
  • 网络choice of forum;alternative jurisdiction;choice of jurisdiction
  1. 协议选择管辖权不得违反法律关于专属管辖的规定。

    The choice of jurisdiction of a court by agreement shall not violate the provisions of exclusive jurisdiction under the law .

  2. 目前,绝大多数国家都通过立法与判例,允许当事人在一定条件下协议选择管辖法院。

    Nowadays most countries make the legislations and judgements , permitting the client to choose a court by agreement under certain condition .

  3. 平行诉讼是由诉讼主体主动选择管辖法院引起的,本质上是两个或两个以上国家法院的管辖权冲突。

    Parallel proceeding has been one of the most important ways to resolve the disputes of jurisdiction between two court of different country .

  4. 在当事人协议选择管辖法院时,英美法系国家法院有时会运用法律选择模式和法规优先模式公共政策否定管辖权条款效力;

    When the parties select competent court by agreement , the courts of common law countries sometimes may use public policy of " choice of law mode " and " law and regulations priority mode " to deny the validity of jurisdiction clause .

  5. 关于国际货物买卖上选择法院管辖权的公约

    Convention on the Jurisdiction of the Selected Forum in the Case of International Sales of Goods

  6. 格式之争与合同准据法的选择、管辖权的选择以及履行地的选择都有关系。

    Admittedly , the battle of the forms is related to choice of law , choice of jurisdiction or choice of place of performance .

  7. 虽然契约当事人有选择法律管辖的自由,但该问卷所提供的保险受制于英国法律。

    While the parties to the contract are free to choose the law governing it , the cover referred to in this proposal is subject to English law .

  8. 其重要性就在于,若要从那些有诸多其他选择的司法管辖区借鉴强制性规则,中国人须三思而后行。

    It means that Chinese should be especially careful about borrowing mandatory rules from jurisdictions where extensive choice in fact exists .

  9. 正由于各国选择适用的税收管辖权类型不同,而导致了税收管辖权的冲突。

    Different jurisdiction of taxations leads to conflicts on jurisdiction of taxation .

  10. 比照大陆法系国家和地区立法例,我国亦选择由执行法院管辖。

    Cf legislation of civil law countries and regions , China is also selected by the enforcement of court jurisdiction .

  11. 假如人们认为一项非专属司法管辖权条款的订立,足以完全让订约双方在其所选择的任何司法管辖区中解决其争议,这是将情况看得过于简单。

    It is overly simplistic to think that a non-exclusive jurisdiction clause fully maintains the parties'freedom to conduct disputes in any jurisdiction they wish .

  12. 在属人法律制度中,沙里阿法院或地方法院总是适用法院地法审理案件,因此,法律选择问题转化为管辖权问题。

    In the system of personal laws , the Sharia courts or the local courts will decide the case before it according to the lex fori , therefore , the problem of choice of law turns on the question of jurisdiction .

  13. 家长将会获得更多的自由和选择权,选择脱离地方政府管辖的学校将会越来越多。

    More freedom and choice will be given to parents , and the school opt-outs will be stepped up .