- epistatic effect

The result showed that the epistatic effect in all of those traits were not significant .
The results are as follow : The additive effect , dominance effect and epistatic effect played different role in silkworm cocoon characters genetic variation .
Epistatic Effects and QE Interaction Effects of QTLs for Protein Content in Soybean
With the epistasis existed , MIM would obtain better estimates of QTL additive effects .
The main QTLs and epistatic loci totally explained 55.1 % of the phenotypic variation of allelopathic activity .
And chlorophyll content was also influenced significantly by digenic interactions .
Additive 、 Dominant and Epistatic Effects in Seed Yield of Fibre Flax
Therefore , the high GT was controlled by two pairs dominant genes with epistatic gene effect .
Wr + Vr analysis reveals that the cytoplasmic and epistatic effects influence the culture ability in addition to additive effects .
The results show that one effective gene is responsible for litter size and additive dominance genetic model is adequate while epistatic effects are not significant .
Significant additive effect and 1 3 kinds of epistatic effects were found in all crosses and significant dominance effect were detected only in 1 / 3 crosses .
The tomato Late blight-resistant genotype additive effect was the main effect , part of dominance effect were also existed , no epistatic interaction effect was found Accord with additive-dominant model .
The results showed that : ( 1 ) ear length and rows / ear conformed to additive-dominance model ; ( 2 ) ear diameter and 100 - kernel weight failed to follow the additive-dominance model , which might be csused by gene linkage or epistasis ;
The contents of MDA and soluble protein existed significant additive × additive epistasis effects .
Additive effect contributed to budding cold tolerance greater than epistasis effect .
The epistatic effect was dd and exists in some group .
Analysis of QTLs with Main and Epistatic Effects of the Seed Storability in Rice
These traits were controlled by QTLs with additive effect and / or epistatic effect .
Mapping QTLs and Epistasis for Plant Type Traits in Maize Under Two Nitrogen Levels
Of all QTLs , some showed either additive or epistasis effect , others exhibited the mixture effects .
Main-effect QTL , epistatic effects and their interactions with environment are important genetic components of quantitative traits .
Among the additive effects and the epistasis effects , the variation explained by QTL rangs from 3 . 87 % to 24 . 62 % .
The methods proposed by Wang et al ( 1999 ) could analyze additive effects , additive by additive epistatic effects and their interaction with environments , but could not estimate dominance effects and epistatic effects related to dominance .
Additive Effects and Epistasis Effects of QTL for Plant Height and Its Components Using Single Segment Substitution Lines ( SSSLs ) in Rice
In boll-setting period , CAT , POD , and SOD existed dominant effects , the next were additive additive epistasis effects , and the additive effects were small . There were reciprocal relation and control among biochemical traits .
The results indicated that the resistances to TMV , CMV and bacterial spot conformed genetically to the additive-dominant model but the resistance to phytophthora blight did not and significant epistatic dominance effect existed in it .
Additive effects , dominance effects , epistatic effects of additive × additive , additive × dominance , and dominance × dominance of QTLs for heading date were estimated , the interaction effects between main genetic effects and environments were predicted .
The contribution rates of additive and epistatic effects seemed to be in a low magnitude for most cases ( 0.76 % – 9.92 % ) while a few QTLs or QTL pairs explained more than 10 % of total variance .
The main agronomic traits of population BCC 1 and BCC 0 have no epistasis effect and they were major influenced by general combining ability . It was valid to take S 1 method improvement .
Epistatic gene effects are also important for the three traits .