
bài jī
  • be utterly defeated;be routed;suffer a defeat;debacle
败绩 [bài jì]
  • [debacle;be routed] 打了败仗;溃败;失败的记录

  • 齐师败绩。--《左传.庄公十年》

败绩[bài jī]
  1. 该队的竞争对手本赛季尚无败绩。

    The team 's opponents are unbeaten so far this season .

  2. 那支队离开球场,虽尝败绩,却并未屈服。

    The losing team left the field bloody but unbowed .

  3. 因教练无能,该队屡遭败绩。

    The coach was incompetent and the team suffered repeated defeats .

  4. 我们也会用facepalm或facepalmmoments(捂脸时刻)来形容许多遭遇败绩的电影、企业和政治决策。

    business , and political decisions have been described as facepalms or " facepalm moments " .

  5. 到目前为止,我们的队伍已经两胜且无败绩。

    So far our team has had two wins and no losses .

  6. 上星期六这支队又遭败绩。

    The team 's tale of woe continued on saturday .

  7. 企业的败绩最终都可以归结为是由内部控制失败引起的。

    Business failures could be attributed to internal control failure caused by .

  8. 即使败绩,我也要尝试一下。

    I will try even if I may fail .

  9. 在和来自欧洲大陆的球队的比赛中,英格兰队首尝主场败绩。

    The England football team suffer their first home defeat against continental opposition .

  10. 遭受败绩之后,那支足球队士气相当低落。

    The morale of the football team was very low after its defeat .

  11. 他就是德国空军各次败绩的替罪羊。

    He had been made the scapegoat for all the failures of the Luftwaffe .

  12. 千百次征战所向披靡,一朝败绩,

    After a thousand victories once foiled ,

  13. 美国的历史绝不是懦夫知难而退的败绩,而是全民锐意进取、勇攀高峰的凯歌。

    The story of America isn 't about people who quit when things got tough .

  14. 杨鸿首次尝败绩,很不以为然。

    Yang Hong tastes the defeat for the first time , thinks otherwise very much .

  15. 他也明白,我若是在官僚机构的你争我夺中败绩过多的话,也是不能够这样出人头地的。

    He understood that I had not reached eminence by losing too many bureaucratic battles .

  16. 爱尔兰队在本组中还未有过败绩,该组还包括津巴布韦队、荷兰队和阿拉伯联合酋长国队。

    The Irish are unbeaten in a group that also includes Zimbabwe , the Netherlands and the United Arab Emirates .

  17. 在我的生活中,自己已经无数次屡尝败绩,而这也是为什么我能成功。

    I 've failed over and over and over again in my life , and that is why I succeed .

  18. 经历了二十年的经济停滞之后,日本现在制定了一项计划,旨在彻底改变自己未能对互联网时代做出反应的惊人败绩。

    After two decades of stagnation , Japan has developed a plan to reverse its spectacular failure to respond to the Internet age .

  19. 在第二次布匿战争中,汉尼拔在意大利征战十余年未尝败绩,并屡胜强敌。

    In the Second Punic War , Hannibal went on an expedition in Italy for more than ten years and he often won .

  20. 这是巴西在世界杯决赛阶段的史上最惨痛的失利,超过了98年世界杯决赛0-3负于法国的败绩。

    This is Brazil 's biggest defeat in World Cup finals history , surpassing their 3-0 loss to France in the final in 1998 .

  21. 事实上,一位中国诗人在大约2000年前就预言了巴西的败绩――反正中国一些网民是这样说的。

    In fact , a Chinese poet foretold Brazil 's defeat almost 2000 years ago -- according to some Chinese Internet users , anyway .