
  • 网络joshua;Book of Joshua
  1. 约书亚记11章15节说:凡耶和华所吩咐摩西的,约书亚没有一件懈怠不行的。约书亚这样顺服神的命令,一定非常讨神的喜悦。

    Joshua 11 : 15 says , " Joshua left nothing undone of all that the LORD had commanded Moses . " It must have pleased the Lord greatly to see a man who was so obedient !

  2. 约书亚记第2章6节说:先是喇合领二人上了房顶,将他们藏在那里所摆的麻撷中。

    Joshua 2 : 6 says , But she had brought them up to the roof of the house , and hid them with the stalks of flax , which she had laid in order upon the roof .

  3. 听我念约书亚记10章8节:“耶和华对约书亚说:”不要怕他们,因为我已将他们交在你手里,他们无一人能在你面前站立得住。“

    Listen as I read Joshua 10 : 8 ? And the Lord said to Joshua , don 't be afraid of them . I have delivered them into your hand ; there shall not a man of them stand before you . "

  4. 约书亚记9章1-2节说;“当所有的王,听见这事,就都聚集,同心合意地要与约书亚和以色列人争战。”他们觉得最好的方法就是联合起来。

    The Bible says in Joshua 9 : 1 and 2 , " when all the kings heard they gathered themselves together , to fight with Joshua and .. " Israel . " " They decided their best defense would be to fight together .

  5. 因为道路甚远,也都穿旧了,我们实在是走了好远的路。“约书亚记9章14节的记载实在令人难过;”以色列人并没有求问神。“

    You can tell we have been traveling a long , long time . " ? ? Joshua 9 : 14 is a very sad verse : " And men ( of Israel ) did not ask counsel at the mouth of the LORD . "