
yùn niàng
  • brew;ferment;simmer
酝酿 [yùn niàng]
  • [ferment;brew] 造酒的发酵过程,比喻做准备工作

  • 解决办法正在酝酿中

酝酿[yùn niàng]
  1. 国际游资酝酿中国金融危机

    International Moving Capital Brew to Attack China Finance System

  2. 经过三个阶段、二十多年的酝酿和变革,国家颁布实施了《中华人民共和国义务教育法》、《中华人民共和国义务教育法实施细则》等法律,确定了基础教育经费的来源。

    After 20-year 's brew and transformation , the financial source of basic-education has been confirmed by The Compulsory-education Law and The Compulsory-education Implementing Detailed-rules .

  3. 我听说有更多的人事变动在酝酿中。

    I hear there are more staff changes in the offing .

  4. 这个计划迄今为止还只是在酝酿之中。

    The plan , as yet , only exists in embryonic form .

  5. 首相的评论即将酝酿出一场政治风暴。

    A political storm is brewing over the Prime Minister 's comments .

  6. 这场争论已酝酿了几个月了。

    This argument has been simmering for months .

  7. 罢工不太可能,但是某种形式的不合作正在酝酿之中。

    A strike is unlikely , but some forms of non-cooperation are being considered .

  8. 他显然以为一场军事政变正在酝酿中。

    He had apparently been under the impression that a military coup was in progress .

  9. 刺杀马丁·路德·金的计划在实施前酝酿已久。

    The plot to assassinate Martin Luther King had started long before he was actually killed .

  10. 意大利香醋在木桶中就经历了至少10年的酝酿期,所以口味极佳。

    Balsamic vinegar is aged in wood for at least 10 years and the flavour is wonderful

  11. 家中一场危机正在酝酿。

    At home a crisis was brewing

  12. 他写信告诉埃利奥特他脑海中正在酝酿的一本“巨著”。

    He wrote to Eliot about a ' big book ' that was germinating in his mind .

  13. 这个问题在小组范围内进行了酝酿。

    This question was discussed within the confines of the group .

  14. 这场大辩论酝酿已久。

    This great debate has been brewing for a long time .

  15. 好作品需要时间酝酿,不要把截稿时间定得太紧。

    Good design takes time , don 't set too tight deadlines .

  16. 大家先酝酿一下。

    Let 's have an exchange of views first .

  17. 这场风暴已酝酿良久,当它变成狂风时,大多数大型零售商都在寻找应对措施。

    That storm has been brewing for some time , and as it has reached gale force , most large retailers are searching for a response .

  18. 在Good Morning Britain这档节目中苏珊娜·里德习惯在沙发上盘问客人。但她最近扮演的角色却在酝酿一场风暴——向家人展示如何在预算紧张情况下准备美味而有营养的美餐。

    Good Morning Britain 's Susanna Reid is used to grilling guests on the sofa every morning , but she is cooking up a storm in her latest role — showing families how to prepare delicious and nutritious meals on a tight budget .

  19. 现正在酝酿提高汽车的保险费

    Moves are afoot to increase car insurance premiums .

  20. 这部电影酝酿了两年。

    This film was two years in gestation .

  21. 经过长时间的酝酿,控制反转模式(InversionofControl)已经得到了广泛的应用。

    Inversion of Control ( IoC ) pattern has moved to the center stage recently after a long gestation period .

  22. 现在塞浦路斯在酝酿B计划。总统要求议会给中央银行权力将两家银行的资产一分为二。

    Now it 's down to plan B. The president has asked parliament to give the central bank power to split the banks in two .

  23. 海洋生物地球化学与生态系统分析(OCEANS)&一个酝酿中的国际科学计划

    Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Analysis & A New Planning International Academic Program

  24. 大意:NBA官方正在酝酿一个大煞风景的计划&把广告标志绣上球服!

    The NBA is mulling the prospect of stitching advertising logos onto jerseys .

  25. 据称,高盛(GoldmanSachs)也在酝酿新一轮的裁员。

    Goldman Sachs ( GS ) is also reportedly planning a new round of layoffs .

  26. 3.embryon.胚胎计划仍在酝酿中。

    The plans are still in embryo .

  27. 3年半前,微软(microsoft)主动向雅虎(yahoo)发出收购要约,落了个一败涂地的结果,如今,微软卷土重来,再次酝酿对雅虎出手。

    Three and a half years after its unsolicited takeover bid for Yahoo collapsed in shambles , Microsoft has edged back for a second look .

  28. 帮Doc赢几天钱后有些东西在我脑里开始酝酿

    After a few days of picking winners for Doc , it was starting to go to my head .

  29. 根据巴克莱银行(barclayscapital)的安德鲁劳伦斯(andrewlawrence)的说法,兴建高度超乎寻常的建筑正是酝酿中的经济危机的可靠指示。

    According to Andrew Lawrence of Barclays Capital , the construction of exceptionally tall buildings is a reliable indicator of economic crises in the making .

  30. 但是,不少大玩家正在酝酿他们自己版本的YC。

    But more big players are ramping up their own versions of YC .