
  1. 得益于强大的上下游产业链优势,我们已经储备了一定的组件。

    Thanks to our strong industry chains , we have stored a large stock of parts .

  2. 打通饰品生产上下游产业链,为客户提供产前、产中、售后全方位服务的发展模式正在形成。

    Open up the jewelry production and downstream industry chain , providing customers before , during , after-sale service all-round development model is emerging .

  3. 建议尽快建成以TFT液晶显示屏为中心的上、下游产业链,增强零部件的自我配套能力,以促进我国显示产业长足地稳定发展。

    Propose to build industry chain centering around TFT-LCD as soon as possible and enhance capacity to form a complete set to promote stable growth of LCD industry in China .

  4. 随着我国汽车工业的快速发展,汽车产业已成为国民经济的支柱产业之一,其对上下游其他产业链的带动作用也日趋明显,对国民经济快速增长发挥着重要的作用。

    Along with the fast development of domestic automobile industry , it has become one of pillar industry of the national economy .

  5. 上下游互动,产业链整合&‘2006国际手机产业展览会暨论坛’后记

    2006 International Mobile Industry Exhibition and Forum Forge the Whole Chain

  6. 在这一领域,中国企业帮助非洲国家建立和发展上下游一体化的产业链,把资源优势转化为经济发展优势,并积极参与项目所在地的公共福利设施建设。

    In this area , Chinese enterprises have helped African countries establish an upstream-downstream-integrated industry chain , transforming resource advantages into economic growth opportunities , and actively participated in local public welfare infrastructure construction .

  7. 要提高经营管理及资源配置的效率;要与运营商密切合作,扩大业务合作领域;要打通上下游产业,经营产业链;要创新产品经营、品牌经营的盈利模式。

    Improve the management and resource allocation efficiency with operators in close cooperation and expand the field of business cooperation . Open up the upstream and downstream business industry chain .

  8. 合理的利润分配不仅能有效提升产业链中各环节主体的生产积极性,改善生产水平,还能通过协调产业链上下游关系,降低产业链中流通环节的成本,提高产业链的整体效率。

    A reasonable profit distribution can not only improve each sectors ' production enthusiasm , capability , but also make the industry chain coordination from upstream to downstream , reduce the cost of the industrial chain of circulation , improve the overall efficiency .