
  • 网络bound tariff;tariff binding;bound duty;bound rates of duty
  1. 此外,该成员应根据本谅解项下的通知程序,明确并单独表明价格机制措施超过约束关税的数量。

    Furthermore , that Member shall indicate the amount by which the price-based measure exceeds the bound duty clearly and separately under the notification procedures of this Understanding .

  2. 对于所有约束关税均应记录其他税费。

    " Other duties or charges " shall be recorded in respect of all tariff bindings .

  3. 对修改或撤销的约束关税拥有谈判权的成员应考虑此类出价。

    Such an offer shall be taken into consideration by the Members having negotiating rights in the binding being modified or withdrawn .

  4. 第24条第6款制定了一形成关税同盟的成员提议提高约束关税时所应遵循的程序。

    Paragraph 6 of Article XXIV establishes the procedure to be followed when a Member forming a customs union proposes to increase a bound rate of duty .