
  1. 上周三霉霉在BillboardMusicAwards上面的表演剽窃了碧昂斯2018Coachella音乐节演唱会?

    Did Taylor Swift 's Billboard Music Awards performance on last Wednesday night rip off Beyonc é 's 2018 's Coachella show ?

  2. 2016年7月,37岁的卡戴珊在真人秀《与卡戴珊同行》中把霉霉比作“蛇”,还在社交网络Snapchat上放出霉霉和40岁的格莱美得主侃爷的私人电话视频,其中两人谈论了侃爷的单曲《Famous》。

    In July 2016 , the Keeping Up with the Kardashians reality star , 37 , branded Swift a " snake " and posted videos on her Snapchat of a private phone call between the Grammy winner and West , 40 , discussing his song " Famous . "

  3. 哈里斯后来在推特上指责霉霉为获公众关注而试图“埋葬”他。

    The Scottish DJ later criticised Swift on Twitter , accusing her of trying to " bury " him in a bid for publicity .

  4. 按照一些迷信的说法,羊年出生的小孩长大后会像温顺的羊一样永远只能追随别人、永远都成为不了领袖。很多中国人认为,羊年出生的孩子注定要遭受痛苦的心碎,失败的婚姻和生意上的霉运。

    Babies born in the Year of the Sheep , therefore , will grow up to be followers rather than leaders , according to some superstitions . The children are destined for heartbreak and failed marriages , and they will be unlucky in business , many Chinese believe .

  5. 中国部分地区马铃薯寄主上致病疫霉SSR基因型分析

    SSR genotypic analysis of Phytophthora infestans from potato in some areas of China

  6. 观赏树木上叶点霉属几个中国新记录种

    Some New Records of Phyllosticta for China on Ornamental Trees

  7. 这只面包上全是霉。

    There 's mould all over this bread .

  8. 对于小的,无毒的霉问题,就像那种堆积在窗沿和窗框上的那种霉,可以像视频中所指导的一样,只用肥皂和水溶液进行清洁。

    For small , non-toxic mold problems , like the mold that accumulates on windowsills and frames , simply clean the mold with a soap and water solution , as instructed in the video .

  9. 上周末,霉霉给名叫桑迪的粉丝捐了15500美元。她正在筹资给昏迷3年的妈妈治病。

    Over the weekend the singer gave $ 15500 to a fan named Sadie who is asking for money to help fund medical care for her mother who has been in a coma for three years .

  10. 在TRM和PRM再生培养基上,哈栖木霉和球孢白僵菌原生质体的再生率分别为5.6%和24%左右。

    The protoplast regeneration frequencies of T. harzianum and B. bassiana were about 5.6 % and 24 % , respectively .

  11. 几种植物上串珠镰孢霉群体遗传结构的比较

    Comparison of population structure of Fusarium moniliforme from some plants

  12. 福建省蘑菇疣孢霉菌的种群分化研究几种植物上串珠镰孢霉群体遗传结构的比较

    Population differentiation of Mycogone perniciosa in Fujian Comparison of population structure of Fusarium moniliforme from some plants

  13. 你将会听到在我第一次的航海历程中所同时发生在我身上的好运及霉运。

    You will learn of my first voyage abroad which brought me both good and terrible fortune .

  14. 在可重复使用的剃刀上,须茬和霉物都会聚集在刀头和刀柄衔接的部位上。

    On a reusable razor , stubble and mould can collect in the space where the blade cartridge attaches to the handle .

  15. 以上研究结果在一定程度上证明了木霉生防菌株的根际竞争定殖机理和对土壤生态的安全性。

    The results proves some mechanism for the competition in rhizosphere colonization and safety to soil ecological environment of the biocontrol strain of T.harzianum .

  16. 列举目前已知从绵羊和山羊上分离出的霉形体种类,并概述这些霉形体的病原性和在疾病发生过程中的作用。

    The known mycoplasmas categories separated from goats and sheep were listed , and the pathogenicity and effect during diseases happening of these mycoplasmases were summarized .