
xuǎn yù
  • breeding;breeding selection;seed selection;rex
选育 [xuǎn yù]
  • [rex;breeding selection] 为确立隐性性状变种而有选择地培育(如兔)

选育[xuǎn yù]
  1. 因而,通过分子标记辅助选择可以在较早的世代鉴定目的基因,为小麦的优质、抗病育种提供了进一步选育的材料,从而提高了选择的效率。

    Thus by way of MAS , it could appraise the purpose gene in early filial generation , and provide the further material of seed selection for the wheat breeding of good subunit and resistanted gene , thus raising the selection efficiency .

  2. 并对部分品种进行了RAPD分析,摸索出一套适于碗莲品种的RAPD扩增体系,为碗莲在分子水平的进一步研究及新品种的选育和鉴定,提供了一条新的途径。

    RAPD marker technology had offered a new way for seed selection and qualification of further research for new bowl lotus cultivars in the molecular level .

  3. K型杂交水稻的选育与研究

    Breeding of and Studies on K - type Hybrid Rice

  4. 利用外源DNA导入新技术选育玉米新品系及杂交种

    A Novel Method to Breed New Maize Inbred Lines and Their Hybrids by Transformation of Exogenous DNA

  5. 导入高粱DNA选育高产抗逆春小麦新品系研究

    The Studies on Breeding a New High-yield Stress-resistance Wheat Line by Introducing Exotic DNA From Sorghum into Wheat

  6. 深州杨为近年选育出的嵌合体杨树优良无性系,分为A型、B型和C型。

    Populus Shenzhou chosen and bred in recent years is chimera poplar superior clone , divided into type A , B and C.

  7. 酯酶同工酶技术在选育Bt新菌株中的应用

    The Application of Esterase Isoenzyme Technique on the Bt Breeding

  8. 导入高梁DNA选育丰产、抗逆小麦新品系及其RAPD分子验证

    Selection and RAPD Identification of a New Wheat Line with High Yield and Stress Resistance by Introducing Sorghum DNA

  9. 枯草杆菌SOD高产菌株的诱变选育及产酶条件研究

    The Breeding of the SOD High-producing Strain from Bacillus subtilis and Studies on Culture Conditions for SOD Production

  10. 烷化剂EMS诱发花生性状变异的效果及高产突变系的选育

    Effects of Peanut Character Variations Induced by EMS and Breeding of High Yielding Mutant Strains

  11. 原生质体融合选育高效菌株净化PVA工业废水的研究

    Study on Breeding of high efficient strain with the technique of protoplast fusion for cleaning industrial wastewater containing PVA

  12. 新质源优质不育系岳4A的选育与应用

    Breeding of Fine Quality CMS Line Yue 4A with a New Type of Cytoplasm

  13. PHB高产菌株的选育

    Select the Strain of High Output of PHB

  14. 米根霉乙醇脱氢酶(ADH)突变菌株的诱变选育

    The Screening of Alcohol Dehydrogenase ( ADH ) Mutant of Rhizopus oryzae

  15. 同时还进一步研究了根瘤菌在不同群体中的竞争结瘤能力以及宿主植物和环境pH值对根瘤菌的影响,以期为高效根瘤菌剂的选育和应用奠定基础。

    At the same time , the competitive nodulation capacity of rhizobia , effect of host plants and soil pH on the rhizobia were determined for screening and improvement of high effective rhizobium inoculant .

  16. 黑稻的新品种选育及应用研究(一)&育成品系的Fe、Zn、Ca、Se四种矿质元素的含量

    STUDIES ON SELECTIVE BREEDING OF BLACK RICE AND ITS APPLICATION (ⅰ) ── The content of four elements Fe , Zn , Ca and Se in a new variety of black rice

  17. PUFAs真菌选育及营养生理研究

    Screening of Fungi with PUFAs and Study on Nutritional Physiology

  18. 分别用与Gm6基因紧密连锁的STS分子标记和SSR标记,建立了分子标记辅助选择(MAS)方法选育抗稻瘿蚊新品种的技术体系;

    Establishment of the breeding technique for new resistant cultivars using MAS based on the closely-linked STS and SSR markers to the gene Gm 6 ;

  19. 新质源籼型优质水稻不育系东6A的选育

    Breeding of Indica Rice CMS Line " Dong 6A " with New Cytoplasm and Fine Quality

  20. tenella孢子化卵囊为虫种,采用早熟系虫株选育的方法,反复收集感染后最先排出的球虫卵囊,选育出E。

    Tenella was selected by repeated passages of oocysts that were early collected from faeces of previously infected chickens .

  21. 玉米辽2(L2)型细胞质雄性不育性的选育与利用

    Breeding of the L_2-type Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Maize and its Use in Production

  22. 国际马铃薯中心(CIP)品种资源是云南省马铃薯品种选育最重要的骨干亲本;

    The potato varieties resource of CIP ( International potato center ) would be the most important parents in the breeding system in yunnan .

  23. 水稻纹枯病拮抗细菌B-916的选育

    The Screening of Antagonistic Bacteria Strain B-916 Against Rice Sheath Blight

  24. 含6x小黑麦血缘的抗病小麦新材料的选育及醇溶蛋白分析

    Gliadin Analysis of New Wheat Germplasm with Disease Resistance Derived from 6x Triticale

  25. 因此SOD,APX,POD的比活力可以作为评价植物产量的一条新途径,为优良品种的前期选育研究提供了新的思路。

    It indicates that the relative activities of SOD , APX and POD can be used as a new approach to research the yield and breeding of superior variety of A. macrocephala .

  26. 选育和推广4x桑树品种,是提高桑树叶质的有效途径。

    It is an effective approach to increase leafs quality by breeding and spreading the tetraploid mulberry .

  27. 所得的理论角分布与实验符合得相当好。UPGMA的聚类结果分析与几个鹅品种的选育历史及地理分布是一致的。

    The agreement between the theoretical and experimental angular distributions is reasonably well . UPGMA tree well reflect their breeding histories and distributions .

  28. 综述了我国在水稻长穗颈不育系的选育、e型杂交水稻组合的选育及其制种等方面的研究进展,提出了今后e型杂交水稻的研究方向。

    The study progress in breeding of rice sterile line with long spike-neck , selection and seed production of e-type hybrid rice combinations and so on in China were summarized , the study direction of e-type hybrid rice in the future was put forward .

  29. 绵羊BMPR-IB基因作为多胎性能的候选基因在肉用多胎品种选育中的应用研究

    Sheep BMPR-IB Gene as Fecundity Candidate Gene Application to the Breeding Breed for the Meat Type Fecundity Sheep

  30. 活性翠兰KN-G脱色细菌的选育与研究

    Isolation and Study of Bacteria for Decoloring of Dye Reactive Turquoise Blue KN-G