
  • 网络selectivity;selective ratio;selection ratio;selectivity ratio
  1. 由于反应离子刻蚀(RIE,ReactiveIonEtching)具有较快的刻蚀速率,并且是具有高选择比的各向异性刻蚀,所以反应离子刻蚀在MEMS加工中得到了广泛地应用,是重要的MEMS加工工艺之一。

    Since the etching rate of RIE ( Reactive Ion Etching ) process is large and RIE is a high selectivity anisotropic etching , RIE is widely used in the manufacturing of MEMS and it is one of the most important MEMS processes .

  2. 掩蔽层材料选择比低是硅高深宽比微结构实现的限制之一。

    The low selectivity of masking materials is one of the restrictions on fabrication process of high aspect ratio of micro-structures .

  3. 这个选择比其他任何一个都好。

    This option is preferable to any other .

  4. 它同preferAtoB的句型一样,后也常与介词to连用.第一个选择比第二个更好。

    The first choice is preferable to the second .

  5. 在一个XSLT模板match属性中,选择比利用select属性更加有限。

    In an XSLT template match attribute , the options are more limited than with the select attribute .

  6. 在GaN/AlGaN/GaN倒置异质结光电二极管(IHP)中,存在于AlGaN/GaN异质结界面处强烈的极化效应对器件的紫外/太阳光(UV/Solar)选择比产生了重要的影响。

    In the inverted heterostructure photodiodes ( IHPs ), the strong polarization effect at the interface of the AlGaN / GaN heterostructure influences UV / Solar rejection ratios of this type of structure .

  7. 为了提高国际货物运输的效率,在订购新车时,选择比现行UIC标准规定的22.5t大的轴重,变得更经济、更具吸引力。

    In order to improve the efficiency of international freight transport , in purchase of new cars , choosing an axle load more than 22.5 t which is set in the UIC Code at present becomes more economical and attractive .

  8. 他知道钱和个人的选择比其他所有的事重要。

    He knows that money and personal choices outweigh everything else .

  9. 硅深刻蚀中掩蔽层材料刻蚀选择比的研究

    Study on Etch Selectivity Ratio of Masking Materials in Silicon Deep Etching

  10. 你的选择比我好。

    You made a better choice than I did .

  11. 王冉:选择比不选择快乐

    Wang Ran : choosing is better than chosen

  12. 还研究了刻蚀速率和选择比与气体比例变化的关系。

    The effect of gas ratio was shown .

  13. 小贴士:千万不要选择比你的拳头更大的服装图案。

    Tip : never wear a pattern or print that is bigger than your fist .

  14. 攀岩者倾向选择比正常尺码小一点的鞋码。

    Climbers tend to wear shoes a couple sizes smaller than their normal shoe size .

  15. 界面电偶极子对GaN/AlGaN/GaN光电探测器紫外/太阳光选择比的影响

    Influence of interface dipoles on the UV / Solar rejection ratios of GaN / AlGaN / GaN photodetectors

  16. 分子标记辅助选择比以表现型为基础的选择更为有效。

    The choice of LU Xun Marker-assisted selection ( MAS ) is better than selection based on phenotypic .

  17. 一条不错的经验法则就是选择比该公司的职员上班时的穿着要考究一些的服装。

    A good rule of thumb is to wear something somewhat dressier than what the employees wear to work .

  18. 他说麦当劳餐厅提供的选择比以往任何时候都多,乐园餐也针对儿童做了瘦身。

    He said McDonald 's restaurants offer more variety than they ever have and Happy Meals are made smaller for kids .

  19. 同时,政府能够控制补贴水平以及监督投入影响煤炭企业的安全投入,规制变量的选择比固定合约下要多。

    Meanwhile , the Government can control the level of subsidy and oversight into the safety of investment in coal enterprises .

  20. 如纽德所说,确实瑞典提供的选择比别人比方说,英国更广泛。

    It is true , as Mr nuder says , that Sweden has introduced choice more widely than , say , Britain .

  21. 为获得较高的UV/Solar选择比,光伏模式(零偏压)为太阳盲区p-GaN/i-Al0.33Ga0.67N/n-GaNIHPs的最佳工作模式;

    In order to get high UV / solar rejection ratios , the solar-blind IHPs should work best on the unbiased condition .

  22. 她说:选择比自己魅力小的人一同出去猎艳对自己来说更有优势。

    She said that choosing friends who are slightly less attractive than you when going out looking for love could also bring advantages .

  23. 要是其中一个选择比另外的好许多的话,你本就已经做出决定了。

    You would 've already made the decision if one of the options could be proven to be significantly better than the others .

  24. 如果你不想挑染得看起来太抢眼的话,你应该选择比你的自然发色只淡一点点的颜色。

    If you don 't want the highlights to look too loud , you should choose only one or two shades lighter than your natural color .

  25. 通过对各个系统参数的调节,得出硅以及二氧化硅的刻蚀速率、选择比与各个参数的关系。

    By adjusting each system parameter , it got the etching rate of Si / SiO2 vs. each parameter , and the selectivity vs. each parameter .

  26. 由于数字技术和社交媒体的出现,我们在个人生活中的选择比以往任何时候都多;但是在工作中并没有那么多选择。

    Thanks to digital technologies and social media , we have more choice than ever in our personal lives ; but at work , not so much .

  27. 初步认为因子分析的结果可以用来指导育种实践,按单个因子即性状群进行选择比按单个性状选择的效果要好。

    Results showed that selection or evaluation of certain characteristics should be based on the single factor or set of traits in the practical breeding programs of crops .

  28. 实验发现,以氟基气体作为工艺气体,铝或铝合金作为掩蔽层时,可以获得极高的选择比;

    Experimental results show that higher selectivity can be achieved when fluorine-based gas is used as processing gas and Al or Al alloys are introduced as mask layers .

  29. 毫无疑问有选择比没选择要好,但是不能就此推论选择越多越好。

    There 's no question that some choice is better than none , but it doesn 't follow from that that more choice is better than some choice .

  30. 与传统湿法腐蚀比较,干法刻蚀具有各向异性、对不同材料选择比差别较大、均匀性与重复性好、易于实现自动连续生产等优点。

    Dry etching has the excellences as the list below : anisotropy , effective selectivity for different materials , uniformity , and easy to realize auto continuum operation .