moor and water area : the different space between the literary stories and the citizen stories

  15. 不过,在元代及后世的士林中黄溍主要还是以其人格操守著称。

    However , Huang Jin is mainly famous for his personal conduct in Yuan Dynasty and later .

  16. 用这点小本钱,我可以在士林摆个小吃摊。

    With this minimal capital , I can run a small curbside food stand in Shihlin area .

  17. 这是真正的不仅是细节,而且最重要的要素士林。

    And this is true not only of the details , but also of the most essential elements of Scholasticism .

  18. 她当时感到很沮丧,幸好在上网搜索一番后发现了一个举世闻名的小吃聚集地&台北士林夜市。

    Disappointed , a bit of searching online helped her discover the Taipei-based Shilin Night Market , a world-famous snack repository .

  19. 喷射溢流染色法染涤粘织物时,用雷马素活性染料/分散染料代替士林染料/分散染料。

    Remazol / disperse dyes were used to dye T / R fabrics instead of vat / disperse dyes on overflow jet dyeing machine .

  20. 科举制度对整个唐代的士林心态、风俗习尚以及文学艺术产生过深远影响,尤其是对唐人出处进退的人生选择以及人生哲学的架构意义更为重大。

    The imperial examination system influenced psychology , social custom and art in Tang Dynasty and especially influenced frame of going to advance or withdrawing from politics .

  21. 他经营着纽约市布鲁克林区和昆士区的一部分赌博业。山野与水域:士林小说与市井小说构建的不同空间

    He had some of the gambling in Brooklyn and some in Queens . Hill moor and water area : the different space between the literary stories and the citizen stories

  22. 40位水手,身着青布上衣、士林蓝裤子,腰系银饰花带,手握五尺木桨,整齐划一,甚是威武。

    The oarsmen , 40 in all , wield 5-foot-long wooden oars . These powerful-looking men wear horsetail-shaped hats , blue jacketsand trousers , and embroidered waistbands pinned with silver ornaments .

  23. 该半成品选用分散/士林或分散/活性染料染色,并经柔软拉幅处理,成品基本消除了刺痒感,满足服用要求。

    After dyed with disperse / vat dyes or disperse / reactive dyes , followed by stentering with softeners , the end product features no scratchiness and meets the serviceability demands .

  24. 将士林哲学与灵修神学一并考虑,有助于我们将焦点置于「对话风格」的不同,并认识此种多样性与语言游戏所具有的可塑性之间的关联。

    A joint assessment of scholastic philosophy and spiritual theology helps one to focus on the variety of " dialogic styles " and to relate such diversity to the plasticity of language-games .

  25. 东汉也是儒学发展曲折的时代,由于最高统治者对谶纬的倡导,导致儒学神秘化,儒士方士化,士林充斥着虚妄与迷信。

    The Eastern Han Dynasty is the most dirty age of Confucianism too , because the supreme ruler of prophetic-mixed advocacy , lead it to mystification , Confucian scholars are akin to necromancer , scholastic filled with false and superstition .

  26. 晚明时期,商业文明的发展促进了传统四民观的转变,唤醒了士人阶层的理性精神,一股新异的思想解放之风在士林中鼓荡。

    In the late Ming Dynasty , the development of commercial civilization brought about the transformation of the traditional concept of the Four Types of citizens and awakened the rationalism in the intellectuals A new atmosphere of emancipation of the mind prevailed .

  27. 本文从图书馆文化认知功能的视角,就当前如何正确认识图书馆、复合图书馆、将图书馆搬回家、小馆办大事及嘉惠士林等问题,进行了评述。

    At the angle of cultural cognizing function of library , the paper reviews the academic topics of how to correctly understand libraries , hybrid library , removing the library , letting small library do great invents , giving scholars the benefits of libraries , etc.

  28. 父亲是前清举人,在本乡江南一个小县里做大绅士。明中后期狂士的社会交往生活与江南士林风气

    His father had passed the second-degree examination under Manchu rule and was a prominent squire in his native district south of the Yangtze . The Social Intercourse of the Maniac Intellectuals and the Prevailing Custom among the Intellectuals in Jiannan Region during the Mid and Late Ming Period