
  • 网络Commuting
  1. 报告称,英国民众已沦为屏幕的奴隶,上下班途中或到家后,他们经常持续工作。

    It says people have become screen slaves and are often working while commuting or after they get home .

  2. 报告称,英国民众已沦为“屏幕的奴隶”,上下班途中或到家后,他们经常持续工作。

    It says people have become " screen slaves " and are often working while commuting or after they get home .

  3. 我甚至还买了FM射频器,想要将她的音乐传送到车用音响中,以便在上下班途中欣赏。

    I even bought a FM transmitter , trying to send her music to my auto radio so that I can enjoy it when going on and off duty .

  4. and(六)在上下班途中,受到机动车事故伤害的;

    Injured in motor vehicle accident on the way to or from work ;

  5. 上下班途中也许并不一定很糟糕。你可以在途中学习很多东西。

    If you don 't have a laptop , there are a lot of ways to find a really cheap one .

  6. 免除员工上下班途中的奔波是一项很有吸引力的福利,不同的调查都发现,大部分人对此都很感兴趣。

    Skipping the commute is a desirable perk , with various surveys finding a majority of people interested in the option .

  7. 最初的这幅大象图就是他每天上下班途中盯着伦敦地铁图发现的。

    The original animal , the elephant was discovered while Paul was staring at the tube map during his daily journey home from work .

  8. 用户往往喜欢在上下班途中、约会等人、雨天独处一室的时候,通过智能手机消磨时间。

    People use their smartphones while they are commuting , waiting for an appointment and sometimes just to kill time indoors on a rainy day .

  9. 在上下班途中,受到非本人主要责任的交通事故或者城市轨道交通、客运轮渡、火车事故伤害的;

    Having sustained injuries due to traffic accidents caused not primarily due to their own responsibilities or mass transit , passenger ferry or train accidents ;

  10. 在上下班途中,女性还得常常忍受男人们调戏的目光和动作,尤其是在下班很晚的时候。62%的巴西女性称在上下班的路途中感觉不安全。

    Female commuters often have to put up with leering , groping men , particularly if they work late : 62 % of Brazilian women say that they feel unsafe travelling to work .

  11. 新派的幸福经济学家就和研究气候变化的人士一样时髦,这些经济学家得出结论称,大多数人在上下班途中的感受是他们一天中最糟糕的。

    The new happiness economists , who are almost as fashionable as those who study climate change , have concluded that the way most people feel during their commute is the worst they feel all day .

  12. 因为不论在工作地点、家中、还是在上下班途中用电子设备时,人们都可以连接互联网,信息过量成为了多数人面临的主要问题(包括你在内)。

    Since we can access the internet from work , home , and even from our Blackberry on the way to work and home , information overload is a major problem for most of us ( present company included ) .

  13. 通过对现行法律规定的分析,并结合法理分析,职工在上下班途中,受到机动车事故伤害,被认定为工伤需要具备积极条件与消极条件。

    Through the analysis of the actual law and the theory of the law , the injury the employee suffers from the collision involving motor vehicles on the way between home and office recognized as an industrial injury should satisfy positive and negative condition .

  14. 这里“上下班途中”既包括职工正常工作的上下班途中,也包括职工加班加点的上下班途中。

    The term " on his way to or from work " shall both include on the way to or from work of an employee during his normal working hours , and on the way to or from work of an employee during his overtime .

  15. 但他补充道,这项研究提出了新的理念,那就是“即使是不太剧烈、融入个人生活方式之中的运动,比如上班的方式以及上下班途中的步行,也会起作用。”

    But he added that the study throws up the idea that ' activity , even when modest and integrated into one 's lifestyle like how you get to work , and the walking before and after you 're getting there , could matter ' .

  16. 同时,针对这次条例修改提出的要取消上下班途中受到机动车事故伤害认定为工伤的规定,进行了评点,并提出了有关建议。

    The writer also gives appraisal and relevant suggestion directly against the cancellation for the provision that the injury suffered from motor vehicle accident on the way of going to work and going off work is determined as industrial injury put forward in this amendment of rules .

  17. 很明显,家中美白牙齿非常流行。实际上,美国牙医称这是上下班途中的便携式牙齿美白套装,去上班的时候抹上这种凝胶,到了工作地点之后清洗。回家之前再戴上。

    In fact , I think that many of the USA dentists call it the go-to-work and come-home-to-work system where you put the tray in with this very very small amount of gel while you 're driving to work , then rinse mouth out , and then actually again , driving home , you put the trays in again .

  18. 现在你可以在上下班的途中睡觉啦!

    Now you can sleep while you 're on the go !

  19. 你一生中大约十五分之一的时间花在上下班的途中。

    You spend about a fifteenth of your life commuting .

  20. 这一做法表明企业致力于鼓励员工在外出差和上下班路途中采取环保的交通方式。

    This policy demonstrates corporate commitment to encouraging environmentally friendly forms of transport both for business travel and in getting employees to and from work .