
  • 网络selective perception
  1. 视觉注意选择性的认知心理学理论研究进展

    A Review of Some Cognitive Theories of Visual Selective Attention

  2. 正如所有人一样,决策者基于不同的原因以不同的方法有选择性地认知世界。

    Like all of us , decision makers perceive the world selectively for different reasons and in different ways .

  3. 形名选择性匹配的认知动因

    Cognitive Motive for Matching the Selectivity of Adjective and Noun

  4. 威斯康星卡片分类测验:其主要测定抽象能力、概念形成、选择性记忆和认知过程的转移能力,它反映了额叶的决策执行功能。

    Wisconsin card sorting test ( WCST ): It mainly detected abstract ability , concept formation , selective memory and transfer ability of cognition , and it reflected performance function of decision of frontal lobe .

  5. 而选择性注意发生在认知加工的何种阶段历来是注意研究领域中早选择和晚选择两模型争论的焦点。

    And selective attention in what stage of cognitive pro-cessing is always pay attention to the research in the field of early and late two model is the focus of debate .

  6. 视觉选择性注意一直是认知心理学的研究热点之一。注意的早晚期选择问题和基于空间与基于客体的选择问题是选择性注意研究中长期争论的两大理论问题。

    Visual selective attention is one of the most important issues in the cognitive psychology research , and theoretical controversies focus on the locus of attention selection and the space-based attention vs. object-based attention .

  7. 英语水平较高的学习者的性格和选择性注意(元认知);练习、阅读、分类、笔记(认知)策略的使用成显著正相关。

    A significant positive correlation has been found between more proficient learners ' personality and their selective attention ( metacognitive ); practice , reading , grouping as well as note-taking ( cognitive ) strategies use in vocabulary learning .

  8. 基于熟练性的认知控制研究认为,双语词汇通达的非选择性和选择性是由于认知控制能力的发展结果。

    The meta-cognitive monitoring skill of biology is the key factor to train the students in their learning ability and improve their grades .