
  • 网络judge;Book of Judges
  1. 《旧约.士师记》中的以色列战士英雄。

    Israelite warrior hero of the Old Testament Book of Judges .

  2. 士师记五章31节这样结尾:“这样国中太平四十年。”

    Judges 5 : 31 ends by saying , " And the land had rest forty years . "

  3. 《旧约全书。士师记》中以色列人的士师和救星。

    Judge and hero of ancient Israel , whose deeds are described in the Old Testament Book of Judges .

  4. 读者将会在《士师记》中找到有关他们这段时间里奋斗和灾难的记录。

    The reader will find in the Book of Judges a record of their struggles and disasters during this period .