
  1. 失业保险金由社会保险经办机构按月发放。

    Unemployment insurance compensation is paid monthly by social insurance agencies .

  2. (二)指导社会保险经办机构的工作;

    B.guide the work of social insurance agencies ;

  3. 山东省新型农村合作医疗经办机构建设现状分析

    An Analysis on Condition of Administrative Institution of New Cooperative Medical System in Shandong Province

  4. 中长期来看,基本药品应继续由政府经办机构统一询价采购;

    In medium and longterm , essential drugs should still be procured by government agencies .

  5. 探讨了政府行政管理部门与社保经办机构的角色定位。

    3 , Probe into how the government administrative division and social insurance undertaking organization work .

  6. 安徽省南陵县新型农村合作医疗经办机构个案研究

    The case study of new rural cooperative medical administrative institution in Nanling County of Anhui Province

  7. 第三部分是对社会保险经办机构风险因素的识别与分析。

    The third part is to identify and analyze the social insurance agency of risk factors .

  8. 社会保险经办机构定期对缴费单位缴纳社会保险费的情况进行稽核。

    Social security agencies shall make audit periodically on payment of social insurance premiums by payers .

  9. 社会保险经办机构应当每季度将社会保险费征收情况向社会公布。

    Social insurance agencies shall inform the public of the collection of social insurance premiums quarterly .

  10. 第六部分是有针对性的提出了社会保险经办机构风险防范的对策和建议。

    The sixth part is to focus on the social insurance agencies risk prevention measures and suggestions .

  11. 缴费单位和缴费个人有权向社会保险经办机构查询缴费记录。

    The premium-paying entities and individuals are entitled to inquire social security agencies about the payment records .

  12. 社保经办机构人员编制动态调整机制的主要通过宏观和微观手段综合进行控制。

    Social insurance operated agency staffing dynamic adjustment mechanism is mainly controlled by macro and micro means .

  13. 最后要加强医保的信息化建设,通过信息化建设推动医保经办机构更加科学的进行费用控制。

    Lastly , we should enhance the information-based , control the expenses more scientifically by promoting informatization .

  14. 陕西省医疗保险经办机构服务能力现状分析

    The situation analysis of the management and services abilities of health insurance administrative agencies in Shanxi province

  15. 第二十七条社会保险经办机构所需经费列入预算,由财政拨付。

    Article 27 Outlays for social insurance agencies shall be listed into budget and appropriated from government finance .

  16. 本市社会保险经办机构负责城镇生育保险费的征缴工作。

    The municipal agencies handling social insurance are responsible for collecting and paying the urban childbearing insurance premium .

  17. 医疗保险经办机构管理服务能力影响因素通径分析

    The research on the factors influencing management and services abilities of medical insurance agencies using the path analysis model

  18. 劳动部门设立的失业保险机构是失业保险业务的经办机构。

    The unemployment insurance institutions set up by Labor Department shall be in charge of the unemployment insurance business .

  19. 第一层次是参保者与社保经办机构之间的合同关系,参保者与社保经办机构是委托与代理的关系。

    The first level is the contract relationship , principal-agent relation between the insured and the social security agencies .

  20. 核定时间由市社会保险经办机构确定并公布。

    The time for checking and verification shall be determined and publicized by the social security agencies of this Municipality .

  21. 凡失业的,要到当地失业保险经办机构办理失业保险金申领登记。

    Anyone who is unemployed should go to the local Unemployment Insurance Agencies to apply for registration for Unemployment Insurance .

  22. 社会保险经办机构对缴费单位的社会保险费缴费基数每年核定一次。

    Social security agencies shall check and verify the bases of social insurance premiums of the payers once a year .

  23. 经社会保险经办机构核定后,以货币形式足额缴纳社会保险费。

    And shall pay social insurance premiums in cash and in full amount after being verified by the social security agencies .

  24. 应用社会保险信息管理系统可使社会保险业务经办机构工作规范化、高效化。

    Apply the social insurance information management system can make the social insurance departments of standardization work , and more efficient way .

  25. 社会保险基金经办机构和社会保险基金监督机构的设立和职能由法律规定。

    The establishment and functions of social insurance fund organizations and social insurance fund supervision organizations shall be provided for by law .

  26. 补助筹资标准有条件选择6%的单位,可委托社会保险经办机构治理。

    Allowance raises fund the standard chooses the unit of6 % conditionally , can trust management of orgnaization of social insurance agency .

  27. 各地的社保经办机构也可以将基金委托给社保基金理事会,由其选择信托公司进行投资运营。

    The fund managers also can entrust councils of social security fund to deliver the pension insurance fund to the trust investment companies .

  28. 社会保险经办机构为失业人员开具领取失业保险金的单证,失业人员凭单证到指定银行领取失业保险金。

    Social insurance agencies shall issue documents to the unemployed on the basis of which they receive unemployment insurance compensation from designated bank .

  29. 广东省社会保险经办机构的五险统管经办模式,客观上长期掩盖了人员编制不足的现实。

    Five insurance system management handing mode of social insurance operated agency in Guangdong Province , objectively long obscured the reality of inadequate staffing .

  30. 社会保险经办机构应当定期向社会保险征收情况,接受社会监督。

    Orgnaization of social insurance agency ought to be sure to impose a condition to the society regularly , accept a society to supervise .