
  1. 酒庄总经理阮士礼(音译)称,他预计酒庄今年的游客人数将超过酒庄经营首年游客人数的两倍,达到8万人。

    The general manager , Ruan Shi Li , says he expects 80000 visitors this year , more than double its first year .

  2. 《仪礼·士昏礼》是我国最早的有关婚礼的系统记载。

    Shi Hun Li is the earliest record of the wedding system of China .

  3. 清代一些学者基于鸿雁难以猎获等考虑,认为《仪礼.士昏礼》所记礼物雁是指家鹅。

    Considering the fact that it 's difficult to capture wild geese , some scholars in the Qing dynasty believed the gift geese in Rites : Weddings of the Gentry had to be domestic geese .