
  • 网络managerial landlords
  1. 富农经济、经营地主经济和农垦公司是东北农业资本主义经营的主要形式。

    Rich peasant economy , managing landlord economy and farming company are the forms of these operations .

  2. 试论中国封建社会经营地主&对中国封建地主阶级的再认识

    A Trial Probing into the Farming Landlords in Chinese Feudal Society ; a Reexamining of Chinese Feudal Landlord Class

  3. 清代福建经营地主的典型&以闽侯汤院乡郑氏家族为例

    A Typical Study on the Landlord of Fujian Province in the Qing Dynasty & A Case Study of Zheng Zong-zi Family in Tang Yuan Village , Minhou Country

  4. 清末民初,东北地区农业经营方式发生了重要变化,突出表现为以富农、经营地主和农垦公司经营的农场为代表的“大农”规模经营的兴起。

    It behave eminently that " the farm " economy of scale sprung up using farm as representation managed by kulak , managerial landlord and company for farms and land reclamation .

  5. 明末清初《补农书》具有划时代的意义,是探究历史时期的具体的经营方式的重要史料,它反映了农业生产经营结构转变过程中经营地主经营方式转变的过程。

    The book Bulongshu published in the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty has epoch significance and is a valuable literature for the study of the operation patterns in history .