
  • 网络John;The Gospel of John;Joh
  1. 约翰福音10章11节讲到主耶稣要怎样帮助我们,他说:“我是好牧人,好牧人为羊舍命。”我们知道好牧人就是耶稣。

    John 10 : 11 tells how the Lord Jesus helps us . " I am the good shepherd . The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep . " John 10 : 11 . Let 's read it together now . We know the good shepherd means Jesus .

  2. 而约翰福音中的最后的晚餐不是逾越节晚餐。

    The Last Supper in John is not a Passover meal .

  3. 他以圣约翰福音中的文句作布道的题目。

    He preached on a text from St. John 's gospel .

  4. 这又一次说明了,约翰福音的叙述结构是不同的。

    Again , the Gospel of John different in its narrative structures .

  5. 在约翰福音中,他是主最喜爱的门徒。

    He 's Jesus'favorite disciple in the Gospel of John .

  6. 看看约翰福音中是怎么叙述行刑的。

    Read the execution narrative in the Gospel of John .

  7. 这就是你会在约翰福音中见到的。

    And that 's what you get in the Gospel of John .

  8. 约翰福音所关注的是基督论。

    What is at issue in the Gospel of John is Christology .

  9. 根据《约翰福音》,耶稣什么时候变成神?

    When did Jesus become divine according to the Gospel of John ?

  10. 《约翰福音》三大中文译本文学性比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Literariness in Three Chinese Versions of John

  11. 约翰福音里则完全没提到伯利恒出生的情节。

    John doesn 't have anything about this Bethlehem birth .

  12. 显然约翰福音是,非常重要的基督教教义。

    Obviously the Gospel of John is very important for Christian doctrine .

  13. 约翰福音说最后的晚餐发生了什么?

    What happens at the Last Supper in the Gospel of John ?

  14. 他们通过读约翰福音获得持续三年这个观点。

    They get the three years from reading the Gospel of John .

  15. 爱的定义:《约翰福音》第13章的翻译和注释

    Defining Love : A New Translation and Commentary of the Gospel of John

  16. 对,它就发生在约翰福音刚开头的地方。

    Okay , yes it happens at the very beginning of the Gospel .

  17. 而约翰福音没有。

    The Gospel of John doesn 't have that .

  18. 在约翰福音中耶稣经常换话题。

    Jesus changes the subject in the Gospel of John quite a lot .

  19. 在约翰福音中,耶稣并不擅长于,人际关系。

    Jesus is not good on interpersonal communication in the Gospel of John .

  20. 在约翰福音中则丝毫没有提到驱魔。

    You know there 's not one exorcism in the Gospel of John .

  21. 《约翰福音》中的书信参加了这次讨论。

    The letters of John get into this argument .

  22. 在约翰福音中,有三处不同的地方提到了逾越节。

    In the Gospel of John there are three different mentions of Passovers .

  23. 《约翰福音》等书中有不同的基督论。

    We 've looked at different ones in John and that sort of thing .

  24. 约翰福音还有很重要的一点,就是教派主义。

    One of the most important things that drives the Gospel of John is sectarianism .

  25. 你不能用《约翰福音》的内容,来解释《马太福音》

    You can 't use the Gospel of John to interpret the Gospel of Matthew .

  26. 注意约翰福音是如何反复地,将这些问题归结到基督论上的。

    Notice how in the Gospel of John repeatedly these issues come down to Christology .

  27. 我们没听过他这么叫自己,只有《约翰福音》这么叫过。

    We just don 't have him doing that except in the Gospel of John .

  28. 所以在约翰福音中,提到耶稣的神职生涯中有三次逾越节。

    There 's three Passovers that occur in Jesus'ministry according to the Gospel of John .

  29. 记住我现在所讲的是前三部福音和约翰福音,它们之间叙述上的不同。

    Remember I 'm here rehearsing just narrative differences between the first three Gospels and John .

  30. 约翰福音就是表达这样,主题的地方。

    The Gospel of John is a wonderful place to see this very theme starting out .