
  1. 人才资源是经济管理活动中的第一资源。

    Talent pool is the most important resource in the economic management .

  2. 在现代企业制度中,财务管理渗透和贯穿于企业的一切经济管理活动之中。

    In the modern enterprise system , financial management penetrates and passes throughout all activities of economic management .

  3. 会计作为一项经济管理活动,应该以科学的方法服务于社会经济活动。

    Accounting is an activity of management , so it must give service to society by scientific methods .

  4. 财务管理是企业组织财务活动,处理与各方面财务关系的一种主要经济管理活动。

    Financial management is important for an enterprise to organize its financial activities and deal with financial relations .

  5. 会计活动作为人类一种重要的经济管理活动,涉及到各种利益关系。

    Accounting activities , an important economic management activity , are concerned with the issue of various relations in terms of interests and profits .

  6. 针对现实经济管理活动中常见的二次网络规划问题,给出了二次网络规划基解的一个新的优化方向,并获得了二次网络规划的一个新的启发式算法。

    For the quadratic network programming problems in practice management and economics , a new optimal direction and a new heuristic algorithm for quadratic network programming are proposed .

  7. 会计是基于经济管理活动的需要产生并发展的,财务报告作为会计信息系统的终端产品,必然随着经济的发展而不断发展变化。

    Accountant is based on the development of economy and management . Financing report as the final product of accountant information system , will develop along with economy .

  8. 计划统计工作是企业一项具有重要意义的经济管理活动,它的好坏直接影响企业的生产、建设,影响企业的发展和经济效益。

    The planning and statistical work , which is an economic management activity with important significance , has direct influence on enterprises production , construction , development and economic benefit .

  9. 项目后评价是对实际运营项目的建设目标、运营过程、综合效益、作用及影响等方面进行系统地、客观地分析和总结的一种技术经济管理活动。

    Post-project Evaluation is a techno-economic management activity based on systematical analysis and summary of construction goal , running process , comprehensive profit , and functions during and after completion of project .

  10. 本文总结了长期以来医院经济管理活动的经验,提出了医院经济管理工作必须树立的四个理念:投入产出均衡理念、经营发展理念、完全成本核算理念和效益评估理念。

    The article summarized the experiences of hospital economic management and proposed that we should set up four concepts including input-output equilibrium concept , operational development concept , completely cost accounting concept and benefit evaluation concept .

  11. 会计作为经济管理活动中的一个重要组成部分,是以货币为主要计量单位,通过对经济业务事项进行确认、记录、报告等一系列行为。

    As one of the important elements in the process of economy management , Accountancy is the process of maintaining , auditing , and processing financial information for business purposes with currency as its main measurement unit .

  12. 会计既是一种经济管理活动又是一个信息系统,其主要职能是利用信息来反映经济活动和监督经济活动行为人。

    Accounting is an economic management activity meanwhile it is an information system . The main function of accounting is to reflect the economic activities and supervise the person who conducts the economic activities through providing the related information .

  13. 人力资源是经济管理活动中的重要资源,企业员工的资质将直接影响到企业是否能够在日益激烈的市场竞争中取得并保持核心竞争力。

    Human resource is an important resource in the economic activities , and competences of the enterprise 's employees will affect directly whether the enterprise can gain and keep the kernel competition powers in the more and more dog-eat-dog market .

  14. 统一会计制度建设是个世界性的重要问题,它对于人类经济管理活动与会计法律制度体系建立的影响充分反映在历史上,也全面、深刻地显示在现在与未来。

    As an important problem worldwide , the influence of the uniform accounting system on management as well as the accounting related laws and regulations is not only profoundly reflected in the history , but also in the present time and the future .

  15. 行政指导作为柔性的、非强制性的新型行政管理方式自20世纪40年代在日本出现并于其后在其他国家兴起以来,已经在世界各国的社会和经济管理活动中发挥了巨大的作用。

    As a new , flexible and non-mandatory administration mode , administrative guidance , since its appearance in Japan and rising in other countries during 1940s , has played a great role in both society management and economics management in various countries of the world .

  16. 知识经济要求管理活动要重视人力资源的开发和利用,以人为本的管理思想切合这一要求。

    Knowledge economy demands more emphasis on the development and use of human re - sources in management . Human-oriented management ideas meet this requirement .

  17. 随着高校的发展,作为高校经济、管理活动重要载体的会计档案所包含的信息量和重要程度都有很大程度的提高。

    With the development of colleges and universities , financial record which is the embodiment of college economic and managing activities has been greatly improved in its information and importance .

  18. 项目成本管理主要通过技术、经济和管理活动来达到预定的目标,通过先进成熟的成本管理理念与制度来保证项目成本管理得以顺利实施。

    Project Cost Management achieves the predicted target through technical , economical and management tasks , with advanced cost management idea and regulation to secure that Project Cost Management can be well implemented .

  19. 企业的各项经济和管理活动都离不开内部控制活动,它促使经济单位和各个组织在经济活动中建立的一种相互制约的业务组织形式和职责分工制度。

    The economic and administrative activities of enterprises can not be separated with internal control , it promotes economic units and organizations to establish forms of business organizations with mutual constraints as well as division of responsibility .

  20. 如果马吉迈说的是正确的,那么新一代的离校生和大学毕业生必须认真考虑,面对数字平台和数据处于每一项经济和管理活动核心的当今时代,他们应该如何学习适用的技能?

    If Magimay is right , then a generation of school-leavers and university graduates must think very hard about how they learn the skills for an era when digital platforms and data are at the heart of every economic and administrative activity .

  21. 经济组织和管理活动中的大系统

    The large scale system in economic system organization and managerial activity

  22. 随着高等学校经济来源、管理活动日趋复杂多样,作为高校经济管理监督的重要手段,内部审计所面临的风险也在日益加大。

    The more complex of economy and management in universities are , the more risk of internal audit would appear .

  23. 管理有效性是指剔除客观基础条件优劣的影响,真正反映由于管理者主观努力而产生经济效益的管理活动的行为特性。

    Management efficiency refers to a behavior characteristic of managing activities , reflecting the economic returns obtained by manager 's efforts , regardless of the influence from objective conditions .

  24. 政府依法维持经济秩序的管理活动,属于行政范畴,不是民事关系,因此受行政法律的支配,而不受合同法的支配。

    The administrative activities of the government to maintain economic order according to law come under the category of administrative relationship , not civil relationship and are therefore governed by administrative laws , not by the contract law .

  25. 政府信用是指各级国家行政机关在经济社会管理和服务活动中能够履行契约而取得的信任,是社会组织、民众对政府行政行为所产生的信誉和形象的一种主观评价或价值判断。

    Government credit is the trust goverment administrative departments at all levels enjoy by keeping promises in social and economic administration as well as social service activities and the common people 's subjective evaluation on the government 's reputation and image in administrative activities .

  26. 经济法律关系主体即经济法主体,包括经济管理主体和经济活动主体两大类。

    The subject is the subject of economic law containing the subject of economic management and that of economic activity .

  27. 世界经济快速发展,现代物流作为一种先进的产业组织模式和经济管理活动,正在全球范围内迅速发展。

    The world economy is developed rapidly , and the modern logistics as an advanced industrial organization and economic management activities is extending among the worldwide .