
yuē dìnɡ wéi yuē jīn
  • damages stipulated for breach of contract
  1. 论对约定违约金的法律干预

    Study on the Legal Interference with Damages for Breach of the Contract

  2. 浅谈约定违约金的法律调整

    On Legal Adjustment to Promissory Penal Sum

  3. 但并不排除在某些情况下对约定违约金实行适当的法律干预。

    But in certain condition the agreed damages for breach of the contract should be legally interfered with .

  4. 对约定违约金的司法干预是指合同的解释或违约金金额的变更。

    The judicial interference refers to the interpretation of contract or the modification of the amount of the damages for breach of the contract .

  5. 当事人就迟延履行约定违约金的,违约方支付违约金后,还应当履行债务。

    Where the parties prescribed liquidated damages for delayed performance , the breaching party shall , in addition to payment of the liquidated damages , render performance .

  6. 随着现代社会市场经济的发展,法定违约金渐渐退出历史的舞台,而约定违约金越来越发挥着不可替代的作用,我国合同法规定的即是约定违约金(简称违约金)。

    Along with the development of modern social market economy , legal liquidated damages to the stage of history , gradually exit and liquidated damages increasingly plays an irreplaceable role in the contract law provisions , is that the liquidated damages ( hereinafter referred to as liquidated damages ) .

  7. 如协议双方约定了违约金,违约方可能承担支付违约金的法律义务。

    If there is any penalty agreed by both sides , the delinquent side probably undertake legal duty of penalty payment .

  8. 合同中约定的违约金,视为违反合同的损失赔偿。

    The breach of contract damages as stipulated in the contract shall be regarded as compensation for the losses resulting from breach of contract .

  9. 可如果约定的违约金过分高于或者低于违约所造成的实际损失,该怎么办呢?

    Well . But what should be done if the contractually agreed breach of contract damages are far more or far less than actual losses resulting from the breach ?

  10. 约定的违约金过分高于造成的损失的,当事人可以请求人民法院或者仲裁机构予以适当减少。

    Where the amount of liquidated damages prescribed exceeds the loss resulting from the breach , a party may petition the People 's Court or an arbitration institution to decrease the amount as appropriate .

  11. 在司法实践中,如何对合同当事人约定的违约金数额进行干预,不同的法官行使的自由裁量标准不一,出现很大的差异,甚至出现类似的案件作出差异极大的判决结果的现象。

    In the judicial practice , different judges have different discretions on how to intervene with the amount of agreed liquidated damages between the parities to the contract , and major differences arise therefrom and even different judges make greatly different judgments for the similar cases .

  12. 其具体的表现就是:第一、法官对约定的违约金条款有定性的权力。

    Its specific performance is obvious . First , the judge agreed on liquidated damages clause is qualitative power . It also shows our country to default classification standard is not unified , and the current understanding of the nature of liquidated damages for breach of contract dispute .