
  • 网络freedom of choice;free choice;To Choose Freedom;free to choose
  1. 但是要感谢有这种选择自由度以及非常活跃的Linux社区,Linux上的嵌入式开发已经达到了新的境界,并且调整模块以适合您的规范从未比现在更简单。

    But thanks to this freedom of choice and to a very active Linux community , embedded development on Linux has reached new vistas , and tailoring modules to your specifications has never been simpler .

  2. 结果她给了我完全的选择自由。

    Consequently , she gave me absolute freedom of choice .

  3. 选择自由的本质就是由自选择。

    The freedom of choice is by nature free choice by oneself .

  4. 学生享有高度选择自由。

    The students enjoy a high freedom of option .

  5. 每个宇宙中的生物都有选择自由的权力。

    Freedom is the right of all sentient beings .

  6. 历史上南方少数民族妇女的性选择自由

    Sex Freedom of Southern Minority Women in History

  7. 工作日的刻板固定使有些人选择自由职业。

    The inflexibility of the working day makes some people choose to go freelance .

  8. 他们会感觉,自己受到的驱动更多是来自于内化的压力,而不是真正的选择自由。

    They feel driven by internalized pressures more than by real freedom of choice .

  9. 美国人于是有了很大的选择自由,实际上却是在没有区别的选项中进行选择。

    Thus Americans have vast freedom of choice , but it 's between virtually indistinguishable options .

  10. 话说回来,我们工作中的这些难以置信的选择自由,

    So what this means , this incredible freedom of choice we have with respect to work ,

  11. 人们为争取获得选择自由信仰哪种神灵的权利而斗争。

    People struggled for the right to be free in their choice of which god to believe in .

  12. 我们无法在保持自身选择自由的情况下轻易地找到降低不可估量损害的方案。

    There are no easy solutions to stop the untold damage while retaining our reasonable freedoms of choice .

  13. 知道可以跳槽去找另一份工作让人有一种选择自由的感觉。

    Knowing that one could leave a job and find another gives a sense of freedom of choice .

  14. 不过这种新的选择自由并没有导致今年时装领域的大混乱。

    This new freedom of choice hasn 't meant total chaos on the fashion scene this year , however .

  15. 在和谐社会视野中,当自由保障机能与社会秩序维持机能发生冲突时,应当优先选择自由保障机能。

    When conflicts occur between the function of securing freedom and maintaining social order , the preference should be th .

  16. 两岸四地要建立更紧密经贸关系,可以选择自由贸易区模式。

    It is necessary to set up " closer trade relations " by adopting " free trade zone " model .

  17. 经济发展拓展了人们的选择自由,而自由则是促进经济发展的的重要手段。

    The economic development expands people 's freedom of choice , and freedom is an important means of promoting economic development .

  18. 第三,麦克德莫特可以作为一道保险,以防如果今年夏天安德烈-罗伯森选择自由离开时雷霆无人可用。

    Third , McDermott provides some protection against the possibility of Andre Roberson departing as a free agent in the summer .

  19. 他们失去了主动性。他们会感觉,自己受到的驱动更多是来自于内化的压力,而不是真正的选择自由。

    They lose a sense of agency . They feel driven by internalized pressures more than by real freedom of choice .

  20. 儿童在教育活动中的自由也同样包括三类:教育活动中的主体自由是理性的选择自由;

    Consequently , freedom of the children in educational activities also covers three categories : subjective freedom is rational one of choice ;

  21. 他说,这项禁令限制了一个年龄层的选择自由,这个年龄层的人被认为足够成熟,可以在其它方面做出重要决定。

    He said the ban curtails freedom of choice for an age group considered mature enough to make many other important decisions .

  22. 有些人并没有选择自由职业;而另一些人,则在自己做买卖之前,需要仔细考虑考虑他们的脾气和习惯将带给他们的挑战。

    And others should carefully consider the challenges they 'll face given their temperaments and habits before setting up their own shops .

  23. 其基于开放技术的组件式软件为企业带来更多选择自由度、降低投资风险并获得快速投资回报。

    The software based on open technology component gives enterprises more choices , lowers investment risk and improves the return on investment .

  24. 换言之,倘企业使用了开放源码软体为软体开发之基础,其智慧财产授权契约之选择自由即可能受到限制。

    " Copyleft " mechanism would , however , be a significant restriction to licensees'freedom to choose the intellectual property license they prefer .

  25. 文中还阐明了自由走向生存的两层含义:一是否有选择自由;

    It also illustrates in the article that two layers of meaning of trending toward being freely : one is whether we have freedom of choice ;

  26. 不管一个灵魂做出什么样的选择自由意志都在操作着,因为这很明显,如果有种负面的情形把你扯了进来你也会迅速恢复活力。

    Freewill operates whatever choices a soul makes , because it is known that if there is a negative situation involved you will always bounce back .

  27. 汉语建议类使令语是一种常见的语用行为,介于请求和要求之间,以利他性和选择自由度为主要特征。

    Chinese Suggestion and Persuasion is a commonly-used speech act . Its power is between ask and request , with altruism and freedom of choice as its characteristics .

  28. 第一,是选择自由还是秩序,贸易条款会更倾向于秩序而非自由。而也只有那些对什么都有偏见的自由党人才会认为并非如此。

    First , only the most blinkered liberal could deny that the terms of trade in the debate between freedom and order have become more favourable to the latter .

  29. 有太多的出版单位无一例外地享受着其院内选择自由严重受限的读者群、严重缺乏运用互联网来加速出版的竞争动力。

    Too many operate without one , enjoying a captive audience at their home institutions and lacking any competitive spur to bring themselves up to speed on Internet publishing .

  30. 经验显示,对于那些有吸烟选择自由的人而言,瑞典小鼻烟作为卷烟的一个适当的替代物,起着非常重要的作用。

    And experience has shown that Swedish Snus plays an important role as a suitable alternative to cigarette smoking , for those consumers who enjoy that freedom of choice .