
  • 网络shanghai street
  1. 上海城市街道灰尘具有独特的理化性质,pH平均值为9.52,范围在7.86~12.45之间;

    The physical and chemical characteristic of the urban street dust in Shanghai is unique : the average pH is 9.52 with the range between 7.86 and 12.45 ;

  2. 上海城市街道灰尘重金属铅污染现状及评价

    Lead Pollution and Its Assessment in Urban Street Dust of Shanghai

  3. 上海城市街道峡谷道路绿化模式研究

    Study on Road Afforestation Model of Street Canyon in Shanghai

  4. 上海市区街道办事处功能作用调整、完善的对策与措施

    The Strategy and Measure about the Regulation and Optimization of Shanghai Urban Street Offices Function and Effect

  5. 在上海的街道上,艺术家还将邀请观众一同加入表演,突破文化的隔阂与障碍。

    On the streets of Shanghai they will also invite recipients to join the performance of breaking barriers among cultures .

  6. 从1984年上海小街道上的场内交易发展到如今,中国股市的官方市值已高达2.7万亿美元。

    From kerb trading on the back streets of Shanghai in1984 , the market 's official capitalisation is now $ 2,700bn .

  7. 进一步深入园区,我们发现,比起上海的街道,这里宽阔的林荫大道不那么拥挤。

    Moving deeper into the park , we discovered that the wide boulevards were much less crowded than the streets of Shanghai .

  8. 众所周知,洪博培摩托车穿梭于上海的街道,有时还会骑自行车去中国外交部开会。

    Huntsman famously rode his motorcycle through the streets of Shanghai and would occasionally ride a bicycle to meetings at the Chinese foreign ministry .

  9. 这个星期,我被吊在一个建筑物的边缘,身上只绑着一条钢丝,人在上海繁忙街道的70尺高处。

    This week I found myself hanging off the edge of a building with nothing but a wire to hold me 70 feet above the busy streets of Shanghai .

  10. 本文从城市公共空间的起源和发展入手,将规划学与艺术学结合在一起,从交通和空间设计两方面对上海市街道交叉口进行研究。

    In this paper , we start the research from the origin of urban public space and development on Shanghai street intersections , and we should start from both sections of traffic and space .

  11. 首先对上海市街道交叉口的交通要素进行分类,交通要素主要涉及通行能力、渠化和交叉口形状;空间要素主要涉及统一性和识别性。

    First of all , we should classify the traffic factors of the street intersections in Shanghai to traffic capacity , drainage and intersection shape . And we classify the space factors to unity and recognition .

  12. 位于上海最繁华街道南京西路上的五星级酒店——锦沧文华大酒店(JCMandarinHotel)表示,区政府要求其加入午餐工程,酒店方面本着服务社区的精神也愿意这么做。

    The five-star JC Mandarin Hotel , on Nanjing West Road , Shanghai 's ritziest street , says the government asked it to become involved , and it was happy to do so - in the spirit of community service .

  13. 2002~2006年上海市某街道中学生视力低下情况分析

    Analysis of low-vision of middle-school students in Shanghai , 2002-2006

  14. 对上海市的街道形状与汽车排放污染扩散情况进行讨论。

    The building on the street and automobile emission were also discussed .

  15. 上海市某街道外来流动人口生存质量的现况研究

    Study on the quality of life among floating population in a community of Shanghai

  16. 上海市延吉街道40岁以上人群代谢综合征患病率调查

    Survey on metabolic syndrome prevalence in people aged over 40 years of Yanji community of Shanghai

  17. 上海市某街道常住人口生存质量与社会支持现况调查

    The status of quality of life and social support : an investigation of the resident people in a community of Shanghai

  18. 论学习型社区的理论与实践&对上海浦东潍坊街道创建学习型社区的实证研究

    On the Theory and Practice of Learning-Type Community & The Empirical Research of Creating Learning-Type Community in Weifang Streets of Shanghai 's Pudong

  19. [目的]了解上海市某街道医院门诊病人对高血压预防服务及服务方式的需求。

    S : [ Objective ] To understand the outpatients ' need in hypertension prevention service and the service model in a community hospital of Shanghai .

  20. 本研究主要以上海市夏街道阳光心园的精神分裂症患者为研究对象,通过质性的访谈方法对其污名化情况进行研究分析。

    In this study , schizophrenic patients in one street Shanghai Sunshine Heart Park are the main objects , and through qualitative interviews to study and analyze the stigmatization .

  21. 第二章主要是介绍了上海长寿路街道社区自治在组织体制,运行规则和民间组织发展等方面的发展现状;

    The second chapter introduces the present condition of the community autonomy in changshou road . Including the organizational relation , the rule of the circulating and the development of NGOs .

  22. 通过对上海市D街道228名独居老人的问卷调查和对其中6名老人的深度访谈,本研究发现,独居老人面临着严重的社会排斥问题。

    Based on the survey of 228 empty-nest elders living in D Street in Shanghai including in-depth interviews with six elders , the study found the empty-nest elders faced severe social exclusion risks .

  23. 上海松江中心城区街道绿化调查与分析

    The Investigation and Analysis of Street Green Space in Songjiang City

  24. 构建城市社区为民便民利民服务体系的初步研究上海市江苏路街道的实践城市流动民工心理社区的构建以大连市的个案分析为例

    Pilot Study on Construction of Urban Community Citizen-centered Service System - A case study of Jiangsu Road Community of Shanghai

  25. 上海阡陌纵横的街道无疑充斥着都市的喧嚣与浮躁,而这些正是我最不愿意接触的。

    Undoubtedly , the crisscross streets here are fraught with clamor and impetuosity , which I am the most reluctant to contact .

  26. 社区的空间结构与职能组织&以上海市江宁路街道社区规划为例

    A study on the spatial and functional structure of the community - a case study in community planning of Jiangning street , Shanghai

  27. 据澎湃新闻报道,数千名粉丝跟随鹿晗的脚步,来到了位于上海最繁华的街道的这个邮筒前,开始排队照相。

    Hundreds of fans keen to follow in their idol 's footsteps tracked down the box in question - on one of Shanghai 's busiest roads - and began queuing to have their photos taken with it , popular news website The Paper reports .

  28. 本文的研究结果不仅填补了目前上海市在城市街道灰尘重金属污染研究方面的空白,而且为上海市的城市环境污染防治、环境质量评价和城市规划提供了可靠的科学依据。

    These results can not only fill up the blank in the research of heavy metal pollution in urban street dust of Shanghai , but also provide reliable and scientific basis for the urban environmental pollution control , environmental quality assessment and city planning of Shanghai .